Modu Jiaotong University, fifteen minutes walk from the entrance of the school, An Li arrived through the street according to the address provided by Zhang Xuhao, looked at this small courtyard hidden in a group of alleys, and not only sighed secretly.

In An Li's gaze, among the neat alley bungalows, a three-story small building sits in it, with a blue sign hanging at the door, with three big characters on it -!

Even with An Li's investment, Zhang Xuhao still did not change his office address, but saved the money for other things.

Having such an employee who knows how to allocate funds is definitely something that any boss would like.

But An Li couldn't help but frown slightly.

However, he didn't say anything after all, with his hands behind his back, he walked towards's office, and just when he reached the door, a girl wearing a small blue vest with the logo printed on it grabbed An Li:

"Classmate, are you here to apply to be a rider?"

An Li touched his nose, thinking about how he should introduce himself, but this girl was obviously an impatient, did not wait for An Li to speak, brushed directly handed over a form, and then said:

"Since they are coming, then it must be, you must have seen our recruitment information from the campus network, we are now recruiting a large number of riders, this is a good opportunity for part-time, don't you want to earn some pocket money to buy gifts for your girlfriend?"

Don't worry, you fill out this form, and I'll tell you about the situation on our side.

The girl still didn't give An Li a chance to speak, and her small mouth was like a cannonball: "You come to work part-time, the part-time time is set by yourself, if you are willing to run, we will send you orders in the area where you often move, mainly to pick up the goods from the merchant and then deliver them to the customer, which is very simple."

"In terms of salary, we are daily settlement, part-time work is three yuan per order, more than five kilometers there is a markup basically at 5-10 yuan, if the number of orders received a day exceeds twenty orders, we have an extra bonus of 10 yuan, the treatment is definitely better than when you go to the street to hand out flyers when zero hour promotion."

"By the way, you have a motorcycle license, right?"

An Li shook his head.

"No motorcycle license..." The girl suddenly frowned: "We don't advocate driving without a license, we have electric cars here that can be rented to you, but the price of the order will be reduced, you have to pay attention to this, by the way, you fill out the form, which school are you from, generally in which area are more active, which area are you more familiar with

?" Listening to the girl's words, An Li couldn't help but laugh, and immediately dispelled the idea of self-reporting, but asked: "Do you have a lot of orders?"


of this, the girl suddenly looked arrogant and glanced at An Li with squinted eyes:

As a college student, don't you know the name of until now, our orders now cover the entire magic capital urban area, Pudong we are also developing, all schools are basically shrouded by us, and not only schools, some key office areas are basically within our coverage, daily orders are too many to count. "

Oh, so powerful?" raised an eyebrow.


girl smiled proudly: "Tell you, we not only control the consumer group, but also cooperate with many merchants and restaurants, many of which are high-quality stores, and now the daily orders are growing geometrically!"

You think, you want to eat a bowl of Yangchun noodles three kilometers away, now you don't need to walk against the sun, don't need you to squeeze the bus at the bus stop, just log in to our webpage, register and place an order, wait for half an hour for the hot Yangchun noodles to be delivered to you, are you willing?" "You think

, your girlfriend told you that she was hungry and wanted to eat raw fried buns, but there was no time to run over and eat and come back." You only need to calmly tell your girlfriend to wait for a while, and then place an order online in advance, and when the meal arrives, the raw fried buns that are charred and tender have been delivered

to you, are you willing?" "Our daily orders, from morning to night, can't count more, as long as you are not lazy, give your girlfriend Dior's lipstick in two days, and we can change a set of game equipment for you in two days!"

This girl is definitely a sales ghost, even An Li, who has already experienced the prosperity of the takeaway industry in the future, at this time, listening to the girl's words still gives birth to a feeling that she is good and reasonable.

Seeing that the girl was still selling hard, An Li couldn't help but ask

: "You are very short of riders?" "This..." The girl was suffocated, and seemed to be a little hesitant whether to tell the truth, but looking at An Li's appearance, the girl finally nodded straightly: "To tell

you the bottom line, we are

really short of riders now, the coverage is too high, and the number of orders is too much, so the number of our riders is a little unable to keep up, and even our boss has to deliver the takeout himself." But it is precisely like this, this is your opportunity, as long as you work hard enough, a lot of money is waiting for you to earn. An

Li nodded slightly, already knowing in his heart.

Obviously, Zhang Xuhao does have the ability, with his own information obtained by special means, successfully opened the situation, the coverage of the merchant is very good, but this also brings another new problem.

The number of riders, seriously insufficient.

After all, was originally a few initiators and salesmen and delivery workers in the early days, and the coverage was basically only near Jiaotong University, and riders were naturally very lacking in this aspect, although part-time recruitment was carried out for various universities, but it was still not enough to fill the vacancies.

All in all, the steps were bigger, a little too hard.

However, this is actually only a temporary problem, as long as it occupies the market, delivery workers can make money, the problem of insufficient riders can naturally be solved, and more and more people will join the rider industry.

"Hey, I said you can't do it, if you do it, can you fill out the form quickly?" the girl said

a lot, and glanced at An Li who had just written down his name, and suddenly became angry.

An Li was a little embarrassed, and hurriedly picked up a pen and wrote it.

Although he is the boss, but people said so, if his boss is indifferent and does not help her solve her problems, it seems that it is a little unreasonable.

Before long, An Li became a glorious rider.

Put on a custom-made helmet, ride a second-hand electric car recycled by Zhang Xuhao, put on's iconic blue vest, not to mention, the title of the most handsome delivery man will definitely fall on his head.

At this moment, a motorcycle roared in, An Li looked back, the person was dressed like himself, obviously a rider, but interestingly, this person was not someone else, it was the founder of, Zhang Xuhao, who had tanned a circle.

Zhang Xuhao obviously noticed An Li as well, and his eyes almost popped out:

"Old... "

Let's go, let's deliver the meal together?" An Li interrupted Zhang Xuhao's words, beckoned directly, and then rode out on an electric car.

On the way, An Li couldn't help but think:

"I'm an all-round student, do you want to work part-time as an all-round delivery boy?"

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