"Phew, angry and angry, this An Li is simply a scoundrel, no, the word scoundrel is no longer enough to describe him, he is simply a shameless bastard!"

On the way to school, Yu Lan was angry on the phone.

Although she seemed to win the game in the end, behave decently and regain her form and confidence, in fact, only she knew that she finally said those words by holding back the anger in her heart and trying to calm herself down.

But after leaving the hotel, the anger in Yu Lan's heart couldn't help but burn again.


Bad apple!

Yu Lan used almost all the swear words she could think of on An Li, but unfortunately, the education she received since she was a child and the people she came into contact with made her vocabulary in this area extremely limited, and in the end she could only turn over these words.

And the man on the other end of the phone also smiled helplessly, waiting for Yu Lan to scold over and over for three minutes before finally continuing:

"Actually, listening to you say this, this kid is quite interesting."


Yu Lan was suddenly unhappy, and couldn't help pouting: "Dad, that kid is a bastard, you actually think he is interesting, what's the point, I doubt that you are standing in the same line with me?" "

The one who spoke to Yu Lan was the legendary, the leader of Gaozhen Capital, Yu Lei!

"Of course, Dad is on the same line as you, but according to what you said, that An Que is indeed not an ordinary person, and if you want to complete your task this time, I'm afraid it won't be so simple."

"Hey, I found out dad, how do you grow other people's morale to destroy your daughter's prestige?" Yu Lan's face was full of displeasure: "Just the kind of scoundrel who can only talk is really not an ordinary person, because he is a bastard." But even so, do you think I can't face the bad guys?

"Oh, the little girl is quite confident." Yu Lei on the other end of the phone was immediately happy.

Yu Lan nodded: "Of course!"

"But it seems to me that if you want to complete the task this time, not fearfully, but absolutely fail." Yu Lei shook his head and smiled, not waiting for Yu Lan to fryer, but Yu Lei had already said again: "You tell why An Li said those words, why did you say that you might want to pursue him?"

Yu Lan didn't hesitate: "Is there anything to think about, he is a bastard, a bastard who wants to take advantage of me." "

She is really full of resentment towards An Li now.

Even, she began to curse An Li in her heart, hoping that An Li would walk and wrestle, drink water and plug her teeth, eat her teeth, sleep in bed...

But her attitude made Yu Lei on the other end of the phone shake his head for a while: "Look, how you feel about him now is actually in his arms." "

Huh? Right in his arms? Yu Lan suddenly frowned.

Yu Lei opened his mouth and explained:

"She has seen through your identity from the beginning, so he will say those words, in order to make your heart unable to calm down, unable to maintain calm and restraint, repeatedly provoke you, make you completely lose the original state, and even make you still have no good impression of him until now, and even disgust."

"Maybe he didn't know your identity at first, but in fact, your actions have already revealed your intentions a little, and you hinted at him as a big person or something, which made him even more sure that you were not good."

"I have to admit that being able to react so quickly, this An Que itself is not a simple character."

"If you continue to have those previous thoughts, even if you meet him a second or third time, the final result will not be too good, but it may make your mood worse and worse, even if you finally succeed in winning the era of reunion, it will not be much good for us."

"So, do you still think that this person is an ordinary person?"

Yu Lei's words made Yu Lan couldn't help but frown, although she didn't want to admit it, she trusted her father extremely much, even if she still felt in her heart that An Li might not be as unfathomable as her father thought, but she also had to doubt.

That bastard, really on purpose?

Knowing his daughter Mo Ruo's father, Yu Lei was well aware of his daughter's thoughts and mentality, and continued at this time:

"Actually, I am still a little unhappy that you did not go to California but stayed in China to study, but now I find that maybe you are not bad to study in China, at least An Li has such an opponent, which can make you achieve greater growth."

"Opponent? Dad, do you think so highly of him? Yu Lan couldn't help but be surprised.

"Never underestimate anyone."

Yu Lei shook his head, he is not only Yu Lan's father, but also Yu Lan's guiding light on the road to growth, and at this time, he continues to play this identity:

"An Li, this person, we have all investigated, can change from a person who has nothing to a rich man with assets of more than 100 million, it is only less than half a year, do you think you can do it?"

"I..." Yu Lan concluded.

"You can't do it."

Yu Lei shook his head: "You are a genius, but also a future investment master, you have also gained something in the stock market, but in fact, if you want to become a billionaire without a penny in just half a year, even if you are, I think it is impossible to do it."

"An Li is not nothing, he has a few million as starting capital that I don't know where to come from, and then add his shit luck, so he can earn this money, if he doesn't have these starting capital, without such luck, he can't become a billionaire at all."

Yu Lan was a little unconvinced, but Yu Lei smiled:

"Heh, even we can't find out, how did he come from the millions, it's not simple in itself, and his family itself is not a person who can take out millions as a start-up capital, but he still gets it, no matter what method he uses, but it is undeniable that he is very successful."

"Who knows if he used some shady means..." Yu Lan was still a little unconvinced.

"Whether it's a shady means or not, but you have to admit that he ended up being a billionaire." Yu Lei shook his head:

"Moreover, how much money An Li has now, even I don't know, the only thing I can know is that An Li later saved a sum of money in CMB, but no one knows how much he saved, maybe his current assets, even I will be surprised."

Yu Lan was silent, and from this point of view, An Li's body seemed to be covered with a layer of fog.

"In addition to the ability to make money, he also has a high level of leadership, and the financial report of Huanju Times shows that although they seem to have been improving, in fact, on the wheel of time, Huanju Times is just barely hanging a breath, but after the acquisition of Anque, the company immediately reformed, renewed, and underwent earth-shaking changes."

"According to the inside story I obtained, whether it is playing more community or YY voice, it is actually proposed by An Que, and the happy gathering era is more just execution."

"And his game company, and I recently noticed that a small company called Ele.me has also been acquired by Quercus, and this young man's vision and experience even I sometimes feel terrified."

"This person, you can't underestimate!"


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