In the troops, the word emptiness never appears.

Because when you step into this land and begin, your life will become extraordinarily fulfilling, from the time you open your eyes in the morning, you will always be busy, any second of rest, the only thing you want to do is just a quiet rest, not a cranky mind.

In such a situation, time also flies fast.

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed by in a flash.

The day when the freshmen of Qinghua freshmen left the army is getting closer and closer, and in this place, every day is turbulent, and every day is calm.

Chen Tianxiao still brags in the cooking class every day.

Zheng Bowen is still doing this hard-working dirty work every day.

And Quercus ... Still stand guard at the door of the bathhouse on time every night, and then win the commission of two or two hundred yuan.

"An Li, recently I listened to a song, share it with you, it's quite good, it's called the rest of my life." After half a month of standing guard, the relationship between An Li and Yu Lan has also become a lot closer, and every day when taking a bath, Yu Lan will chat with An Li while taking a bath.

The two have a lot of topics, from some interesting facts about investment at the beginning, to celebrities, idol TV series, and some messy little things in childhood.

Listening to Yu Lan's voice mixed with the sound of water coming from the bathhouse, An Li couldn't help but touch his nose.

For the rest of your life?

Also share it with yourself?

Shaking his head, An Li did not intend to continue on this topic: "Soon our military training will be over, are you going to start preparing to convince me for the second time?"

"Of course, Miss Ben has never given up on the idea of acquiring the Happy Gathering Era." Yu Lan did not deny her thoughts.

"In fact, you don't have to be so persistent, I can't sell it in the era of joy." An Li shook his head: "In fact, the potential of this company in my eyes is endless, even if your price is high, it is useless to me, unless your price really surprises me, it is useless."

"This is not necessarily, not to mention, in my opinion, negotiating the price is a very low thing, I am sure that you will agree to sell the gathering era to me."

"So confident?"

"That's of course, Miss Ben has never missed a shot since she invested."

"That's because you don't invest in many projects."

"You talk nonsense..." The

two of them carried out a daily compulsory course -


The breeze blows, pressing the summer heat, the occasional cicada chirping in the jungle, and the moon above is gradually full from the first crescent, and it won't be long before the Mid-Autumn Festival arrives.

It seems that when the military training is over, it is time for them to prepare holiday mooncakes.

An Li muttered, noting this matter in the memorandum, although An Li has always been strict with his employees, in fact, the benefits that should be given have never lagged behind.

Because he understands a truth.

Employees come to work in the company, to put it bluntly, they want to make money, and expect employees to treat the company as a home and a big family, which is pure nonsense, at least in the absence of some corresponding corporate culture and welfare measures, employees will never have a sense of belonging.

And the best way to retain employees, especially excellent employees, is only three.

First and foremost, money!

Employees here, can make money, he is willing to continue to work, in this matter An Li has never been stingy, in fact, his company is definitely the best in the industry.

The second point is happiness.

After solving the material needs, what people need to solve is the spiritual needs, let the employees enjoy it, let the employees shine with full spirit, let the employees feel the sense of happiness, he will naturally not go. Some small benefits and activities are essential, and the attention and concern of leaders is also one of the sources of happiness.

The third and final point.

A fair and just platform!

With the ability to go up, anyone can see their own promotion channel, which is necessary for the development of a conscience.

These three points, An Li brought to this life from the previous life.

While thinking about this, the sound of a branch breaking in the jungle came, the sound was very weak, and even easily covered in the sound of cicadas and the wind, but An Li still heard clearly, and the whole person's nerves tensed in an instant.

However, An Li's expression and even movements did not change at all.

At this moment, another subtle voice came, very soft, but when An Li was completely alert, this voice seemed exceptionally clear in his ears.


This is....

The sound of a gun being loaded!

Even, with the skill of mastering god-level firearms, An Li was able to accurately distinguish this gun.

The Glock Type 17 9mm pistol, used by military and police equipment in more than 50 countries around the world, from the sound, this gun is well maintained, and through the subtle cocking sound can be heard, the bullet in the magazine of this gun is full!

In an instant, An Que's sweaty hair stood upside down.

If he remembers correctly, it is correct that this kind of firearm is not equipped in the country, and at this time, in this small military base, there was such a sound of a firearm being loaded....


At this moment, a scream came from the bathhouse, and An Li's body, which was already tense, reacted instantly, and the whole person rushed into the bathhouse like a cheetah for the first time, through the thick mist, a wonderful figure appeared in front of An Li's eyes.

Just a quick glance, An Li felt that the tip of his nose was a little hot.

Whether Yu Lan has any material, An Li has never doubted this problem, and the moment he sees it with his own eyes now, he can be considered to understand how much Yu Lan has material, the waist that is grasped, the white and straight long legs, there are a lot of places where there should be material, and there are not many places that should not be material.


Realizing the downward movement, An Li felt even more suffocated.

She also finally understood why Yu Lan was reluctant to come to this big bathhouse without any obstacles...

What can't be squeezed, what missed the bath time is a lie, the main reason is because Yu Lan does not want people to find out that she is different from others!

Unfortunately, just when An Li was still suddenly realizing, a bath towel appeared to cover all the scenery, and when he looked up, he saw Yu Lan staring at him with anger.

"That... Ahem... I...... I hear you screaming... So..." An Li's rare old face blushed.

Yu Lan's eyes were about to spew fire, but she still explained: "There was a mouse just now, I didn't expect you to suddenly rush in!"

"That... I..." An Li was embarrassed.

Yu Lan did not give An Li a chance to explain, and directly issued an eviction order: "Can you go out?"

At this moment, Yu Lan still seemed calm, but very angry, which made An Li a little puzzled, the reaction of ordinary girls did not seem to be right, but he also knew that he was a little unreasonable, and turned his head to walk out after apologizing.

However, just two steps away, a subtle sound came, as if someone had put a cannon fight far away.

Hearing this voice, An Li's face turned cold.


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