"So, you mean... That demon from the Summer Kingdom wants to buy our game? In the boys' dormitory, several developers of "Ghost Swordsman" looked at Li Zhexiu with amazement on their faces at this time.

Just now, Li Zhexiu hurriedly gathered all of them, and the first sentence he said was this sentence, which stunned everyone in surprise.

Just now you were very resistant to selling the game, and now you agree to sell it?

Moreover, or sold to a Xia Guo man who has a bad reputation in Goryeo?


Confirmed by Li Zhexiu, everyone couldn't help but exclaim:

"Oh my God, Zhexiu, are you crazy?"

"Didn't we say okay, we are sure to sell this game to Neople, why do you suddenly want to sell it to this Xia Guo people, do they understand what a game is?"

"Yes, this Xia Guoist is not a good person."

"What did he tell you?"


was puzzled, they really didn't understand why Li Zhexiu had undergone such a big change in a short period of time, and some people even wondered if that demon from Xia Country had poured some kind of soul soup into Li Zhexiu.

But in fact, only Li Zhexiu himself knew that An Li did not pour him any soul soup, but only gave him a future.

Still in control of the future of Ghost Swordsman!

In that conversation, An Li not only promised Li Zhexiu the greatest authority to give him, but more importantly, An Li had an excellent vision in the follow-up planning of the game, and he planned the blueprint of the game for the next ten years, and even the details were not missed.

That alone killed Neople's acquisition plans.

"We are the designers of this game, the father and mother of this game, and I'm sure none of you want this game to just disappear." Li Zhexiu looked at everyone with confidence on his face: "And in Mule, a Xia Guo, I see hope, I see that he is indeed planning the future of this game, and I also see the opportunity for success."

"But... This man's reputation is so bad that no one knows if he is lying. "Some people are not confident.

"It won't."

Li Zhexiu shook his head: "He told me that what he said in that speech before was both trendy and intentional, he just wanted everyone to know him, because in this way I can trust him, and we can clearly put on the attitude of Goryeo and Xia Guo." "


Want to buy your own game in the first place?

Moreover, the figure who has now become the target of public opinion in Koryo is actually doing this for his own purpose?

Everyone looked confused, never expecting that the relationship that seemed to be incompatible with each other was so connected at this time. And once united, everyone gradually understood why that Xia Guoist did this.

Goryeo has always been prejudiced against the Xia people, and even many people actually look down on the Xia people from the bottom of their hearts.

This is the disdain of developed countries for developing countries.

But with what An Li said at the speech before, it has now caused an uproar in China, and some people may scold An Li, but in fact, many young people really recognize that the gap between the two countries is not as big as imagined.

Similarly, more and more people have begun to face Xia Guo squarely.

That speech, just for an opportunity to negotiate?

If it is true, then this demon from the Xia Kingdom really came with a slow sincerity, with such sincerity, won't he still develop in full force after acquiring the game?

"Just now, Mr. Mule told me that Neople's offer price is one million yuan, and he is willing to offer three million yuan." Li Zhexiu spoke again.

"How much?"

"Three million yuan? How much is that?

"Threefold, threefold!"

"510 million won!"

"Oh my God, how does he have so much money?"


exclaimed, to be honest, Neople's one million offer was enough to surprise everyone, but who would have thought that the young man named An Li would have invested three million!

This is a fortune that they dare not imagine!

Can't help it, everyone's breathing is rapid at this moment, Li Zhexiu looked at this scene, and couldn't help shaking his head in his heart. An Li's offer was beyond his expectations, but in fact, what impressed him was An Li's plan for this game, which was what it valued the most.

However, obviously, their companions do not seem to have such considerations, and they value more than the immediate interests.

"So, are you willing to sell it to this Xia Countryman?" Li Zhexiu asked.

Since the others looked at each other, they all saw the shock in each other's eyes, but no one spoke for the time being, and only one person took the lead in breaking the silence:

"This game has been uploaded on the Korean game website from the beginning, although Neople's side has not yet signed a contract, but they have begun to prepare, we will do this now, will not ..."

To put it bluntly, they are greedy for this money, but they are afraid of being attacked by public opinion.

After all, on this cusp, no one wants to be a bird, and now Neople has begun to warm up, if the news suddenly comes out, "Ghost Swordsman" is not sold to local game companies, but to Xia Guo people, and it is still the demon from Xia Guo, then this news is inevitable... It's terrible.

"Yes, if we sell it at this time, will we be regarded as traitors?"

"I'm afraid my parents and classmates will despise us."

"But he really gave enough money, ah, it's so hard to choose!"


was entangled, but Li Zhexiu watched coldly, with a bit of indifference in his eyes.

From beginning to end, they did not think that the game would not be unsatisfactory to the Summer Congress, they did not worry about the future of this game, all they thought about was whether their own interests could be guaranteed.

Seeing this, Li Zhexiu sighed in his heart, but he was a little more relaxed.

The ease of relief.

Seeing that everyone was still entangled, Li Zhexiu opened his mouth and reminded: "At present, Sir said, we have half an hour to discuss, so within half an hour, he needs our answer, if you still can't make a decision, he will withdraw his intention to buy our game." "

Li Zhexiu, it has been decided.

It's better to sell to Oak than to Neople, a little-known company.

This is also the reason why An Li is so confident to compete, Neople has always been a small company with no name, they have tried several games before, but without exception all of them have broken down, and the reputation has not been very good.

In fact, it was not until Neople acquired the single-player game DNF and improved it into an online game that Neople ushered in the harvest season, and even in later generations, Neople's signature has always been only DNF, and without DNF, Neople has no advantageous game.

There is money, there is planning, what else is not to choose?

Blending into the school, talking about all sides, all in order to reach out to the team and take down DNF one step ahead of Neople.

As for whether it will fail after meeting people.

This issue was not considered by An Que from the beginning.

Indeed, when night fell completely, Li Zhexiu called:

"We agree to sell "Ghost Swordsman" to you with full rights!"


The first trump card of the wood music game, won!

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