When "The Rest of My Life" became popular on the Internet, everyone's eyes converged on the singer of this song, and company studios such as major portals and self-media also began to join the battle.

Today's "The Rest of My Life" has already been popular all over the sky, and the whole network is full of related reports, even if it is an extremely garbage post, or even a post without any effective content, can snatch a lot of traffic in the first time, which shows the popularity of this song today.

And when all the media portals each grabbed traffic with the topic of "The Rest of Life", there were some special portals that did not pay attention to this matter at this time.

Snail, digital station.

As a long-established game portal, the digital station has always regarded itself as the first portal of games, and has always held a dominant position since three years ago.

All this is thanks to the efforts of several founders of Snail, who began to create Snail two years ago, and did not choose to compete with the three hegemons such as Sina, but chose the game industry that was not hot in China at that time.

This choice made a snail.

Their development in the game industry has always been unsatisfactory, and the results of the games they have created have been mediocre, but in terms of game portals, they have become the first portal of games in one fell swoop, even if those super portals want to build games, they still need to bow to snails.

Even, Snail has launched a virtual trading plan, with the strong appeal of snails in the game field, they have begun to try to set up a platform for virtual item trading of major games, in the future, they are not only the first portal of the game, but also will be the most authoritative place for virtual item trading.

Of course, these are just their plans.

The gap between ideal and reality is that ideal is always just an ideal, even if this ideal has a 99% probability of success, but before success, that 1% may be infinitely amplified at any time.

At this time, Shi Hu, as the founder of Snail, was frowning at the data report at the backend.

As an entrepreneur, Shihu is successful.

He graduated from the Department of Fine Arts of Southern Normal University in 1993, with deep market insight and idealistic temperament rarely seen among businessmen, and has worked in various industries such as advertising, computers, catering and entertainment.

At the beginning of 2000, Shihu founded Snail Company and became the earliest 3D online game research and development enterprise. Although the game of snails has always had a mediocre response, and even has almost no living space for grand beatings, Shihu also accurately aimed at the game portal, a cake that no one can reach.

Snails, and then completely transformed under the leadership of Shihu, it is precisely in this way that snails have today's situation.

From the time Snail decided to shift its target to the game portal, it only took one year for Snail to successfully become the number one website in the game portal category, and the old rival had to bow to the snail at this time, paying a lot of money to help promote himself.

In this way, this in itself is a success.

Being good at change is the biggest feature of Shihu.

But at this moment, this founder who is good at change and innovation is frowning at the information in his hand, and sitting opposite him is Wen Zhibing, a veteran of the company.

At this time, Wen Zhibing's face was already full of anxiety, seeing that his boss did not say a word, he couldn't help but say:

"Boss, our traffic has fallen seriously in the past two months, at the beginning it was just an ordinary decline, but in the past half a month, the traffic is not even half of the usual, last night Sohu Changyou over there next publicity project, our promotion data is not even up to standard!"

"Both the amount of PV and the amount of IP have plummeted, and the most serious is our IP volume, which has fallen by more than 60% compared to the statistics three months ago!"

As portals, both PV and IP are important data.

The so-called PV, refers to the number of page visits, which is the lifeblood of all portals, but also an important indicator of the company, every page opened is a PV volume, refresh is also a PV volume, snails can firmly occupy the first throne, is because their PV volume has always been industry-leading, even far ahead.

And IP, refers to the number of users, if PV is important external data, then IP is the most important data internally, because it represents the click user in the same IP, this user in a period of time multiple clicks will not increase the amount of IP.

If you want to have enough PV, you need enough IP.

And now, the amount of IP has fallen by 60%, which is worse than the slash, for any portal, such data is almost not just a crisis, this is a test of life and death, if you don't come up with a countermeasure in time, they may even never turn over.

Wen Zhibing looked at Shihu, and seeing that Shihu still didn't mean to speak, Wen Zhibing couldn't help but say:

"We all ignored that era of joy, since they were acquired by An Li, all kinds of data are growing rapidly, originally just a small portal to die, but now it has grown into an existence that can compete with us, or even just as simple as a competition."

"Their PV volume at the same time of day is increasing every day and is very stable, just last night's traffic peak, their PV amount was even five times ours!"

"Five times?" Shi Hu couldn't sit still, and gasped:

"Are you sure?"

"I'm pretty sure, and I've inquired about it, their number of IPs is also multiplying, exceeding 1 million more than half a month ago, and the number of these users is still increasing rapidly." Wen Zhibing nodded, his face full of anxiety:

"Their voice software, has completed the monopoly of the game voice industry, the orientation of the user base, so that their users are basically all gamers, these players will eventually become users of their portal, and with the release of pirated copies, their new users are increasing very quickly, almost every day more than 10,000 new IPs join."

More than 10,000 new IPs are added every day, which does not seem like much, and it is definitely a super terrifying number over time.

After all, the amount of PV that an IP can provide is not low.

As long as the game portal of the gathering era does not die, the editor has a little strength, the growth of 100,000 new PV is definitely there, and every day can add 100,000 new PV, over time, this number is definitely geometrically multiplied, now more than five times the snail, maybe a week later it will be directly thrown off ten times!

Listening to Wen Zhibing's words, Shihu's face was extremely ugly, and he couldn't help but say when he opened the multi-play community in the era of gathering:

"The user interface is so concise?"

Shihu was born in art, and in fact, many of Snail's page designs have Shihu's participation, but even a veteran like him can't help but marvel after seeing the pages of the multi-play community.

If you play more with the user interface of the community, the snail still has the power to resist, then the content aspect is really hanging.

"Shocked, a certain local tycoon played a game and smashed 30 million, and was taught to be a man by a roadside guy."

"The untold secrets of the legendary world."

"Those who have played these games are old drivers, come and see if you are."


These headlines, don't say anything vulgar or not vulgar, it is undeniable that these headlines are like a big beauty standing in front of a hair salon, hooking her finger at you, and by the way:

"Handsome guy, don't want money!"

In terms of content, hang the snail!

"Where did the Huanju era find so many editors, although their boss is from the news media, but this editing ability is too strong?" Shihu is extremely ugly.

At this time, Shihu will never know that what An Que followed was the famous UC Shock Department in the future!

In this world, maybe a name can be changed.

Play Shock Department more?

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