
"Madman, he's a madman, a complete maniac!"

"Neuropathy, definitely a neuropathy!"

"What a shit little god, obviously a fool, a complete fool!"

"I, Cheng Peng, swear here, after doing this list, I will not accept An Li's list, who loves to do it, especially follow such a person, sooner or later my good reputation will be completely ruined!"


In the originally clean office, countless information documents were flying all over the sky at this time.

The employees outside the office door heard Cheng Peng's angry scolding, but no one dared to say anything at this time, and everyone did not dare to breathe in a shivering atmosphere. Because they knew that Mr. Cheng at this time was in the stage of a complete outbreak, and it must be some customer who broke Mr. Cheng's heart.

Finally, in the office, Cheng Peng gasped and sat back in his chair.

That's the job.

Even if he is angry again, even if he is angry again, he can only calm himself down in the end, calm himself down, and face all customers with his best condition.

"It's three o'clock soon, this red adzuki bean, I'm afraid that the bottoms that have already lost money have been sold, right?"

Looking at the time, Cheng Peng sat back in the chair, he didn't have the courage to check the current price of red adzuki beans, but he also knew that it would be three o'clock soon, he couldn't do it if he didn't look at it, even if An Li didn't care about this futures transaction, but as a manager, he had to pay attention to these.

Shaking your head, click on the computer and search for adzuki beans.

"Let me see how much I lost!"

While he was talking to himself, in the next second, Cheng Peng's whole person was on the spot, his eyes were round, his pupils were dilated, and his whole person's breathing was rapid at this moment:

"How... Possible? "

yes, how is this possible?

The price of red adzuki beans that appeared in front of him did not fall to the pants as imagined, on the contrary, I don't know when, the price has changed the previous decline, but quickly skyrocketed, and now the price has exceeded three thousand, and it is still continuing to rise.

And, fast!




Almost in the blink of an eye, the price has climbed to about 3100, although after 3100, the growth rate decreases instantly, but it still grows upward at a slow but steady rate.

What's going on?

Cheng Peng's face was shocked, obviously just before, when he called An Li, the price was about to plummet, why did the price not only not plummet at this time, but skyrocketed?

And it seems that it can fully reach the selling price set by An Que!

This...... It completely violates the laws of the market!

Although the futures market is always elusive, but like the stock market, as long as you have been mixed in it for a long time, you will naturally find that there are certain rules in many things, but this law is sometimes difficult to figure out.

Now it seems that red adzuki beans, that's it, unexpectedly growing against the trend!


At this moment, the alarm clock on the table suddenly rang.

In the afternoon, three o'clock sharp!

Ran Ran, Cheng Peng looked at the red adzuki beans hanging under An Li's account, almost at the moment when the alarm clock just sounded, these futures listed as 3125 were instantly empty, and the current price of red adzuki beans was just 3125!

Not a penny, not a less!

Accurate to chill!

Unable to help it, Cheng Peng looked at An Li's phone number, and his face was full of shock:

"He... How did it get so accurate? "


When Cheng Peng was worried about a red adzuki bean, An Li was enjoying a rare relaxation in the playground at this time.

With him was Qi Wei.

The two confirmed the relationship, there was no sea oath, there was no vigor, and there was no going in and out of high-end restaurants or luxury stores, but they came to the playground to play.

Today, Qi Wei is wearing a pair of ordinary jeans, a white shirt, plus a pair of canvas shoes, and she always has a smile on her face. Such a smile, with innocence, with simplicity, even if he has known Qi Wei for a while, this kind of smile is still the first time An Li has seen it.

"No, no, I'm tired, let's take a break?"

Qi Wei took two ice creams and jumped to An Li, just waiting for An Li to take the ice cream, suddenly took a bite of An Li's ice cream, like a child, his eyes narrowed with a smile.

No matter what kind of woman she is, as long as she likes you, she will always be a small child.

An Li understood this truth more than ten years ago, and at this time he smiled, reached out and rubbed Qi Wei's hair, and then pointed to the bench on the side of the artificial lake:

"Then let's go and sit over there for a while."

The two sat down and snuggled up to each other, although the relationship had just been confirmed, but in front of an old driver like An Li, some intimate actions between normal couples were not half embarrassed, and they were carried out logically.

Smelling the fragrance brought by Qi Wei's hair, An Li smoothly held Qi Wei, and Qi Wei's body trembled, but in the end he did not refuse.

Unlock again!

An Que felt joy in her heart.

"Sometimes I feel like I'm far away from you." Qi Wei quietly spoke, her eyes watching the waves on the surface of the lake brought up by the breeze.

An Li was stunned: "Why do you feel like this?"

"You're walking too fast."

Qi Wei seemed to smile, a little helpless, and a little troubled: "I used to be very confident, because my grades were very good, and I knew many questions that other students could not answer, but after meeting you, I felt that I was not as smart as I thought."

"Whether it's what you do, or a lot of what you say, some of it I don't even understand."

"It feels very far away from you."

"In fact, I don't know a lot of things, with your cleverness, as long as there is time, there is no problem catching up with me." An Li shook his head, he relied on external hanging, and people relied on real materials.

"Forget it, even if I study for a while, I can't get the college entrance examination with a full score." Qi Wei shook her head and smiled.


An Li couldn't answer this, he understood that Qi Wei had always been a very confident person, but he had some blows on himself to have such thoughts, seeing that Qi Wei still had such thoughts, An Li moved:

"If you want to learn something, I don't know what you're interested in?"

Qi Wei thought seriously for a moment, and then said: "I have actually always admired the kind of person who can solve a lot of problems with a computer, my grandmother is about to be discharged from the hospital, I may only be able to study at home, so I prefer this look."

Hearing this, An Li smiled: "If you use a computer, I can introduce you two masters..."

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