"It's a pity that you met me!"

An Li's words revealed a more confident temperament than Yu Lan, and that confidence, and even a bit of the momentum of the world, made Yu Lan, who was originally full of confidence, couldn't help but frown slightly.

"Why, you don't believe what I say?" Can't help it, Yu Lan asked.

"No, of course not."

An Li waved his hand and looked at Yu Lan again, with a little appreciation in his eyes: "If I can, I even want to recruit you to work in my company, because your vision is actually very good, and the industry prospects you analyze, to be honest, are indeed very unique, although not necessarily accurate, but the direction has coincided with me."

Yu Lan couldn't help but snort coldly.

I want to dig myself up to work for him, but this kid is really still so inflated!

However, Yu Lan couldn't help but be a little surprised, An Li actually recognized his analysis and agreed with his own opinion without seeing the actual data, which had to make Yu Lan feel admired.

In fact, the analysis of these industries is not all seen by Yu Lan, in fact, her father Yu Lei is really indispensable.

Many of these words were actually said by Yu Lei.

In fact, when Yu Lei said these words, Yu Lan's first thought was not to believe it, because everyone knows that the game industry is developing hotly, and since the legend of Shengda came to China, the game industry has attracted more and more attention.

Under such circumstances, people have even begun to imagine that the future domestic game mode may be the same as Koryo's side, a national game!

At that time, Yu Lei did not refute Yu Lan, but only arranged a simple job for Yu Lan.

Investigate other overseas gaming powerhouses!

The final result shows that the game industry will eventually have a bottleneck, and now the domestic game industry is hot, just because online games are new things, and once the game is on track, the industry will reach a bottleneck period, and by that time, the bubble of the game industry will dissipate.

Originally, Yu Lan actually put a lot of effort into convincing An Li, but she didn't expect that she didn't even have to wait for herself to put the prepared evidence and data in front of An Li, and An Li directly recognized her words.

Even...... Also agreed!

This kid doesn't seem to be simple!

"Since you agree with me, why are you still so optimistic?" Can't help it, Yu Lan asked.

But seeing An Li smiled, he shook his head slightly:

"There are two problems with the situation you mentioned."

"First, the development of the game industry in the future will become divided by several giants, while other small companies will be squeezed and even have no living space."

"Now I want to know, what do you think is the gaming giant?"

What are gaming giants?

Yu Lan was a little confused, so he thought for a moment: "Of course, a large company like Shengda, they have always been the boss of the domestic game industry, and the new ones are penguins, their QQ Tang, QQ Xuan Dance and other games have proven the ability of penguins, and they are also developing a new game, which will further occupy market share, and will definitely become a giant in the future."

"So you mean that with a good game in hand, you can eventually grow into a giant if you run it well?" An Li asked with a smile.

Yu Lan frowned, but nodded anyway.

"Since you investigated me, you should know that there are still wood music games under my hand, and the current location, the popularity of dungeons and warriors is only unabated, in this case, do you think I don't have the opportunity to become a giant with this excellent game operation?" An Li asked with a smile.


Yu Lanxiu's eyebrows furrowed, although she wanted to refute but didn't know how to refute.

I have to admit that even she, who is not interested in online games, has heard of the name of Dungeons and Warriors, and now, this game has not even been officially launched, it has attracted such attention, it can be imagined that once the official server is launched, as long as it is not their own death, this game will definitely become a super phenomenal game.

And it is not impossible for Mule Games, which owns this game, to grow into a giant in the future.

"Now that the first point has been solved, let's analyze the second point you said." An Li smiled: "In your opinion, the trump card of the happy gathering era is YY voice, and YY voice is full of reproducibility, and even only need popular game companies to develop their own in-game voice, the living space of YY voice will be compressed to the extreme, right?"

"Of course!"

Yu Lan nodded:

"The development of the game industry will eventually encounter a bottleneck, after reaching the bottleneck, the major game companies want to seek development, what they need is all-round diversified development, and at this time, similar to the built-in voice in the game, the game community will definitely improve accordingly, at that time, how should the gathering era deal with itself?"

"Even if you have a deep cooperation between two companies, or even merge, it is impossible to increase the market value out of thin air."

"So, in my opinion, as an investor, you can choose to sell your shares at this time, at least so far you can see a decent profit."

"I have to say that Miss Yu's analysis is very convincing." An Li nodded in admiration.

With these alone, she can analyze the direction of future enterprises, no wonder she can become the future investment queen, these eyes and analytical skills alone are enough.

"Since it is very convincing, why does Mr. An hesitate?" Yu Lan asked.

"Your analysis is persuasive because I agree with your analysis, but have you ever thought about what you think of now, even what you have not thought of, I have already thought of." An Li smiled confidently, looked up at the starlight above the sky dome, and his eyes gradually deepened:

"In the era of joy, in the eyes of you and even many people, it may just be something worth investing in now, but in my opinion, this will become a trump card in the future."

"The game industry landscape is bound to change, but you should understand that the people who play the game will never change."

"The number of gamers is growing year by year, because every year young people join the ranks of the gamers, and the same people who have played games and loved games before have not changed their original intentions."

"This is people's spiritual needs."


An Li withdrew his gaze and looked at Yu Lan, the corners of his mouth slightly upturned:

"No matter how the pattern changes in the future, but only if someone plays the game, I have the confidence to face any problem."

"And now the gathering era has mastered all gamers!"


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