Two days later, Beichen High School, the college entrance examination results came down, and today is the time to fill in the volunteers.

However, the chaotic filling in of volunteers in previous years is now in order.

"An Li, he is a very motivated student, this child has a research energy, often study until late at night, once I went to check my bed at one o'clock at night, and found that he was still reading with a flashlight, I also said to him at that time, do you know what he said, he told me that learning is endless, and said that going to bed late at night is the best time in memory."

"That's right, An Li this student is indeed very sensible, he is more assiduous and serious than other students, in the third year of high school he has begun to teach himself college knowledge, is a willing to study children, the second time the bottom exam he was still learning university knowledge, later found that there was a problem with the foundation, and began to work hard to grasp high school knowledge points, when the third touch has already achieved full scores."

"This student is the pride of our Beichen, and I hope that future students will follow the example of An Li."

"Willing to learn, willing to study, full score in the college entrance examination is actually not an unbreakable myth."


today's school, reporters from all media carrying long guns and short cannons rushed into the campus and began to conduct comprehensive interviews with school leaders and An Li's teachers.

And Quercus Quercus ....

At this time, he continued to play his sculpture work with a smile on his face.

After all, a college entrance examination champion who broke the history of the college entrance examination, in ancient times it was a imperial examination champion, which can be summoned by the emperor, although it is not so exaggerated now, but it is extremely attractive no matter where it is placed.

The media and journalists from all sides will certainly not let him go.

After all, breaking the college entrance examination record and becoming the first person in the college entrance examination, An Li immediately became a fragrant food in the eyes of all media and reporters.

In fact, the school informed itself yesterday that there will be a large number of journalists and media interviews this year to prepare themselves.

However, for the time being, we are still interviewing teachers and leaders.

At this time, An Li's previous performance was highlighted, self-taught university knowledge, genius prodigy and a series of other personalities, at this time, one after another. No one is surprised because they have taken a college entrance examination title, but more people feel that it is taken for granted.

In everyone's description, An Li has not even spoken, and has become a standard three-good student image who is energetic and loves learning.

"How, the reporter will come to interview you later, are you nervous?" Qi Wei leaned over and asked in a low voice.


What kind of joke, I have faced this big scene myself, and even some sharp interviews of foreign media have coped with themselves, so that the interview with a pre-draft was prepared before, what is there to be nervous about.

Shaking his head, An Li smiled bitterly: "I just feel that these teachers boast about me too much, I didn't say that there is no end to learning, and it is true that I was caught by the sleep check in the middle of the night, but it was just because I hid in the bed in the middle of the night to make a movie." "


Qi Wei couldn't help but be amused, the whole person became more and more beautiful and moving, and forced a smile: "Everyone needs a positive image, as a college entrance examination champion, is it possible that you can't set an example for future candidates?"

"Hey, you don't know how to do this." An Li smiled.

"What is not a teacher, the school said before, ask us to give speeches on stage, I checked a lot of information, and I also know a little about the reporter's interview." Qi Wei gave An Li a blank look.

This look was really heart-wrenching, and An Li heard the heartbreak of the other students.

Fill in the volunteer, by the way to gather the whole school students to hold a meeting, let the two students with high scores of the school on the stage to speak, this is the school's plan, after all, now the college entrance examination champion is famous, summoning back to give a speech can also expand the popularity.

This matter, An Li did not refuse, after all, from the later life, An Li knows the benefits of personality, and Sister Dong who does not see Gree personally went into battle to promote the brand, which is also a routine that many companies will play in the future.

Since he won the college entrance examination, there is nothing wrong with showing his face in front of the media and establishing a personality.

"By the way, how did you prepare your speech?"

"Don't worry." An Li smiled and pointed to his head: "It's all here." "

Unscripted speech?" Qi Wei was stunned.

An Li shook his head, he could see that Qi Wei was still a little nervous, and whispered at the moment: "In fact, the speech is very simple, if you are afraid and nervous, I will tell you a good way."

"What way?" Qi Wei suddenly became interested.

But seeing An Li looking left and right, God whispered mysteriously: "After you come to power, you treat the people below as turnip cabbage." "

Turnip cabbage?" Qi Wei was stunned.

"Who is the turnip and who is the cabbage, then you have to distinguish yourself." An Li said with a smile: "What about you, after you come to power, you are the farmer, they all have to listen to your command, and even if you wave your hand casually, they can swing along."

Qi Wei suddenly smiled, and her nervousness eased a lot.

Just as the two were talking and laughing, a voice came: "Son, this classmate is another student in your school who was admitted to Qinghua, right?" Turning

his head to look, the person who came was Zheng Cui, Anmu.

After all, it is to fill in the volunteer and accept the award on stage, and Anmu was also invited as a guest, after all, in addition to interviewing the school and the students themselves, parents are also the top priority.

In fact, Zheng Cui had been looking at Qi Wei from a distance before, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it, and finally couldn't help but come up to say hello at this time.

Looking at the way her mother stared at Qi Wei without blinking, An Li understood what her old man was thinking, and nodded helplessly: "Mom, this is Qi Wei, another student in our school who was admitted to Qinghua, and she has always been the first place in Beichen's grade for three years of high school." Qi Wei, this is my mother. "

Ah... Good aunt! Qi Wei quickly spoke obediently, but her face unconsciously blushed.

"Haha, hello hello, our family An Li often talks about you, saying that you are beautiful, kind-hearted, and your grades have always been top-notch, today I finally saw me, I didn't expect it to be better than I thought!" Zheng Cui was full of praise.

An Li couldn't help but roll her eyes.

This old mother seems to be also a bragging without blinking, when did she blow so much?

As for Qi Wei, he couldn't help but glance at An Li, with a little shyness in his eyes, and a little blame, that look was really amorous.

An Li couldn't help but touch his nose.

Mom, this is counted... Assisted?

But soon, Qi Wei withdrew her gaze and said to Zheng Cui: "Auntie, don't listen to An Li, my study is not as good as An Li."

"Haha, it's already good to be able to take the Qinghua exam, by the way, I heard that you are also going to give a speech on stage, are you ready?"

"Ready, Auntie, I..." The

two women, who were chatting eagerly, were until An Que was left to the side.

Qi Wei is actually not good at words, but Zheng Cui seems to be very talkative, and Qi Wei, a little girl, was brought to her own rhythm by Zheng Cui in minutes.

Fortunately, when the two wanted to talk happily, the principal took the stage.

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