Quzhou at night, the scenery is pleasant, and like all cities in the country, snacks have always become people's favorites under the cover of night. Quzhou's night market culture is extremely developed, and barbecue, spicy scalding, skewers, and grilled fish have become Quzhou's iconic cuisine.

However, in the eyes of those who do not return late at night, the food will never stop there.

At this moment, among the large number of night market stalls, in an inconspicuous position, there is a strange combination that is opening a different kind of entrepreneurial road.

"Try it and see, chicken chops, chicken chops, fragrant and crispy chicken chops!"

"Eat chicken chops!"

A middle-aged man with gray hair and casual clothes was shouting, his age and the young people in the night market stalls formed a completely different picture.

But unfortunately, their business did not go as smoothly as expected.

In this spicy night market, chicken steaks are not attractive enough.

Even if the taste of chicken steak is fragrant and makes people hungry, the taste of chicken steak is much lighter than the hot and spicy ingredients with a pungent taste next to it, and even even people walking by may not be able to smell this thick aroma.

"This... How so? After

shouting for a long time, no one cared, and Father An was a little frustrated.

Zheng Cui also frowned: "What's wrong with the young people now, don't come to taste such a delicious chicken steak, it seems that Quzhou is really not good at doing business." "

It was a little bit out of their mind.

The son's cooking skills, they have seen it in the right way, originally thought that the son personally took action, nothing can not succeed, but unexpectedly, the imaginary picture of full business did not appear, but has never been cared for.

In response to this situation, An Li always looked indifferent.

No one in this world will be smooth sailing, many people know that night market stalls make money, but in fact, not everyone can take the first pot of gold in the night market, one of the parents has just started a business, one is still thinking about how to start a business, give them a basin of cold water, in fact, it is also a good thing.

Of course, An Li can't really hang Zero back like this.

After all, it is an inspection market, if there is not even a chance to test, it will be meaningless, seeing that his parents are shocked, An Li slowly got up, took out a prepared sign and hung it next to the stall:

"Chicken steak, ten yuan a piece!"

Later, An Li took out a freshly fried chicken steak and placed it on the countertop, and this chicken steak appeared, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Nothing more than ... Big!

This chicken steak, almost someone's face is bigger, and the textures cooked on it, even if they haven't smelled it, make people feel the crispiness of this chicken steak.

"The time when wine is not afraid of the deep alley has passed, and no matter what you do, you need to publicize accordingly." An Li said to his parents: "Especially at the beginning, it is always the most difficult, your quality is excellent, the price is low enough, but no one knows, these are empty words, if you want to increase customer flow, you must first solve the problem of popularity."

Father An and Mother seemed to understand something, and Zheng Cui seemed to have some understanding:

"Then how can we increase our popularity?"

"There are many ways to increase visibility, celebrity advertising, event porcelain, and a series of other things can increase visibility." An Li said with a smile: "However, it is definitely not necessary for us to set up a night market stall, but the improvement of popularity is still the top priority, and in the food category, there is just one best way." "

What?" An father and mother asked at the same time.

But seeing An Li pick up another piece of chicken steak, directly cut it into square pieces and put it on a plate, insert a toothpick:

"Try it!"


Half an hour later, inside the night market stall.

Wang Chao's family of three entered the night market stall, he is a reporter, there are many things during this time, neglecting his family, today is rare to take advantage of the free time, immediately bring his family to the night market stall to play.

But as soon as they arrived at the night market stall, the family was stunned.

"Husband, what's going on, where are the people at the night market stall today?"

The night market stall that should have been lively was surprisingly quiet at this time, without the fireworks of the past, without the usual liveliness, just like overnight, this originally lively night market stall has lost the magic of the night market at this time.


Wang Chao was a little confused, his gaze swept over the entire night market stall, and his heart was also at a loss.

What's going on?

Have Quzhou people given up the habit of eating supper at night?

At this moment, a shout came:

"Boss, that's right, it's you, Brother Gluten, send me ten strings of gluten!"

Immediately afterwards, the owner in front of a stall suddenly shouted:


Then, there was a succession of voices:

"I want three strings of small yellow fish!"

"Here, I want a cup of milk tea!"

"Lamb kebabs, twenty skewers, send me down!"


one shout after another, the originally quiet stall owners also began to get busy, and after a while, someone ran with their own food to deliver food in the direction where the voice came from before.

This surprised Wang Chao not only a little.

Looking in the direction where the bosses ran, Wang Chao finally found a figure and talked to his wife, Wang Chao walked towards the place where there was a faint figure, and just took two steps and suddenly looked startled.

In front of his eyes, a long dragon appeared in front of him.

Countless diners, at this time, quietly lined up in a long line, one by one, and even spared a circle around the corner of the night market stall, the scene was spectacular.

"Hey buddy, what's going on?"

Couldn't help it, Wang Chao asked a person, who was dazed:

"I don't know, I saw them queuing when I came, and I heard that there was a chicken chop that was very delicious, and I also followed the queue and wanted to taste it."


Chicken chops?

What chicken chops?


Wang Chao's face was confused, to be honest, he didn't know what chicken chops would be so attractive, and when he was dazed, someone next to him had already said:

"That's a chicken chop bigger than a human face, very fragrant!"

"Yes, yes, and it's only ten dollars, cheap crying."

"I also watched people queuing to come to the queue, just now a man bought a piece and ate it, and I was hungry to death, and I couldn't wait to swallow my tongue when he looked at him."


to everyone's discussion, Wang Chao couldn't help but be a little speechless: "Haven't you all eaten?"

At this moment, An Li had already come over with a plate:

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time, hard work, don't worry, don't worry, the new pot will be baked soon, everyone taste it first."

A piece of chicken chops, cut into fingernail-sized pieces, is divided and instantly empty.

Wang Chao also snatched a piece and stuffed it into his mouth without hesitation, wanting to see what kind of magical chicken chop this was able to attract the attention of so many people.

But as soon as he took a sip, Wang Chao's eyes widened.


Delicious on earth!

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