"This kid, something!"

The city leader pointed to An Li, with a reassuring smile on his face.

Qi Wei in the audience brightened her eyes, and her eyes looked at An Li with burning eyes. She suddenly found that the words in her previous words were actually not as effective as the simple story of An Que, looking at the applause of the classmates around her who had not stopped, and looking at the light in the eyes of these students.

Qi Wei understood.

The fire in the hearts of these people was ignited, it was a fire of self-confidence, and it was also a fire of hope for the future!

"Again, I want you to know." The applause subsided, and An Li said again:

"What is success?"

Without waiting for anyone to answer, An Li continued to speak:

"Success is in a certain field, a certain industry, achieving achievements that others have not achieved, gaining praise from others, and reaching the realm that everyone is praising it, which is called success."

"Just like I won the college entrance examination, this is a success in the eyes of many people, so I can face everyone, talk eloquently, face the camera, and also be able to say a few words."

"That's because I've been successful in my studies."

"So..." "

What about you?"

"Everyone has their own strengths, everyone has their own strengths, everyone has their own dreams, in your hearts, what is success, then it is the path you need to strive and move forward."

"Today I won the college entrance examination, tomorrow you may be able to achieve higher achievements in other fields."

"If success is the door at the end of the road, then everyone has their own door waiting for you, far or near, but he is always there, waiting for you to open."

"The road is always under your feet."

"Moving forward, you will finally open that door!"


Another round of applause broke out in an instant, and the brilliance in everyone's eyes became more and more hot.

In the face of overwhelming applause, An Li bowed to the audience and prepared to leave, because what he was about to say had already been said.

After all this, how many people could change because of his words, he did not know.

But at least, he spoke what was in his mind.

But An Li wanted to leave, but the others didn't do it, they still had some unfinished thoughts, how long has An Li been on the stage now, is there five minutes?

Even parents and teachers were reluctant at this time, hoping that someone would stop An Li.

"An Li-san!"

And when everyone didn't want An Li to end, Qi Wei had already raised her head and suddenly spoke.

In an instant, everyone's eyes looked at Qi Wei.

They didn't know why Qi Wei suddenly stopped An Li, but they hoped that Qi Wei could let An Li say something more, because An Li's words were like a mouthful of chicken soup, whether it was satisfactory or dissatisfied with the college entrance examination, or those waiting for the college entrance examination to come, they could personally feel the generation of a belief.

Such speeches, they don't want to stop.

"You just said that everyone's success is different, I want to know, for An Li, what is the success in your mind?" Qi Wei suddenly asked.

As soon as this question came out, many people praised it in their hearts.


Qi Wei's question can be described as quite timely, so that An Li can stay on the stage more, and more importantly, many people also want to know, in the many people think that An Li has succeeded, what is his next goal?

The success in his mind is actually his dream!

The dream of a college entrance examination with a perfect score, this is something that deserves everyone's attention.

Even the reporters and media on the side were instantly aiming at An Li and setting him as a focus target, waiting to see if he had any new golden sentences.

"Success in my mind?"

An Li muttered, and many eyes were fixed on him, expecting his speech.

A moment later, An Li suddenly smiled, his gaze crossed the crowd, and fell on Qi Wei accurately, his eyes were facing each other, Qi Weiqiao's face was red, and he couldn't help but want to avoid this gaze, but An Li had already asked:

"Do you really want to know what success is in my mind?"

This sudden rhetorical question made Qi Wei a little uncomfortable, especially when facing this An Li's gaze, she felt a fawn bump in her heart, and her face blushed to the root of her ears, but even though her heart was extremely flustered, Qi Wei still did not choose to withdraw her gaze, but nodded heavily:


In such a conversation between the two, many people present saw that something was wrong.

The students looked at Qi Wei with heartbreak on their faces, wanting to glare angrily at this An Que but couldn't, they could only lament in their hearts: "Goddess, we are destined to have a fate..."

"What is this kid doing?" Don't let him bring the bad atmosphere of early love! "The school leaders were in a bit of a hurry.

"Hey, young people, they've all graduated from high school." At this time, the city leader smiled: "If there are students who are inspired, study hard for which female doll, and get admitted to the top prize, we will also support it."

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately shut up.

Early love or something, it is not uncommon in various schools, after all, they are young people who have just opened their emotions, there will always be a few sweethearts, this in itself is nothing, as long as it is properly guided, do not deviate, do not affect learning, in fact, many high schools will choose to turn a blind eye.

Fortunately, An Li still didn't say anything too much, and spoke:

"Since I was in elementary school, my elementary school teacher told me that my grades are very good, I study hard, and I can be admitted to a university in the future, and even a good university."

"At that time, I didn't understand what college was, I just knew that it was a very distant thing."

"When I went to junior high school, my junior high school teacher also told me that my grades were good, I studied hard, and I could be admitted to university in the future, and even a good university."

"At that time, I still didn't understand what college was, but I came to know that it seemed to be a sign of success."

"In high school, all the classmates will talk about college-related topics, and everyone has such and such a desire, the desire to get into college, the desire to get into a good university, the desire to get into a better university."

"At that time, I gradually knew what college was, and I set it as my goal for success."

"Now, I have succeeded in the college entrance examination, I have successfully obtained the opportunity to go to university, and all the key universities in China are at my disposal."

"I succeeded, I fulfilled what everyone wanted from me from childhood to adulthood."

"But..." "

Is this really a success?"

"Will I be able to live in infinite glory and the praise of all people for the rest of my life because of this success?"

"The answer is, NO!"

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