Early in the morning, An Li got up from the bed with dark circles under her eyes.

Don't ask why there are such dark circles, after all, who shares a bed with a big beauty and can't make an inch, and will definitely not sleep well for a while. However, compared to An Li's pitiful appearance, Qi Wei on the side looked refreshed, obviously sleeping well last night.

Facing An Li's resentful eyes, Qi Wei picked up a fried stick and handed it to An Li's mouth, holding back a smile while blushing and whispering:

"Wait... Wait for the future, anyway, it will be yours sooner or later!" Seeing

that An Li still had an expression like a purdah woman, Qi Wei giggled, and handed over a fried stick: "Okay, okay, you'd better eat breakfast, I specially bought it for you."

Saying that, Qi Wei walked to the computer and said excitedly:

"Let's take a look at today's news first, your game was so hot last night, I want to see what the face of those media is at this time, I guess they must have changed their tone overnight now, maybe they will apologize to you on the spot, think about it!" In

the past few days, in the face of accusations on the Internet, An Li himself seems to be nothing, but Qi Wei has always felt uncomfortable in her heart. And now, when it was time to turn over the battle, Qi Wei was naturally full of expectations.

But after a moment, Qi Wei's face sank.

As expected, there was an overwhelming amount of news about dungeons and warriors on the Internet at the moment, but there were some discrepancies in the fact that the glorious record seemed to have been maliciously misinterpreted.

"The data is falsified, and the public face is fat.

"The top person in the national college entrance examination collapsed, and he actually did such a thing."

"An Li-san, you owe us an apology!"

"Zhuang Yuan Lang may change the game pattern, because future gamers do not need to be real players, only a set of data is enough.

The real ridicule of the whole network has been questioned by the whole network before, and now, after achieving remarkable results, not only did not get half a point, but ushered in overwhelming spit and accusations, it seems that just overnight, An Li has changed from a respected and loved college entrance examination champion to a sinner who is referred to by thousands of people.

What makes people even more angry is that this time the matter is even out of the loop.

Originally, the matter about dungeons and warriors, even if it was a big noise, was only circulated in the game circle, but this time, overnight, from the moment all the accusations were added, this matter not only appeared on the topic of the game, but became a topic of national attention in one fell swoop.

Even, some figures inside and outside the circle have begun to speak.

Film and television producer Wang Jun: "We encourage young people to start businesses and encourage young people to try new technological innovations, but we are not happy about fraud." All I can say is that this time, An Que really disappointed me. Teacher

Zhen, the garden gardener: "A person who cheats, even if he is talented, but if he does not even understand the most basic principles of being a person, then these talents will only be wasted in the end, and this fraud incident even made me begin to wonder if there is any problem with the results of this year's college entrance examination?

... A series of related and unrelated, have begun to speak, the whole network crusade.

After browsing for a full ten minutes, the original smile on Qi Wei's face had completely stiffened, her face was gloomy and could drip water, and the whole person's mood fell to the extreme.

"What's wrong?" An Li came over after breakfast, feeling a little confused.

"Didn't... It's okay. Qi Wei quickly shook her head, as if remembering something, and hurriedly wanted to turn off the computer, but her right hand just grabbed the mouse, but it was grabbed by a powerful palm.

It's Angel!

He... "

These people, they are all bastards

!" Qi Wei gritted her teeth, but her eyes were involuntarily wet, but she was a strong girl, and she didn't really shed tears in front of An Li, but grabbed the keyboard and was ready to tap, but just about to make a move, she was stopped by An Li: "Don't move

, what are you going to do?" "

I want to fight back, I want to make a name for you!" Qi Wei said stubbornly.

Meeting her eyes, An Li smiled, as if looking at a gambling child, and said softly: "How to fight back? How to correct the name?

Scolding is scolding, and I learned some hacking techniques, and I hacked their network cables!"

An Li shook his head slightly: "It's useless for you to fight back, when people choose to cover their ears and cover their eyes, they can't listen to any rebuttal, let alone what hacking technology, if you do this, it will only confirm the fact that we are fake."

"Are we just going to do that?" Qi

Wei's face was full of unwillingness, and the tears that had already accumulated in her eyes finally couldn't help but scratch a mark on her face, with a bit of crystalline:

"You obviously worked so hard for that game, you obviously got the full score with your real strength, you obviously spent a lot of money to thoroughly publicize the game, why should they splash dirty water at this time and maliciously slander you..."

As he spoke, tears dripped more and more uncontrollably.

An Li stroked Qi Wei's pretty face with both hands, gently helped her wipe her tears, with a bit of distress in her eyes, and then put on the appearance of a divine stick:

"Don't worry, I said earlier, your boyfriend and I are all-powerful." "

Don't believe

it?" "Okay, Ma Li Li coaxing, all the people who black me are infertile, and the children and grandchildren are full!"


" Hearing An Li'——!s unorthodox words, Qi Wei suddenly broke into a smile, and couldn't help but glance at An Li, to a different style: "You guy, it's not serious at this time, they all treat you like this, why aren't you angry at all?"

Anger is always the most useless emotional vent, why should you be angry for these cats and dogs rubbing the heat?" An Li smiled.

Qi Wei nodded slightly, but was still a little unwilling: "That... So

do you just watch them hack you like this, just let them slander you on the Internet?" "Watch them hack me? Let them slander me?"

"How is it possible!" The

corners of An Li's mouth turned up slightly, and his eyes swept over the insults on the computer screen: "When you are angry, what you need is not boredom and anger, it is just incompetent rage, what you should really do is to fight back fiercely." "

Fight back?" Qi Wei's eyes lit up.

An Li nodded and smiled:

"Don't panic!" "

Since they helped me expand my reputation and increase the degree of topicality, I should take advantage of this opportunity."

"Let them have a good experience." "

Lift the rocks and shoot yourself in the foot!"

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