Special moves?

As soon as Professor Fu's words came out, everyone in the audience was immediately shocked.

This is not an ordinary school special recruitment, but a special recruitment of Jinling University, which is a key university of the Eight Classics, and even in the key universities, it is also a top school, and it is absolutely stable in the top ten in the country.

As early as more than a decade ago, special recruitment has rarely appeared in various colleges.

But now, Professor Fu of Jinling University directly asked to recruit this student, and it was only because of a student's essay!

In this school, countless people can't get into it even if they fight hard, but this student is now directly recruited!

Good luck!

Everyone couldn't help but marvel.

Professor Fu's name is placed there, and he is a character who spits and nails one by one, and if people say special tricks, they will definitely not admit it afterwards. This means that this student has been admitted in advance with this essay, how is this situation not good luck?

"Luck, this student's luck is really good!"

"Luck is a part, strength is indeed there, and this essay can almost determine the ability of this student."

"Quzhou is going to be a demon this year!"

"..." The

teachers sighed one after another, a special move of Jinling University is enough to become a topic for everyone.

But just when everyone felt surprised enough, a voice suddenly came from outside the door: "Wait, wait, this student, we also want special recruitment!" "


A word was full of shock, turned his head to look, and saw a meticulous old man wearing a Zhongshan suit with combed hair also walked in, and everyone was shocked when they saw this person.

"Professor Wei!"

"God, what's going on today?"

"Professor Wei is the dean of the School of Life Sciences at Modu University!"

"The two great gods are going to rob this student?"

"Gee, the immortals are fighting, the real immortals are fighting!"


This old man who just appeared, in an instant, thundered the people who were originally surprised enough to be scorched and tender, a special move of Jinling University is enough to be surprising, but now a magic capital special move has appeared, what is the matter?

And seeing this old man, Professor Fu, who had just given sixty points, suddenly frowned:

"Professor Wei, what do you mean by this?"

"Haha, Professor Fu, I'm at a loss for asking this question." Professor Na Wei smiled and walked in: "I heard that there is an excellent essay here, and it just so happens that my person is here, so I quickly ran to take a look, for talents, our Modu University has always been thirsty for talents."

When he said this, Professor Wei's eyes swept over the controversial essay, and his face was full of surprise and admiration:

"Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, really wonderful, this essay really deserves full marks, if I can, I even want to add a few more points!"

But his words made Professor Fu's brows frown, looking at Professor Wei's attitude at this time, he couldn't help but say angrily: "Wei Guangming, what do you want to do now, and rob people with our Jinling University, this student is obviously what I value first, our Jinling University has already determined the special recruitment, you want to intervene now?"

"Haha, Professor Fu, what you said is so can be regarded as a horizontal kick, I just want to give this student a chance to choose." Professor Wei smiled and said nonchalantly:

"You Jinling University can recruit special recruits, can it be that we are not allowed to recruit special recruits?"

These words made Professor Fu's face more and more ugly.

What is the opportunity to choose more?

Jinling University is indeed a key university in the country, but compared to Modu University, it does not have much advantage. And one is in the magic capital, the other is in Jinling, although the distance is not far, but compared to in the magic capital, who wants to be in Jinling, this is not a choice, but a blatant strongman!

"Wei Guangming, don't go too far!" Professor Fu roared.

Professor Wei replied, "Hey, Fu Lihong, what's going on with you, just allow you to recruit a special move, and we can't recruit a special recruit from the Magic Capital University?"

"This is obviously what I saw first!"

"Hey, what else is this kind of thing that comes first, besides, even if you see it, what if you go through the special recruitment procedures, even if you handle these, can this student report to your school?"

"You... Shameless!

"It's not shameless, it's a thirst for talent!"

"This student is our Jinling University anyway, if your school wants special recruitment, go and find a new student!"

"This is not okay, our Modu University is very interested in what he said about micro-scalable 3D printing technology, especially in our biological sciences, in this regard, it is actually better to come to our school and better for his future."

"You guys are okay in biological sciences, what are our opponents of Jinling University in other majors?"

"Look at what you said

, you..." "..." The

two were in front of the machine in this reading room, and you were scolding each other.

The teachers on the side had already been stunned, these two gods were both super gods of the Eight Classics, usually they couldn't even pull out a leg hair, but now, these two super gods were like ordinary old people fighting in the vegetable market, rolling up their sleeves and damaging each other.

This style of painting....


But in the same way, everyone couldn't help but envy the student.

Being able to get a special move is already enviable enough, and now, people not only get a special move, but also let two real famous universities compete, and even two respected old people, completely disregarding the image for him.

Who has ever had this honor?

And during this quarrel, the most uncomfortable thing was not the two old men, but the teacher Wang who had only given An Li twenty points before, and at this time, looking at the two fighting, he felt even more that he had lost his face.

Look, I can't look at it, but the two great gods of the people don't care about the competition for images!

Made, shame on you.

Quietly, while no one noticed him, Teacher Wang covered his stomach and quietly left....

And Teacher Wang left, and the other one who suffered the most was Hou Jieren, who invited the great gods, at this time, in addition to envious of the candidate who wrote this essay, he regretted the decision he made after his brain was hot.

Good, what expert group to invite?

Now it's okay, it's easy to ask God to send God, and the two old people are now fighting for red faces, all because of themselves.

Seeing that the two great gods were still arguing, Hou Jieren couldn't help it:


Shaking his head, Hou Jieren increased his voice: "Two old men, now it's the last day of the college entrance examination, or let's finish the marking work first?" "

Still no one bothered....

Couldn't help it, Hou Jieren increased his voice again:

"Or, let's go and count the scores, see the talents you all look at, how many points did you get in the final test, and then see if he is a student of that school, what is his name?"

Well, when this word comes out, the effect is immediate.

"Okay, go check it out!"

"That's right, hurry!"

Listening to the urging of these two, Hou Jieren looked helpless.

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