It turns out that never use your interests to challenge someone's expertise. When the instructor used a standard set of tactics to advance, while rushing forward, firing ten shots in a row, and each shot hit the bullseye, the originally proud student put away the expression of the eldest and the second.

This marksmanship is definitely not something that can be practiced in a shooting club for a few days.

Although there was such an episode, everything was still as usual, An Li They belong to the cooking class establishment, and they do not have to participate in regular military training, but under Huang Tao's eloquence persuasion, the small handymen of the four cooking classes still got the opportunity to touch the gun.

However, there are only three bullets per person.

Even so, Zheng Bowen and Chen Tianxiao flew into the sky excitedly, touching the gun in their hands with love while waiting for Huang Tao to help them put the bullet on the shell.

"Oh, how many of your chefs also want to touch the gun?"

Just then, a shrill voice came.

The person who spoke was none other than the student who had provoked the instructor before.

Obviously, after being shown by the instructor, he was a little hung up on his face, so he wanted to find some confidence in front of his peers. After all, although he was abused by the instructor, his marksmanship was definitely outstanding in a group of students, and it was unceremonious.

Zheng Bowen and Chen Tianxiao's faces changed slightly, a little angry, but did not speak.

Everyone is a college student, although there will be times when the blood is on the head, but more often they can also think calmly. Compared with the marksmanship, it is definitely not comparable, and a few of his own guns are also the opportunity for Huang Tao to find a relationship, but he can't beat it, it's better to admit it.

But sometimes, if you take the initiative to admit it, you may increase the arrogance of others, only to see the young man continue:

"Aren't you from the cooking class, isn't the cooking class responsible for logistics, what are you doing at the shooting range, is it humiliating?"

"We are also military trainers, your family lives on the seashore and the pipe is so wide, we are not allowed to shoot live-fired?" Chen Tianxiao shot back.

"Hey, you're also military trainers?"

The student grabbed the head of this sentence and exaggerated: "Your military training, why haven't I seen you kick the right step, I haven't seen you stand in a military posture, since you want to go to the cooking class to hide as a nest of waste, then hide in the cooking class, don't come out and embarrass yourself!"

As if seeing more and more people paying attention to the situation here, the student continued to laugh:

"Do you know what the cooking class does, that is a waste colony, what can you do, except for making unpalatable meals, you are useless, and waste resources." If an enemy comes, you won't even have a chance to fight back, so you can only run away with your spoon! "


"Running with a spoon... Haha, why is this so graphic?

"Not only do you have to carry a spoon, but you may also have to run with a pan, maybe you can block a bullet, haha!"


will never be a shortage of good deeds in this world," and as this classmate's voice fell, many people laughed directly. Fools can see that the family that has just gone to a shooting club in college must be good, and this kind of person is worth their friendship.

In the face of everyone's ridicule, Zheng Bowen and Chen Tianxiao suddenly turned red, wanting to refute, but they didn't know how to refute it.

Fortunately, at this moment, Huang Tao returned with the bullet, and when he saw this situation, he immediately frowned:

"Why, you guys look down on our cooking class?"

Huang Tao's appearance in military uniform on his body appeared, many students who were still laughing at everyone before, suddenly closed their mouths, to the student who provoked trouble, a trace of hesitation appeared on his face, but after hesitating for a moment, he still said:

"The cooking class is originally the most useless in the army, and since they have already gone to the cooking class, most of the training they do not participate in, why should they participate in this live shooting, not to mention that they cannot take a gun to the front-line battlefield, Why waste bullets on them? Obviously

, this student was still a little intimidated in the face of the instructor.

He did not dare to intimidate the instructor, so he simply grasped this issue.

But unfortunately, for such a large number of words from him, Huang Tao obviously heard the first sentence, and at this time he couldn't help but narrow his eyes and stare at this student: "You just said... The cooking class is the most useless in the army?

"I..." The

student also seemed to know that his words were a bit excessive, especially when he was stared at by Huang Tao, he felt a cold hairstand upside down, and the whole person even the cells of the whole body were alert. But soon, when he noticed that more and more classmates behind him were looking at him, he finally said something that made him regret it immensely: "Originally,

what can the cooking class do besides being able to cook a meal?" You can't go into battle to kill the enemy, you can't resist the attack, and you have to protect you in the combat department, which is the most useful in the army.

"Hey, boy, it's useless, it's so good!"

Huang Tao's eyes narrowed, and he sneered twice, obviously this blue sky was in the daylight, but he felt a chill in his heart.

An Li noticed that when Huang Tao showed such an expression, even several instructors who saw this scene not far away couldn't help but snort, although it was very hidden, but it still didn't escape An Li's eyes, and at this time he couldn't help but look at Huang Tao, and couldn't help but feel a little strange in his heart.

"You seem to have tried marksmanship with your instructor just now, since you think our cooking class is useless, do you want to compare with me?" Huang Tao spoke faintly.

"Than ... Than what?

The student swallowed, a little unconfident: "I can't cook, if you compare with me, then I admit defeat."

"Who is better than you cooking."

The instructor waved his hand, raised his hand and pointed to another shooting range area: "It's exactly 1.5 kilometers from here to there, so it's good, how about the two of us start from here and run there and back?"

"This..." "This student is not a fool, and the speed and endurance of others as soldiers, isn't that looking for death?"

"Of course, it's a bit of a disadvantage than you."

Huang Tao naturally would not bully him, and at this time beckoned to his colleagues in the same company and explained in a low voice, and then turned to look at the student: "The general direction now is multi-branch and multi-scale coordinated combat, but individual soldiers need to carry firearms to attack, and cooking team personnel need to bring guys, thinking that you are a recruit, you don't need to bring a gun, I carry a pot on my back, see who arrives first, how about it?"

As soon as these words came out, the student immediately breathed a sigh of relief, especially when he saw another veteran of the cooking class pull out a half-human pot from the car.

This pot, let alone one or twenty kilograms, and he doesn't have to carry anything lightly.

If it is a little difficult to run tens of kilometers, but if it is only three kilometers....

"Well, I'll compare with you!"

Instantly, the student agreed, his face full of confidence and arrogance.

But what he didn't notice was that a group of instructors watching from afar looked at him at this time, as if looking at a fool...

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