Quzhou, Shengshi Mansion, Cheng Peng is sighing in the office.


A small god is a small god!

In front of his eyes, the picture on the computer is the most jaw-dropping price trend in the futures market in the past two days.

Adzuki beans!

Who would have thought that the red adzuki beans that once brought countless storms would now be on the historical stage again so quickly, in just two days, the original 2105 red adzuki beans per ton has now risen directly to 2950, and even looking at this, the price seems to be able to rise even higher.

And how long has it been?

Two days, so much up!

This is a very terrifying rate of rise, and before that, absolutely no one could have imagined that the price of red adzuki beans, which was originally affected by the last incident, would rise again in such a short period of time, and no one would have thought that the rise would be so rapid.

Seeing that this price is almost over three thousand!

Although the price of 3,000 seems to be still not too high compared to the historical high price of adzuki beans, you must know that in the past two years, with the independent research and development of red adzuki beans, the price of adzuki beans has been falling, and it is certainly impossible to compare with the previous peak.

But even so, it still feels terrifying.

In the past two days, Cheng Peng has been thinking about this matter, and the small stock god has come to speculate futures here, even if the reaction is slow, he will pay more or less attention. In fact, to be honest, for Xiaogu God, although Cheng Peng had heard about it earlier, he was actually a little unconvinced in his heart.

After all, whether it is the stock market or the futures market, there will always be one or two big figures who come out every year, and these people generally carry enviable good luck, enter at the right time, and come out at the right time.

But after a few years, you will find out, where is the shadow of this person?

Many were basically lost in the second year.

But An Li, a small god, now completely changed Cheng Peng's opinion.

Needless to say, whether it is ST Jintai, or Sanlian Trading Company, or the stocks currently held by the small stock god in the stock market, without exception, none of them are losing money at all, and all stocks are making money, which is a skill in itself.

Today, the futures market is no different.

It is said that if you buy red adzuki beans, you will buy red adzuki beans, and the awesome thing is that when you buy it, it directly starts to rise, and it is not the usual normal fluctuation, but completely sits on the direct rise of the rocket, which is the most powerful place.

Cheng Peng really wanted to see if the small god could be maintained forever.

"Until now, there is no intention to sell, can the price of red adzuki beans rise again in the eyes of the small stock god?" Cheng Peng muttered with doubts on his face, with incredulity on his face: "The price is about to go up to three thousand, can it really continue to rise?"

Just as he was paying attention to the price of adzuki beans, the phone on the table suddenly rang.

Cheng Peng raised his eyebrows, this is his internal special line, connected to the company phone, basically someone calls to find themselves, the front desk customer service will be transferred to themselves through this phone, but at this time, it is when the market is the most intense, and the general front desk will not call themselves.

Call at this time, what to do?

Although he was a little depressed, Cheng Peng still answered the phone, and heard the front desk hurriedly speak:

"I'm sorry Mr. Cheng, I know that I shouldn't call you at this time, but there is a customer who wants to find you by name, and claims to be our big customer, so..."

Cheng Peng didn't speak angrily.

What shit big customer, as long as it is a few customers they are responsible for, everyone will think that they are big customers, but in fact, no one will think that the real big customer is a high school graduate who has just turned eighteen!

Small strands of gods!

However, if you can name yourself to find yourself, you must also know yourself, although it cannot be a big customer, but how to say it is definitely a high-quality customer, and when the line is taken over, Cheng Peng said politely for the first time:

"Hello, I am Cheng Peng."

"Mr. Cheng, I'm An Li!" An Li's voice came from the phone: "Just now, the mobile phone forgot to charge and ran out of battery, so I can only use the public phone to call your company's number to find you."

"It turns out to be Mr. An, hello, Mr. An's call is..." Cheng Peng suddenly perked up, and in his heart he was guessing the purpose of An Li's call.

An Li's voice came: "This call is mainly to hope that President Cheng will help me set up a pen commission, and at three o'clock in the afternoon, close the position." "

Close the position!


Cheng Peng's heart moved, he was still guessing when An Li would make a move, but now it seems that An Li is planning to make a move now.

At the same time, he couldn't help but start guessing.

Do you say... Is the price of adzuki beans about to start plummeting?

In fact, in general, Cheng Peng will not have such an idea, after all, no one will know how the price is, the average person is even a master is just an analysis and guess of the market, and as for the average person, it is basically a lot of luck.

But Quercus, it's different.

I don't know why, although it was only a once, he had a feeling that this little god was different from everyone. This feeling is very mysterious, unexplainable, but it will make people feel this way.

"Then I wonder what the price Mr. An set?" Suppressing all kinds of speculations in his heart, Cheng Peng couldn't help but ask.

An Que over there seemed to have already come up with the result, and said directly:

"If the price is set, it will be set at 3125."

"This... 3125 yuan? Unable to help it, Cheng Peng confirmed again: "Are you sure of this price?"

An Li affirmed: "Yes, at this price, is there any problem?" "

Is there a problem?

Of course there is a problem!

Cheng Peng was helpless for a while, glanced at the current situation of red adzuki bean futures, and couldn't help but say:

"The rise of red adzuki beans in the past two days is indeed amazing enough, and the rise is large enough, but at present, in fact, I don't see the trend of red adzuki beans rising above three thousand, even if it breaks three thousand, I am afraid it will fall back at a very fast speed."

"And, just now, the rise in adzuki beans has fallen, and I noticed that some big hands have now begun to sell."

"So, I want to ask, Mr. An, do you want to change the price over there?"

Although he knew that An Li would probably not agree, out of professionalism, Cheng Peng still reminded him of it in a friendly manner.

Sure enough, the reminder to Cheng Peng over there was just a polite thanks, so he insisted: "It's okay, you can just help me hang up, Cheng is in trouble." Hanging

up the phone, Cheng Peng sighed.

In the face of An Li, he sometimes always feels that he is a manager of no use, what gossip, what professional advice, in front of An Li is useless.

People don't care.

According to An Li's explanation, Cheng Peng began to operate, but he couldn't help but start to doubt in his heart.

Red adzuki beans, can they really rise that high?

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