Domestic games are becoming more and more

popular, the number of gamers is also increasing, which brings about the rapid development of online games, more and more online games are committed to studying player psychology, more and more online games, but also began to strengthen social skills.

Similarly, the requirements for teamwork are getting higher and higher.

In this rapid development, voice software has become a rigid need for games, after all, you can't quickly operate the game while typing and chatting.

But for players who need voice software, this is currently the case.

Or, you pursue quality, abandon the sense of operation and spend money on a TS voice.

Or, you pursue free, give up call quality, endure long drops, and all kinds of lag problems.

It's not that players don't want to change a software, but there is nothing to change, and the only mainstream ones on the market are TS voice and UC voice.

But now, a new voice software has appeared, breaking people's minds.

Free, and the quality is not weaker than TS!

Replaced with new voice software, Luan Bo's team quickly began to type, No. 1, No. 2, No. 3... All the way to the fifth, under the excellent command of the regiment commander, there were no problems, and in one go, the copy was directly cleared with a bang.

"It's done, hahaha!"

The regiment leader shouted, full of joy: "This YY voice, must be blown up, Mad is simply awesome, better than the TS voice I use, grass, put the download address of the YY voice into the guild, our guild will use YY in the future!"

Others also spoke:

"Awesome, this YY voice is really awesome, it is very easy to use!"

"Grass, with YY, let UC or something die!"

"Let's use this channel in the future, I see that the channel seems to be able to upgrade, it seems that there is no need to charge money, as long as there are players hanging up in the channel."

"Good thing, no jam and no drop, such a simple thing, YY did it!"


whole group is praising that for online gamers, their requirements are sometimes not high.

Especially nowadays, they don't have any particularly high requirements for voice call software, even if you operate anti-human, even if your picture is poor, even if your voice quality is poor, but the most basic thing you have to ensure is your lag and delay problems.

But alas, it is such a small wish, but it is a luxury.

And now, YY Voice has done it.

Moreover, it not only does not jam and delay the drop, but even whether it is the sense of operation, or the interface beautification, it has achieved the best degree of this era, and even some people will can't help but compare QQ, and finally surprised to find that although the two software are different categories, YY this newly emerged software, compared QQ without any defects.

What's more....


It's completely free!

Even Luan Bo completely changed his concept at this time, and when the group book ended, he uninstalled TS and UC in the computer for the first time, leaving only a YY voice.

This software, he, blows up!

Similar to what happened to Luan Bo's team, other teams are also playing out one after another, countless UC users have turned to YY voice, even some players who use TS voice can't help but praise when they try YY software.

It's a perfect app!


While players are happily whispering YY to their friends and teammates, the office of the Deep City Gathering era is a different scene.

At this time, the night has completely enveloped the city, but the gathering era is still brightly lit.

When Zhang Yunfan hung the new version of Multiplay YY Voice on several sites in the large software park, everyone stared at their computers, and the background data of the YY Voice Server was displayed above.

These data mainly include the number of YY voice online, the total number of registrations, new users and the total number of channels.

YY Voice has just been released this evening, the total number of registrations and new users are naturally the same, everyone is looking forward to whether the software that tortured them for five days and five nights will become a hit.

All products need to be tested by the market.

"Move, start!"

I don't know who shouted, everyone immediately cheered up, and sure enough, the originally single-digit registered users finally began to change.

Registered users: 103.

Number of channels: 8.

Registered users go from silence to growth, and once they grow, the momentum rises at a rapid pace.

"Broke a thousand registered users!"

Someone shouted, and everyone immediately lifted their spirits.

Although it is only a thousand registered users, the speed is not too fast, but it allows everyone to see the results of the effort.

And after the data exceeded 1,000, the growth rate of the number of people was a little paused.

"It seems that although we are playing more community propaganda, the usage is still not too high."

"After all, this is the first day, don't worry, as long as our reputation goes up, the number of people will definitely continue to rise."

"Breaking 1 million a month, I'm afraid it's a little difficult."


several employees were talking in low voices.

It seems that the speed of growth seems to be somewhat unsatisfactory, and the number of people has not grown much since breaking through before, which makes everyone a little depressed.

But in the next second, the speed of what had been slow growth began to grow rapidly.

"Broken two thousand!"

"Three thousand, three thousand, lying groove, this speed is too fast, no more than five minutes before and after!"

"Four thousand!"

"Five thousand, Made, it's awesome, this speed is definitely the fastest I've ever seen!"


data, in the stage of one thousand for a long time, but when the breakthrough of two thousand, the speed is getting faster and faster, countless player registration information poured into the server background, and the growth of channels is also growing rapidly, and every time the number of channels grows, the number of players will increase geometrically rapidly.

"It's up!"

"Still skyrocketing!"

"Awesome, awesome, it will definitely be able to break 10,000 today!"

Even Li Xueling was shocked at this time, and this result was beyond his expectations.

The growth rate of this data is unprecedented, even if it is now like a penguin QQ, the initial increase is only tens and hundreds, but now, his YY voice, just the first day, has such a rapid growth rate, even...

Broke 10,000 on the first day!

"Broken 10,000, 10,000 on the first day!"

"Awesome, it's just awesome, haha, just the first day directly broke 10,000!"

People were cheering heartily, but An Li always sat firmly in his seat, and even, after the number of users exceeded 3,000, An Li didn't even look at the backstage.

Break 10,000?

That's the little thing.

Finally, when the time reached half past ten, the growth rate of YY users began to slow down.

As of 12 o'clock in the morning, four and a half hours after YY's first release, the final registered users reached 18,000, and the number of registered channels reached 10,000 channels!

That is, two people will make a channel!

Such data makes people happy and at the same time, it is inevitable that there is a little more worry.

The growth of the number of users is naturally a good thing, even if YY Voice does not have any profit model at present, but the user base is here, and it is naturally easy to make money in the future. Not only are they promising, but what they are really worried about is the server!

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