"Now you may have no money, no ability, no connections, no background, but so what?"

"What I like is you."

"You don't have money now, but no one knows if you will be a richer person than me in half a year; You don't have the ability now, but you have already relied on Qinghua, and sooner or later the ability will be; You don't have connections, but that's just because you haven't set foot in this industry, and over time, there will naturally be all kinds of connections.

"As for the background..."

"I'm your background!"

An Li's gaze was gentle and a little irresistible, and in the face of An Li's affectionate confession, Qi Wei felt flustered in her heart and stood up:

"I... You...... I..." She

never thought that An Li would have such an experience, let alone that she was so important in An Li's eyes, she was very moved, her heart had a thousand words at the moment, but the words she learned in the language did not know how to speak at this moment.

But An Li seemed to feel that she still had concerns, and continued to speak:

"Buffett, you know, right?"

Qi Wei nodded, she didn't know many foreign celebrities, but the big name of the stock god Buffett had still heard of it.

"Everyone knows Buffett's vision in the investment world, as long as he invested, basically turned out to be right, but in fact, few people know that Buffett's most successful investment was not MetCommunications, Freddie Mac, not government employee insurance company."

"What's that?" Can't help it, Qi Wei asked.

Buffett has long become a legend, and in his most successful investments, what An Li said is recognized, but at this time, An Li said that Buffett's most successful investment is not these.

What is that?

But seeing An Li smiled: "His biggest investment is that he chose the right wife." "

Buffett's wife?

"Do you know who Buffett's wife is?" An Li asked.

Qi Wei shook her head, she can know Buffett, can she know which legendary stories in the investment world, or because she has learned these after graduation, but she really doesn't know who Buffett's wife is.

"Buffett's wife's name is Susan."


Qi Wei wrote down the name, but saw An Li continue to speak: "Susan has no prominent background, no special ability, and her investment vision is definitely not as good as Buffett, and even she is just an ordinary girl among thousands of people." "


Qi Wei was surprised, in her opinion, since Buffett is a world-famous stock god, he will definitely not find an ordinary person as a wife, but who would have thought that Buffett's wife would be an ordinary person, which is even unimaginable in her opinion.

"Aren't you surprised?"

Faced with An Li's question, Qi Wei nodded slightly, but saw An Li smile:

"In fact, everyone knows that Buffett is a stock god, but Buffett has always felt that his greatest success is not in investment, let alone choosing the right stock, but he chose the right wife."

"When the two first got married, their lives were not very rich, Buffett asked Susan whether to buy a small house first, or invest for a few years before buying a house, do you know how Susan answered?"

"Susan's answer is that I believe in your choice!"

"It was such a sentence that prompted Buffett to make up his mind to invest the money from selling the house, and finally succeeded in earning the first 1 million in his life, and it was with the first 1 million in his life that he achieved countless successes in later generations and achieved the name of Buffett's stock god."

"Without a doubt, Buffett's greatest success is that he chose the right wife."

"Susan may not have money, she may not have power, and she will not have any outstanding vision, but she is willing to believe in her husband and support her husband, and she may not be able to help when his husband is on the line of life and death in the stock market, but she manages things at home very well."

"And, do you know what Susan studied after that?"

Qi Wei shook her head.

But seeing An Li smiled, his eyes looked at Qi Wei: "She learned and you are a major, so she became Buffett's asset manager later, and you will also become my asset manager."

Instantly, Qi Wei looked at An Li with a surprised face.

She definitely didn't expect that An Li had regarded her as the other half of her life a long time ago, and it turned out that he had already chosen himself to study this major!

There is no confession, more sincere than this!

"There are specializations in the art industry, everyone has their own different abilities, you may not be as good as me in terms of ability to make money, but it does not mean that you are worse."

"In my eyes, you are the stars."

"It's my most successful investment!"

When An Li's last sentence came to an end, Qi Wei finally couldn't help but get up, hugged An Li, the thorn in her heart had completely disappeared at this moment, and the thousand words in her mind finally turned into a sentence:

"Thank you, An Li!"

Thanks to Ann Oak, thanks for meeting him, thanks... Fall in love with him!

Quietly leaning into An Li's arms, Qi Wei said softly, "Can we go?"

"Of course."

An Li smiled, just hugged Qi Wei, in the envious and adoring eyes of everyone in the bar, calmly walked out of the bar, just arrived at the door of the bar, saw Qi Wei in his arms, I don't know when he had fallen asleep, although there were still tears in the corners of his eyes, but the corners of his mouth were soft.

Slowly walked all the way to the homestay, opened Qi Wei's door, and gently put her on the bed.

Unable to help it, An Li leaned down again and gently touched her lips.

Just as he was about to leave, a hand grabbed the corner of his clothes, and when he looked back, he saw Qi Wei, who had already fallen asleep, but at this time he had opened his beautiful eyes, with a little shyness in his eyes:

"Tonight... Is it okay to sleep with me? "


An Li was stunned, and Qi Wei had not slept together, Qi Wei had said that he would sleep in separate rooms on the road before, and at this time he couldn't help but say: "Aren't you afraid that the owner of the homestay will find out?" "

I... We were originally a couple.

Qi Wei emphasized a rare sentence, her mouth pouted slightly, looking playful and cute, but a red fluttering little face betrayed her nervousness at the moment, and after a long while, she muttered:

"You... You...... Didn't you always want it? Speaking

of the back, the voice was so subtle that An Li almost didn't hear it clearly.

"So... All right? An Li asked dumbfoundedly.

Qi Wei was suddenly a little embarrassed, and glared at An Li fiercely: "If you don't want it, forget it!" "


"Of course!"

"It's saying I don't want it, I'll be in a hurry with whom!"

"Tonight, I want a cave!"


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