"This person is a grading teacher?"

"Boss, did you pull the marking teacher in?"

"What's the matter, has the grading teacher also joined our hacker alliance, why haven't I received any news before?"

"..." Dense

private chat information flickered, and Huang Dao's brows were already tightly furrowed.

He knew very well that he did not pull the teacher to come in!

This chat room, as a high-level conference room of the Hacker League, every major meeting is held in this chat room, because of the confidentiality involved, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is one of the most secure chat rooms in the world. And the only way to enter this chat room is to get an invitation from the Hacker Alliance Speaker Huangdao.

There is no other way to get in!

And now, the strange avatar in front of him, and the ID that is now thunderous, appeared, but Huang Dao couldn't help but gasp.


Too strong!

Just entering the chat room seems simple, but Huang Dao is well aware of the difficulty, except for himself, the president, no one else can enter without a key. Rao is the emperor himself, and he does not think that he can easily enter this chat room.

But the teacher who read the papers came in!

Holding back the shock in his heart, Huang Dao knocked out a line of words and sent it out:

"Marking teacher?"

Marking teacher: "It's me, everyone calls me that, and I recognize this nickname."

The emperor said: "Your Excellency entered our private chat room silently, it is really a good skill, I don't know if you want to come here to show off your strength this time, or do you want to laugh at the incompetence of our hacker alliance?" Marking

teacher: "It may not be good to say that, but... You account for some of the two points you said! "

Is such a frank admission an attempt to provoke?

The emperor said: "Hacking into our chat room, although it is difficult to achieve in theory, but in fact, the real master wants to hack in, it is only troublesome, if you are complacent about your strength, maybe you will be disappointed." Grading

teacher: "I came to invite you to join the vulnerability hunters." "

What kind of divine unfolding is this?

Changing the subject?

Wouldn't it be too blunt?

Everyone in the chat room felt speechless for a while, even Huang Dao himself felt extremely depressed, and he felt a little confused about this marking teacher.

Originally thought that the other party was here to provoke, it was almost time to say cruel words, but the other party changed the topic alive.

The silence in the chat room did not seem to affect the topic of the voice and shadow of the teacher who read the papers, but he continued: "I have read the chat content of everyone just now, I am very happy that you can give me such a big praise for this platform, since we are like-minded, then we should work together." Marking

teacher: "So, I'm here!" Marking

teacher: "I would like to invite you to join my Bug Hunter Program!" "

Silence .

. After a while, someone in the chat room spoke.

Yamano little virgin: "Marking teacher, you come into our chat room like this, is this what an invitation looks like?" The

teacher who reads the papers: "It's too troublesome to find you one by one." "

This answer....

No problem.

Dugujian: "I have registered a user, this vulnerability hunter of yours has a good prospect, and we will also register without you saying." Marking

teacher: "I said, I came, I invite you to join my plan and start in the form of cooperation!"

Dugu Jian: "Cooperation? Leaning

on the building to listen to the wind and rain: "How to cooperate?" "

This platform is not only for China, so I need a team to help me maintain and operate, and the hacker alliance is obviously the best choice."

This answer made everyone stunned.


Help him maintain and operate?

Yamano little virgin: "You want us to work for you?" Marking

teacher: "How can this be regarded as a part-time job, this is to fight and fight for dreams, this is to move forward towards their original intention, this is to benefit the vast number of hackers!" Leaning

on the building to listen to the wind and rain: "It sounds so good, it is not that we are asked to work, my friend said, everything without talking about actual remuneration and talking to you about ideals and ambitions is definitely not a good boss, but a profiteer!" Exposed

by a sentence, the teacher was not half embarrassed:

"Of course, all kinds of enterprises need corresponding membership fees for listing rewards and topping, and this membership fee will be used as the normal operation of the platform, and after each bounty is completed, the platform will take a fee of five percent, of which two percent will be distributed to you, which is a sky-high fortune."

Seeing this, everyone was stunned.

Unexpectedly, this loophole hunter who played cards unusually turned out to be a conscientious businessman.

This price is indeed conscientious!

Don't look at the handling fee is only five percent of the commission, if a commission is 10,000 yuan, the platform can draw 500 yuan.

And once successful, no one can say how many commissions will arrive in a day, but even if only a thousand orders are completed a day, it is enough for 500,000, and 40% of the distribution to everyone, that is also 200,000!

Two hundred thousand, if a few people in the chat room divide it at this time, then each person can also earn forty thousand yuan.

How much is 40,000 a day, a month?

This is a money grab!

Of course, if the platform is bigger, it is impossible to divide it among just five people.

But in the same way, if the platform is bigger, it is impossible to only have a thousand orders completed in a day, after all, there are so many enterprises, and each update means that there are countless vulnerabilities possible, which is a terrible data.

What's more, maintaining and operating such a platform is actually not difficult for everyone present.

Even normal work will not be affected.

At best, it's just a little bit of trouble.

However, even if they saw the huge profits, everyone still did not answer rashly, everyone was waiting, waiting for the person to speak.

Finally, Huang Dao spoke:

"Your offer is very reasonable, and for us it is indeed a plain and unreasonable benefit, but we have not only praised this loophole hunter platform before, but also said many of its problems, the first of which is why do those companies believe in this platform?"

Examiner: "They will believe it."

The emperor said, "This does not seem to be convincing. The

examiner: "Well, how about we make a bet?"

The emperor said, "Bet? "

Yes, I bet, in three days, more than a hundred enterprises and organizations will register as Party A of the platform." "

What are you kidding?

From the current no one cares, to break through a hundred enterprises, it only takes three days?

Everyone was stunned.

Or that sentence, on what basis do ranchers believe in a pack of wolves?

Where does the grading teacher get his confidence?

Huang said: "Well, I bet if you can do it, we can help you, in fact, this is indeed a promising and interesting thing." Marking

teacher: "In a word!" "

At this time, everyone in the chat room would never have thought that this gamble that was verbally agreed in the chat room would involve a lot of shock


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