Cheng Tianqiao of Shengda is a legend in the industry, but also a legend

since the new century in 2000, there is a person, follow this legend all the way, as the absolute second in command of Shengda, but his name, but few people know, this person is the young man in front of him.


Tianqiao's brother!

At the beginning of Cheng Tianqiao's business, there was only one person who followed him, that is, his younger brother, Cheng Tiannian, and the two brothers jointly founded Shengda and created a peerless dynasty from scratch.

When Cheng Tianqiao sat on the throne of the richest man, Cheng Tiannian also became a member of the richest family.

This was originally a good story, but it is a pity that the two brothers eventually became a negative teaching material for the brothers' entrepreneurial team because of disagreements, as well as various contradictions and conflicts, and finally became a laughing stock, and finally it was a black miasma of victory, and there were many factions.

The disagreement between the two brothers is already widely known.

Now, Cheng Tianqiao is looking for himself, although he doesn't know what is going on, but from the attitude, he can see that he is actually a little friendly, and now Cheng Tiannian cuts his beard halfway, which makes An Li a little confused.

However, An Li is not stunned after all, at this time

, in the face of Cheng Tiannian's inquiry, An Li just smiled faintly: "I don't know what Cheng Zong is looking for me, what do you want to talk about?" Any

second ancestor would not want his name to have a small character in front of it, whether it was the young marshal of the year, or the current Cheng Tiannian, what he hated the most was that others called him Xiao Cheng Zong, and An Li called him Cheng Zong, which made Cheng Tiannian feel comfortable in his heart: "

If you have time, how about Mr. An go to my office for a cup of

tea?" "Drinking tea is definitely to drink, but..." An Li turned his head and looked at the front desk on the side: "Such a beautiful young lady, why make it difficult for her, you say yes Mr. Cheng

?" "Oh?" Cheng

Tiannian looked at the front desk, and then looked at An Li, his eyes suddenly brought a bit of I understand you, haha smiled: " You are right, how can you make it difficult for a beautiful person, in that case, then Mr. An, you go first, I will prepare tea and wait for you to come!"

An Li nodded to himself, said goodbye to Cheng Tiannian, and walked towards Cheng Tianqiao's office.

On the way, the front desk glanced at An Li in surprise from time to time, and the young man in front of him was afraid that he would kill all his peers in seconds. No, it shouldn't just be said that peers, even if they are a few years older than him, are definitely not comparable to his ability, and in a few words, Cheng Tiannian was dismissed.

To An

Que, there is no sadness or joy on his face, the whole person is calm, when he rose in his previous life, Shengda was already a thin camel, although he had not been in contact, but he would definitely not be scared just because of a name.

Finally, after passing through a super windy company corridor, An Li finally arrived at the chairman's office.

Cheng Tianqiao's office.


..." The front desk gently knocked on the door panel, and heard a thick and powerful voice from inside:

"Come in!"

The front desk pushed open the door, An Li followed behind and looked into the office, the right lighting, the right decoration, an atmospheric desk, a middle-aged man sitting in the main seat. I have to say that in terms of appearance, this man is also very handsome, in his early thirties, that is, he has a young vigor and the calmness of a middle-aged man.

And in him, there is also a temperament that is in a high position and gives orders all year round.

He is Cheng Tianqiao.

When An Li looked at Cheng Tianqiao, the other party was also looking at An Li, Cheng Tianqiao's gaze was a little aggressive, like a lion guarding his territory, and the whole person's gaze was extremely sharp, as if he wanted to see An Li through.

And in the face of such a gaze, An Li was still as plain as water, and even with a light smile:

"President Cheng, don't you invite me in?" "

Oh, look at me, just saw such a young man, for a while there was a little unresponsive, please sit down quickly." Cheng Tianqiao immediately withdrew his gaze, personally got up and brought An Li to the sofa, and then asked: "Coffee, or tea, by the way, we still have Coke here." "

Faced with such a complete set of tea sets, wouldn't you be sorry for this set of treasures if you couldn't drink a cup of tea?" An Li smiled and took the initiative to pick up the kettle next to him and make tea by himself.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Tianqiao smiled faintly, but did not stop it, but generously let An Li make tea, and asked casually while watching:

"Don't all young people like to drink Coke now, Mr. An, are you really special enough?"

An Li smiled indifferently, while continuing to make tea, the whole person's movements were like flowing water, making people just look at it, and it felt like a pleasure: "Do you say yes, Mr. Cheng?"


Tianqiao nodded in agreement, looking at An Li's tea brewing skills like a master of flowing water, the brilliance in his eyes changed several times, until An Li handed a cup of lustrous tea in front of him, he couldn't help but praise:

"It seems that An Li is always a tea ceremony."

"Not really, just a little bit of it."

"Hehe, Mr. An is modest, don't hide from you, I actually didn't understand what tea I didn't know before, just watched everyone else drink, I drank it with it, but this thing, the more you know, the more you like it, so I have a detailed understanding of tea." Cheng Tianqiao shook his head and looked directly at An Li

: "Mr. An was born into a famous family?" "

No, my parents are ordinary people, and they are not famous families. An Li shook his head.

Cheng Tianqiao shook his head, his eyes full of doubts: "Your tea art cannot be achieved unless it takes ten years." You are just eighteen this year, and with such a tea art, it is impossible for ordinary families to cultivate it in a short time. "

Cheng Tianqiao is right, An Li's tea art is indeed very good.

After all, when the level is up, many things need to be learned, and tea culture is originally a culture in China, and those sky-high tea cakes are not just the hype of black-hearted businessmen. An Li spent more than a million in order to learn the art of tea in his previous life, but it was even more surprising that he had today's skills.

At this time, Cheng Tianqiao looked at An Li as if he had seen through everything.

But under such a gaze, An Li smiled:

"I, I may be what everyone calls a genius."

This answer made Cheng Tianqiao suffocated, and the expression on the whole face was wonderful. He is a confident and even conceited person, after all, the results of victory are his pride, he has always been a pretentious person, and now, he has met someone who is more conceited than himself.

But embarrassingly, Cheng Tianqiao didn't know how to refute it.

An Que is a genius, and such news has appeared more than once.

Now, he himself admitted.


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