China has just entered the Internet era, and the penetration rate of netizens is not too high, but it is at this time that an online violence has completely erupted when it is still in its infancy.

Scolding wars, escalating.

The energy of the older generation of composers is absolutely unimaginable, and many singers who have worked with him have come down to help, and Du Tao's side is also evenly matched, after all, a song for the rest of his life, let him gain countless passers-by fans, countless fans to help, so that this scolding war became more and more intense.

Such a scolding war has aroused widespread attention in society, and even not only limited to the music industry, but even the film and television entertainment industry and the game circle have begun to discuss this matter.

Qinghua is no exception:

"Although it is indeed very good to admit that the rest of his life will be true, to be honest, this Du Tao's character still needs to be verified."

"The composers of the older generation also have problems, at this time, jump out and say that kind of wind and cool words, it is completely with rhythm, but this Du Tao's emotional intelligence is worrying, the best way at this time is to accept it humbly, rather than directly react so much."

"In other words, I always thought that if I could sing songs like that for the rest of my life, there would be no problem with my character."


On the university campus, many people have also talked about it, but fortunately, compared with the continuous scolding on the Internet, although the students on Qinghua's side are equally concerned, most of them are quite reasonable.

In this case, An Que always behaved flatly, as if he didn't care about these at all.

He really didn't care about that.

To put it bluntly, he also copied people's songs, fifty steps laughing and a hundred steps This kind of thing An Li can't do, he has never participated in this matter from beginning to end, and he is even more reluctant to pay attention to anything.

But if An Li doesn't pay attention, it doesn't mean that others won't pay attention.

In fact, it turns out that when this scolding war continues to escalate, it means that this matter will no longer be as simple as the attention of netizens, and it will also attract countless research parties.

Standing on Du Tao's, I hope to prove that Du Tao is the singer of this song.

The old composer hopes to prove that Du Tao is a person who deceives the world and steals his name.

For a while, a detailed technical search began.

As a result, unexpectedly, it really made people find out.

A fan who has been standing on Du Tao, has learned relevant hacking techniques, and is said to have found more than ten vulnerabilities in vulnerability hunters. The fan originally only intended to prove that Du Tao was the original singer of the song, so he used some means to investigate all the surveillance near the bar at that time.

The result was beyond his expectations, and on the day he appeared for the rest of his life, Du Tao didn't go to the bar at all!

In fact, he took a higher pay from another bar and went to another bar temporarily!

This result blinded many people's eyes.

The hacker fan was greatly injured, sorted out the evidence at the first time, and used his own technology to directly distribute the evidence on the entire network, and even several official homepages were hacked by him to put this thing.

It turns out that what can hurt you the most is always the closest to you.

This die-hard fan has always been a strong supporter of Du Tao, and even played a pivotal role in this scolding battle, in order to support Du Tao, he dug up a lot of materials from the old composer, including some private materials with improper style.

As a result, he did not expect that everything he did turned out to be supporting a liar.

This feeling of being betrayed by the person he trusts the most is absolutely unacceptable to anyone, so his counterattack is also the strongest. In addition to distributing this evidence on the whole network, he also went to collect a lot of black materials about Du Tao, such as singing lip synching, seducing underage girls, forcing underage girls to have abortions and other things, a lot of mess.

This set of combined punches came out, and Du Tao only took two days, and he was instantly beaten to the bottom from the peak.

He will face the anger of netizens, and... Penguin's lawsuit!

After all, when it comes to victims, penguins are definitely the biggest victims, they spend a lot of money in order to win the hot song for the rest of their lives to seize the market, but they didn't expect that this lightning speed brought about a liar.

At the same time that Du Tao's scenery fell rapidly in two days, many people also began to dig deep into the original author for the rest of his life.

In fact, there have been netizens looking for the original author for the rest of their lives before, and nothing was found at that time, and there is no direct evidence to prove the identity of the original author.

At this time, a large number of Sherlock Holmes appeared.

Some people investigated all the tourists who arrived in Shaxi Ancient Town that day, analyzed and eliminated them one by one, and finally screened out 32 of them, and they personally ran the information of these 32 people to Shaxi Ancient Town for verification, and excluded and verified them one by one among these 32 people.


I really found out!


"I didn't expect Du Tao to be a liar, Mader, I like the rest of my life so much."

"If I want to say, it's good that Du Tao is a liar, otherwise such a good song was taken by this guy with corrupted character and morality, think about the real special heart."

"In other words, I don't know who sings for the rest of my life, this is really a talent, it's really a pity that this kind of person doesn't go to the singer circle to develop."


the dormitory, Chen Tianxiao and several people talked.

An Li is sitting on the bed fiddling with the computer, he is very busy, as the boss of several companies, he is really busy, the final test of the dungeon and warrior is almost over, and he will be able to go online directly; has completely won the magic market, and now it has begun to enter the Kyoto market, and there are many things; At Mule Investment, there are also corresponding investment project documents sent to An Li's mailbox every day, waiting for his approval.

In his previous life, he did something handy, but in this life, An Li felt a little boring.

In the previous life, in order to make a living, An Li worked hard, it was simply a model of desperate Sanlang, but in this life, his assets are more than 10 billion, how to look at it is also worry-free, do you have to be so tired?

Isn't it time for you to rest and enjoy life?

While thinking about this, the dormitory door was knocked open, Zheng Bowen jumped out of bed and opened the dormitory door: "You are..."

As soon as these three words appeared, a group of reporters with long guns and short cannons rushed in.

This scene startled several people in the dormitory.

But saw one of the sturdy reporters, swept around the dormitory, and finally his eyes fell on An Li, and he rushed to An Li first, and the first sentence he said made the other three people in the dormitory collectively stunned:

"Hello Mr. An Li, I am a reporter from Oriental New Entertainment, may I ask you, as the creator of "The Rest of Your Life", why are you unwilling to disclose your identity?"

Hearing this, An Li's heart jumped.

Groove, exposed!

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