Seeing Qi Wei

sitting in the car with red eyes, An Li said softly:

"Did you talk to your grandmother?" Qi

Wei nodded, the whole person was a little silent, the interest did not seem to be high, the beautiful eyes were still a little red, and tears slipped from time to time.

An Li stretched out her hand, gently helped her wipe the distressing tears, and said softly:

"Don't worry, these nannies will definitely take care of grandma, and my aunt will come to take care of her if she is fine, as well as my parents, they will definitely see her grandmother when they come back, and grandma now has a mobile phone, and she can use her mobile phone to chat when she is fine." "

Today, they will drive from Quzhou to Kyoto.

The road is not close, a distance of more than 2,000 kilometers, and according to An Que's plan, it will take almost a week to ten days. In fact, it would definitely not take so long to drive at full strength, but the two had planned their trip on the road before and agreed on where to play.

When talking about this, the two were like a little couple on their honeymoon, full of excitement.

But before leaving, Qi Wei couldn't help but red eyes after all, after all, she had never been far away in her life, let alone left her grandmother for so long, and now she was leaving, naturally with a lot of reluctance.

Listening to An Li's words of relief, Qi Wei nodded slightly, and looked at An Li with gratitude:

"Thank you, An Li." The

words came from the bottom of her heart, and she was really grateful to An Que.

This older boy is the same age as himself, but he can always think of the follow-up arrangements one step ahead of himself. Life and family made her stronger, harder and more determined than her peers, and the world seemed to polish her heart, but after meeting An Li, she found that there was a person who relied on it so well.

This boy sometimes seems like an elder, sometimes like his own brother, he can always appear at critical moments to help him, touching his seemingly invulnerable heart, but in fact full of scales.


For Qi Wei's thanks, An Li reached out and rubbed Qi Wei's head, and said softly: "Your grandmother is my grandmother, I arranged it for my grandmother, do you need to thank me specifically?"

But what, and didn't you say before, ask the nanny's money to come out, I just found a few reliable nannies, I didn't spend a penny of money, and quietly told you that the nanny's money is less than what you gave, I quietly deducted some oil and water from it!"

When he said this, An Li had an expression of a profiteer.

Sure enough, Qi Wei was immediately amused, and couldn't help but smile: "You, such a big boss, still have to deduct my little oil and water, and I don't know what to say about you."

"Hey, this is what I said, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is meat, what I enjoy is not how much I have saved, but how much money I have earned, I don't know how much I have accumulated?" An Li smiled, continued to play his own profiteer expression, seeing that Qi Wei's mentality had completely recovered, An Li asked again:

"This beautiful young lady, let's go this time?"

Qi Wei giggled, waved his small hand, and had the posture of a commander. An Li did not wait, stepped on the accelerator, and the Bentley Flying Spur suddenly swooped out.

The faces of the two young men were already full of smiles, and there was a bit of expectation in their eyes.

This is...... Looking forward to the future!......

And when two seventeen or eighteen-year-old young people began their honeymoon journey all the way, in an office in Zhongguancun in Kyoto, a man in his early Chinese New Year's Eve was smoking a cigarette with melancholy, and the cigarette butts in the ashtray seemed to tell the man's inner boredom at this time.

This is a proud man, because he has created a super platform with annual sales of more than 80 million with one fell swoop.


at this time, a huge pressure came like a mountain, so that this proud and stubborn man had to pass cigarette after cigarette to his mouth, and these pressures made his always straight back bend, dark and thick hair, and sideburns had been hung up a little white.


knock..." As the door of the office was gently pulled, the man hurriedly extinguished the cigarette in his hand, and the decadence on his face was swept away in an instant, and a bit of hardness appeared on his face, and it seemed that in an instant from the melancholy big boy to a domineering and exposed decision-maker

: "Come in!" Soon

, the door was pushed open, and the person who came was his assistant, he glanced at the smoky office, and involuntarily buried his head lower:

"Boss, the news from Mule Investment has arrived.

"Oh, when will their boss come?" Liu Zhendong's eyes lit up.

"This..." "

What's wrong?" The assistant of the secret passage frowned, and with a somewhat swallowing look, Liu Zhendong's heart suddenly tightened.

Sure enough, I saw that the assistant hesitated for a while and said:

"Mule Investment's performance is extremely strong, not only vetoing all the conditions we offered before, but also saying... "

What else to say?" Liu Zhendong suddenly frowned.

The assistant took a deep breath and gathered enough courage to continue:

"They also said that if we want to see our own situation clearly, our achievements and returns are not worth mentioning in their eyes, if we want to invest, we should put on a clear posture, and..."

And they said, in terms of the strength and prospects of our company, we are not qualified to meet their boss in person, if we want to pull their investment, we need the boss to personally go to Quzhou and talk with the project leader of their company, as for meeting their boss..."



Hearing this, Liu Zhendong's face suddenly froze.

He did not expect that Mule Investment, which had originally shown great interest in his company, would be so cold in a blink of an eye.

In an instant, Liu Zhendong's whole face became gloomy: "How so?" "

I don't know, it's the news that their company suddenly called this morning to inform, and they hung up the phone directly without giving us a chance to ask." The assistant was also confused, originally this matter seemed certain, but in a blink of an eye, the situation changed.

Liu Zhendong was also at a loss, he originally felt that he should be in control, although he was anxious and worried in his heart, but at least he had always been strong.

This is done in order to gain a greater advantage in the following negotiations.

As for seeing An Li, Liu Zhendong also wanted to personally fool this eighteen-year-old young man, although there has been a lot of news about this champion recently, but to be honest, Liu Zhendong looked down on him in his heart.

He was sure that as long as he could see An Li, he would be able to get whatever he wanted.

But now....

What the hell is going on?

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