According to the

agreement between An Li and Yu Lan, Yu Lan loses, she will give up the idea of Huanju Era, and will issue a statement that Gaozhen Capital will spend 2 billion yuan to acquire Anque's shares in Huanju Era.

This price, to be honest, is definitely a sky-breaking degree.

After all, just three months ago, An Li won the absolute controlling stake of Huanju Times with just over 30 million, 30 million, and in a blink of an eye, it became 2 billion, which is definitely a super profiteering, and it also means that Huanju Times will become one of the most awesome companies.

In fact, when this gamble first appeared, Yu Lan had already thought about it. An Li did this just to increase the hot spot, but also to increase the market value of his company.

But in fact, is the Happy Era really worth so much money?

The answer is, NO!

It is undeniable that the happy gathering era has now successfully entered the scope of the capitalists' sight with the two major tools of YY voice communication and multi-play community, but in fact, whether it is YY voice or multi-play community, the capital that can be brought is only limited after all.

At least, Gao Zhen Capital's valuation of the Happy Gathering Era was at most 500 million.

This is also because the data of the Happy Gathering era is too beautiful, if there is a little negative problem, this price can be compressed. And Yu Lan never thought that he would use 500 million to acquire a happy gathering era, after all, this is too risky.

No investor comes to lose money, and no investor doesn't want to make money.

Invest in order to make more money.

They may not pay attention to whether the investment is really promising, whether it can really be sustainable, and whether it can really be the trump card of the future.

But one thing is necessary, they have to look at whether the company can be sold to the next family.

Those who enter the market in the first round of financing want to fool the capital of the second round of financing.

The second round wants to fool the third round.

The third round flickered the fourth round....

After all, for the Happy Gathering Era, the listing is still far away, and all they need to consider is whether the next Happy Gathering Era can be sold.

Five hundred million is their highest valuation.

More than this number will be meaningless to Gao Zhen, in fact, it is best to be able to win within one or two hundred million, that can make a profit.

But now, Yu Lan, a strong girl, wants to follow the statement.

That is....

She wants to use 2 billion to win all the shares in the hands of Anque in the Happy Gathering Era!

This is a loss-making transaction, a huge loss!

Even the most professional people, no matter how professional they are, they will never make such a choice, two billion is not casually in the sky can fall, this is enough for any person to have food and clothing for a lifetime, so much money, once smashed, as far as the current situation of the gathering era, it is basically impossible to sell!

Even, the capital cannot be earned.


For Yu Lan's thoughts, Rao and Yu Lei were a little surprised, but he did not directly refuse, but asked his daughter generously.

"I trust the potential of the Gathering Times."

Speaking of this, Yu Lan seems to have regained her confidence:

"Whether it is the prospect of industry development or the strategic development direction of Huanju Times so far, I have seen from Huanju Times that they have the potential and will to become a super giant."

"This company, I have a strong hunch, will be able to go to the next level, even to the extent of penguins!"

This rating is high, very high.

Penguin: What is that existence?

The first company in the domestic Internet, the supergiant among the giants, with the penetration of QQ, and then used this as a springboard, has become the most awesome technology company in the country in one fell swoop. The market value is growing every year, just this year, the market value of Penguin has exceeded 10 billion, Mi Dao!

And the owner of Penguin, Comrade Pony, has just been selected by Time magazine as one of the 100 most influential people in the world, such an honor on him, which means that Tencent will become more and more powerful in the future, and even continue to appreciate!

Comparing the era of gathering, the current era of gathering is just emerging, the number of users is not comparable to penguins, profits are not comparable to penguins, and development is also not comparable to penguins.

But in this situation where nothing can compare to penguins, Yu Lan still believes that the era of gathering will catch up with penguins in the future.

If anyone said this, they would definitely be immediately refuted.

But it was Yu Lan who said this, and Yu Lei couldn't help but frown.

"Dad, I've never been a person who judges by intuition, but I still think that the potential of the Gathering Age is endless, and I noticed that they are not just games, but they seem to be expanding into new areas, as if the game market alone is not enough to satisfy them."

Yu Lan continued to speak, her face full of sincerity and sincerity.

Looking at his daughter like this, Yu Lei finally sighed:

"One billion!"

"I can give you one billion to acquire Huanju Era, whether it is a stake or an acquisition, this billion is my limit."

"This billion, I will test it in ten years."

One billion, a whole double, with Yu Lei's identity, he will never do such a thing, maybe he doesn't care about this little money, but it is clear that the money to be lost, Yu Lei is impossible to do in any case.

However, it was his daughter who spoke, and what Yu Lei wanted at this time was just to use one billion to give his daughter an experience.

One hundred million for one experience is unimaginable to many people.

But in Yu Lei's opinion, it is not so unbelievable.

However, even after making such a big concession, Yu Lan still seemed to be dissatisfied, and her eyebrows wrinkled slightly: "Dad, a billion An oak may not be able to look at..."

"How much money does he still have?"

Yu Lei was stunned, and then his face was full of helplessness: "An Li I investigated, he swept away several hundred million in the stock market, I don't know how much, because he later transferred the money away, it seems that the card went to the investment promotion, I can't find it there, but now An Li's assets, up to the sky, is 100 million, I give him 100 million is enough to double, An Li will agree."

"But..." Yu

Lan was still a little hesitant, but she also understood that she might be a little embarrassed by her father when she said this, and after thinking about it, Yu Lan finally nodded.

However, in his heart, Yu Lan was still a little uncertain.

Billion billion.

Will the guy promise himself?

With so much money, Yu Lan would not have any worries about changing to another company, but when facing An Li, Yu Lan was a little undecided.

An oak, not an ordinary person.


Very special!

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