With An Li's experience, he could see at a glance that Qi Wei must have said something that he couldn't say before, and then looking at the look of courage and red cheeks, An Li could even guess what Qi Wei wanted to say.

But now....

Yes, the fight will be as it is.

If this kind of girl wants her to pluck up the courage to say something again, it probably depends on luck.

Turning his head to look at the principal, An Li's eyes were a little resentful, this gaze was like a purdah woman, so that the principal couldn't help but stop and touch his nose, and then looked dazed.

But soon, the resentment in An Li's eyes disappeared, and in a second he became a well-behaved Miyoshi student:

"Hello principal!"

"Hehe, classmate An Li, classmate Qi Wei, let me introduce you." The principal also recovered in an instant, although he felt that An Li's eyes must have some story, but he still did not forget the current business, and hurriedly pointed to the old scholar with white hair beside him:

"This is Dean Fu of Jinling University."

The four-character signboard of Jinling University was typed, even An Li couldn't help but be surprised, but for a moment he guessed the other party's intention, but did not show it, but obediently exclaimed:

"Hello Dean Fu!"

Qi Wei on the side also hurriedly greeted, but there was some thought in his eyes.

"Hehe, hello, hello, Quzhou is really a good place for people." Fu Lihong smiled and praised and greeted.

He came to Quzhou on purpose, naturally for An Li, the champion.

Special move!

Starting from An Lih's "Letter Ten Years Later", Fu Lihong had already determined that he wanted to recruit this student, but he never expected that after listening to An Li's speech today, Fu Lihong found that he underestimated this young man far ago.

With such talents, the future potential is absolutely endless!

He admired Quercus.

An Li's letter ten years later, almost covering the country's layout and planning in science and technology in the next ten years, although it has not been promoted to explanation, but it can be seen that An Li has always understood these, and some of the professional knowledge involved is full of praise even after the authority reads it.

What's more, his speech just now, the explanation and views on success, refreshed his understanding of students.

This is not a student who reads dead books, but a student with his own ideas and plans, and such students are always more powerful than those who only know how to bury their heads in hard reading.

His future is limitless!

Even, Fu Lihong suspects that this student may even achieve excellent results in the field of scientific research in the future.

And when Fu Lihong admired An Lihong, An Lihong was actually secretly looking at Fu Lihong.

The name of this man scared him.

This is an authoritative figure in physics, the physics major of Jinling University has always been the second in the country, and this school has walked out of countless physics big figures. And Fu Lihong graduated from Jinling University with a physics major, and then served as a physics assistant, and finally became the dean step by step, and the ability is definitely not covered.

More importantly, An Lihong knew that Fu Lihong had done a big thing eight years later.

65nm lithography machine technology!

Speaking of lithography machines, perhaps many people don't know what this thing is, but if you talk about another one, there are definitely many people who know.

Chip technology!

Whether it is military technology, aviation field, mobile phone computer, and even a remote control and remote control toy in the home, chips are needed.

But unfortunately, chip technology has always been a domestic weakness, and has even been sanctioned by overseas powers.

And how are chips made?

The first thing is to make the wafer, which is actually silica chlorination and distillation, and then sliced, and after cutting into slices, we are the silicon wafers we want.

The wafer is made, the next step is the second step, coating the surface of the wafer with a photoresist film, this film can improve the oxidation resistance and temperature resistance of the wafer, fortunately, there is no problem in this regard in China, in fact, this thing itself is nothing special.

Really big head, in the back.

The lithography machine plays an extremely vital role here. After coating, the wafer needs to be irradiated to the wafer coating film with ultraviolet light through the mask and convex lens, softened it, and then dissolved and washed away with a solvent, exposing the silicon under the film.

After that, an etching machine can be used to etch N and P wells on the exposed silicon, and inject ions to form PN junctions, that is, logic gates, and then make upper metal connection circuits through chemical and physical meteorological precipitation.

Finally, there's wafer testing and packaging.

This is the approximate production process of a chip, now that we know the process, let's see what we can do for this small chip in China.

First of all, the first point, the material problem.

Silicon is judged by purity, and if there are a bunch of impurities in silicon, then electrons don't want to run smoothly between full and empty orbits. At present, the world's solar-grade high-purity silicon requirements are 99.9999%, and more than half of the world's things are domestically produced, which has long been played with cabbage prices.

The electronic grade high-purity silicon for high-end chips requires 99.9999999999%, almost all thanks to imports, and it was not until ten years later that Jinling's Xinhua Company achieved mass production, but more than 75% of high-purity silicon still relies on imports.

From now on, high-purity silicon is completely dependent on imports.

Secondly, the second point is the technical level.

High-end chips need to be used hundreds of millions of devices to form a huge circuit, in addition to the purity of silicon, but also need enough precision instruments.

And the first is the lithography machine.

The technology of the lithography machine is particularly important, the more sophisticated the lithography machine technology, the more able to complete the complex process, and this is the biggest gap with the United States and other powerful countries.

Ordinary lithography machines can be developed in China, but high-precision lithography machines, technology has been blocked by foreign countries, and even in this regard, China is actually lagging behind the United States and other countries for at least 20 years of science and technology!

This backwardness, naturally there are problems at home, and more importantly, foreign countries have carried out a technical blockade of Xia Guo.

To this end, the United States has made a shameless agreement such as the "Wassenaar Agreement", and even Tsarist Russia has signed this agreement in order to limit the development of domestic chip technology.

How shameful is this agreement?

Sensitive technology cannot be sold, Xia Guo, North Korea, Iran, Libya are all restricted countries, even if they want to sell, they must ask the United States to nod and agree. Even selling it cannot be sold to the country, everything can only be developed by domestic scientists themselves.

In this technology, the Dutch ASML company swept the world, and it was even rumored that whoever bought ASML's lithography machine first would be the first to have the 7nm process.

What is even more shameless is that in the year after tomorrow, China will successfully develop a 90nm lithography machine, but the front foot has just been developed in China, and the back foot of the United States will open the blockade of the 90nm lithography machine to the country, which made countless Chinese people angry at that time.

At that time, Fu Lihong began to invest in the research and development of lithography machine technology, and eight years later, successfully broke the 65nm lithography machine.

Similarly, at that time, the United States opened the blockade of 65nm lithography machines to China.

Even before the amphibian crossing, more sophisticated lithography machine technology still did not appear, but the Netherlands has already appeared 7nm lithography machine.

The name Fu Lihong was also obscured by the shameless operation of the United States.

But it is undeniable that this is a domestic scientist who is still self-improvement under the blockade of the United States, a real scientific researcher, and a figure worthy of admiration.

And now, such a figure who has conquered the 65nm lithography machine in the future is in front of him.

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