Whether the employees believed what An Li said or not, they all acted quickly in the direction set by An Li. There's nothing the information department can say, it's that there is nothing wrong with the technical improvements, their real problem is how to attract players.

Fortunately, although the benefits of the happy gathering era are not good, after all, they have been doing it for so long, there is a certain user base, and they have also accumulated a certain number of boutique posts, and it is only a matter of time before they completely transform.

And the biggest problem is the key target of An Oak, YY voice.

"The test results of this voice software are very unsatisfactory, and the idea can be maintained, but your style of imitating TS is too obvious, and there are too many problems in terms of packet loss and delay, so push it down and redo it, such a software can only be regarded as almost the same."

YY Voice Division, An Li looked at the test results and frowned.

He knew that the Huanju era had been tested on multi-play voice, and he also knew that the YY voice in the previous life didn't actually get much attention when it was just launched, but he didn't expect that the early development of the Huanju era turned out to be such a thing.


So bad that I have no friends!

Not to mention the TS that currently occupies half of the country, even the much-complained UC can not compare, in this case, to launch such a product out, it is completely self-blackening.

The head of the YY Voice Business Department, who was also full of joy because he was entrusted with a heavy task, looked embarrassed at this time, never expected that one second it seemed to rise into the clouds, and the next second he was scolding the bloody dog, but they didn't dare to refute anything.

There is nothing to refute, they are not professional in the first place, and it is not easy to make a voice call that works.

However, for Quercus, this is not enough.

When the two responsible persons left with the information, Lei Jun smiled on the side: "In fact, this is not to blame them, after all, the era of joy before the voice call has not been paid too much attention to, but it is only intended to be developed as a pilot, and everything has a growth process." "

High investment means high efficiency."

An Li shook his head: "If I'm not mistaken, the Happy Gathering Era has invested more than two million in playing more voice, and the result is still like this, so I can't continue to make any excuses."

"This..." Lei Jun was stunned, thinking about it carefully.

Have invested two million, what software should be improved, did not care before is not good, but a closer look will find that the problem is really big.

"A voice dialogue software, if you want to solve latency and packet loss, you need high-quality server investment."

"But again, internal optimization is crucial."

"Servers aside, our internal detection has latency and packet loss, which is enough to see the problem with our server. And our interface and operation are too poor, although it imitates TS, but in fact there are no features that we play more, and more importantly, our memory occupation is too large. "

The memory usage is too high, which means that users using our voice program and then enabling the game will become stuttering, which is a very big problem."

Listening to An Li's words, Lei Jun's face gradually became serious.

He has a point.

As the boss of Kingsoft, maybe I don't know much about hardware, but I definitely know enough about software, and at this time, An Li said that he did directly point out the biggest problem of playing voice at present, and it just so happens that these problems are the deadliest things of a voice call software.

"Mr. An is right, this aspect is indeed my negligence, their progress is too slow, and the useless overhead is too large, I will supervise as soon as possible." Li Xueling nodded again and again in assurance.

"Okay, this aspect is left to you to handle, we can introduce technology without us, or hire high-tech talents, but meaningless research is meaningless to us." An Li nodded.

"At the moment, the interface problem is a minor issue, as long as it is optimized and designed."

"Our biggest problem is packet loss and delay, and my requirement is to strive for the best in the industry."

"Only when these two problems are solved can our project open up the market."

"I want to know, Mr. An, in your plan, where is our way of making money?" Lei Jun listened to An Li's words, and couldn't help but ask at this time: "Whether it is the reform of the multi-play community or the development of YY voice, we need to find the relevant profit point, is your profit point placed on YY voice?"

"Is Ann always going to charge on YY Voice?" Similar to TS? Li Xueling also looked at An Li, and couldn't help but be curious in his heart.

The profit model is the biggest problem.

Similarly, this problem has actually existed since the beginning of the Huanju era, whether it is Li Xueling or Lei Jun, they have always been a little helpless about this problem, and they don't know what choice to make.

So, when An Li proposed to make YY voice a strategic target, both thought of TS voice.

At present, there are two mainstream software in the voice call market, one is TS and the other is UC, these two software can be regarded as equally divided the world in the gamer call market.

Among them, TS is a paid software, and it is also the best software on the market at present, with low packet loss rate and low delay rate, basically similar to the World of Warcraft Grand Guild, whether it is PVP or PVE, basically many large guilds will use ST voice for command and combat.

UC, on the other hand, is free software.

This software has a lot of slots, high packet loss rate, high latency rate, serious lag, poor sense of operation, and even the interface design is not humane, and the follow-up maintenance is a bad mess.

Just two words, though.


All of the above problems will turn into real fragrance when they encounter free.

In fact, the garbage that An Li criticized before to play more voice, in fact, can basically be compared to UC, or even a little better than UC to some extent, but it is still criticized by An Li, which means that An Li's high requirements.

Thinking of themselves, both of them guessed that An Li probably wanted to create a toll voice.

But to the surprise of the two, An Li shook his head slightly:

"YY voice, free forever!"


This...... How else to make money here, and what's the point of being so attentive?

Lei Jun and Li Xueling were at a loss, they didn't understand what An Li wanted to do, there was no profit point, if YY voice was not charged, then what else could he earn?

However, for the words of the two, An Li dispelled their concerns with just two words:


QQ, as the overlord of instant messaging, has completely sat first in China, and through a QQ, it has earned unimaginable wealth.

Imitating QQ, there is only one dead end now, but An Li plans to find another way to overtake QQ on a corner!

This is something that neither Li Xueling nor Lei Jun did in the previous life.

But in this life, An Li intends to do this!

Li Xueling and Lei Jun left separately, and An Li did not stay in the office much, but went directly to the voice business department, along the way, many employees were still busy typing strings of codes, and the code that seemed strange and ignorant to others was extremely familiar in An Li's opinion.

After sweeping around, An Li shook his head slightly.

Just as he was about to withdraw his gaze, a desktop window of a computer caught An Li's attention.

Kind of interesting!

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