"That is, you

think you are playing handsome, in fact, you are just pretending, I have been playing with toy pistols since I was a child, and I can also disassemble and install it when I change it, and it is not a difficult thing."

"Let's compare who is accurate, not who dismantles the gun."

"..." A

few Qingjie's licking dogs also opened their mouths in time at this time, but compared to the momentum just now, the number of people who opened their mouths at this time also instantly decreased a lot. After all, everyone is not a fool, just An Que's hand, although the marksmanship may not be guaranteed, but what is certain is that people definitely touch guns often.

Otherwise, it will be dismantled so quickly?

Qing Jie can't be offended because this guy can go to the shooting club to get a member, which is a status symbol. And An Que like this, I'm afraid it's not bad at all.

And when everyone had their own thoughts, An Li had already received three bullets from Huang Tao.

Turn the bullet upside down, load it into the magazine, and aim in a gesture.

At this time, even Qing Jie couldn't help but pinch his sweat, although he didn't want to admit how An Li's marksmanship was, but the scene just now still scared him, and he was thinking in his heart, if An Li really shot into the seventh ring, how should he excuse himself.

Otherwise, it will be a big loss of face.

And just when everyone was holding their breath, An Li, who originally looked like he was about to shoot, suddenly put away the gun and looked at the instructor:

"Instructor, can that target be moved?"


Everyone was stunned, and Huang Tao asked at this time: "How do you want to move?"

"It's farther away." But seeing An Li smiled and spoke.

What the?

A little further?

The current target is standing at a position of fifty meters, in fact, the standard of live shooting by recruits is one hundred meters, but they are students after all, so they use a fifty-meter target, but at this time An Que wants to go further, how inflated is this?

Huang Tao smiled, nodded, and picked up the walkie-talkie: "Open the two-hundred-meter target area!" "

In an instant, the target that was originally standing at the fifty-meter position instantly fell and disappeared, and instead, a new target appeared two hundred meters away, and at this time, the target area was no longer easy to identify from a distance. But as expected, An Li shook his head:


"Pull three hundred meters!" Huang Tao nodded and called again without hesitation.

But as expected, An Li looked at the three-hundred-meter target area and shook his head: "Go farther!"

At this moment, even Huang Tao couldn't help but become serious, the Bayi bar does not have an optical sight that can be installed, and the aiming baseline has the shortcomings of the segment, so it is actually difficult for the Bayi bar to strike at medium and long-range targets.

"Although the effective range of the Bayi bar for a single target is 400 meters, in fact, if you want to shoot accurately from a distance of 400 meters, it is very difficult, we generally carry out shooting training at a distance of 300 meters, if you want to go farther, you will not use the Bayi bar for training." Huang Tao reminded him of his friendship.

Unexpectedly, An Li smiled: "It's okay, I want to try where my limit is." "


Huang Tao narrowed his eyes, couldn't help but take a large amount of oak again, and then nodded: "Change 400 meters!"

"Farther!" An Li took the gun and glanced at it, and spoke again.

"Change five hundred meters!" Huang Tao didn't say anything more.





Next, the two began to repeat and even have a somewhat boring conversation, but the instructors and students watching from the side were already frightened and numb at this time.

In the blink of an eye, the distance has changed to 900 meters!

The target at this distance is no longer an ordinary rifle target, but a special target for sniper rifles, and from a distance, it is only a one-person tall target, but at this time it is only a small black dot, but a shadow can be vaguely seen.

"This kid, crazy, right?"

"At such a distance, changing a sniper rifle may not be able to hit accurately, not to mention that he is holding an eight-one bar, this kid is too pretending."

"I used to feel that he should have some strength, but now it seems that he is a little too inflated."


the instructors who were watching around couldn't help but shake their heads at this time.

Yes, the effective firing range of the Bayi bar can reach two kilometers, but it does not mean that the gun can accurately hit the target for two kilometers, but that the bullet flies two kilometers, within this distance, the bullet is also harmful, but to say that accurate hit, it is basically impossible.

In fact, at a distance of six hundred meters, it is basically a casual relationship.

As for nine hundred meters, if you can touch the target, even if you are lucky.

Fortunately, when Huang Tao was almost unbearable, An Li finally stopped after picking up the gun and gesturing for a while: "This position is enough, no matter how far away, I am not sure of hitting 100%." All

instructors: "..."

Pretend, you must be pretending, right?"

What is this position enough?

What is it called no longer that you didn't hit me 100%?

That means you're 100% sure you're hitting this distance now?

Rao is Huang Tao, can't help but have black lines all over his head, he found that his evaluation of An Que may be too high, this guy may really have some real material, but it is inevitably a little too pretentious.

Even Chen Tianxiao and Zheng Bowen both looked at each other at this time:

"Is the boss too pretending?"

"Probably... Maybe he is sure..."

"Grab a fart, although I feel that the boss is not a person who likes to brag, but you look at this target, can you see this clearly, such a distance can hit the hell!"

Even the two of them felt unreliable.

Qi Wei, who had always been quietly a beautiful woman next to her, looked at An Li with admiration on her face at this time, and spoke for the first time: "I believe An Li, he will definitely be able to do it!" Hearing

this, Chen Tianxiao and Zheng Bowen looked at each other and were speechless.

What can I say?

Envy, envy, hate!

Everyone in the audience, except for Qi Wei, no one believed that An Li could succeed, and in the midst of this heavy doubt, a gunshot sounded first!

"Bang ——!"

This shot came suddenly, startling everyone, and when Yu Guang looked, he could only see a tongue of fire spit out from the muzzle, and then with the special smell of gunpowder ignition, it quickly dissipated in the wind and rain.

Everyone narrowed their eyes and couldn't help but look at the target.

Unfortunately, at such a distance, it is impossible to see the situation in the target area, Huang Tao obviously has long experience, picked up the walkie-talkie and asked:

"Please report the results!"

But when these words came out, there was a deathly silence on the other side.

Huang Tao couldn't help but frown and asked again:

"Please report the results!"

At this moment, the other side finally responded, it was a somewhat stammering voice, but in this stammering voice, everyone gasped:

"Ten... Ten rings!

"Right in the bullseye!"


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