"Vigorous, Gaozhen Capital invested heavily to buy all the shares of Huanju Era!"

"2 billion, how much is it?"

"The soaring market value of the happy gathering era also allows us to see the rise of new industries such as Internet technology, and the future road is in the Internet industry!"

"After Gao Zhen invested in Penguin, Gao Zhen once again set his sights on the Huanju era, do they want to monopolize the domestic Internet?"

"In the era of joy, why is it worth so much money?"


the matter of cooperation collapsed, Gao Zhen Capital also believed in his word, and after the two parties broke up peacefully and reasonably, he immediately released the purchase statement that An Li had read before on the company's official website.

For a while, everyone's eyes focused on the gathering era.

Even financial channels urgently broadcast this major news.

A small company that was half-dead a year ago has now transformed itself in just a few months, becoming a sweet potato in the eyes of capitalists, and even the market value has risen directly to 2 billion yuan, such a terrifying growth can simply be included in the textbooks of economic investment.

The era of joy immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Related topics are also expanding.

"The success of the happy gathering era allows us to see a new path for entrepreneurs, as long as we do it with our hearts, as long as we find the right opportunities, we can face difficulties and achieve great success, from the millennium to the present, the new Internet has always been an opportunity for entrepreneurs."

"The gathering era is obviously at a premium, is there any other insider in this?"

"Whether there is any insider or not, but such a huge amount of money for the acquisition, itself is enough to attract people's attention, to be honest, I have also used YY voice, this software really has nothing to say, it must be blown up!"

"There are also more play communities, and you can find any game guide in it."

"It's a pity that they don't have games in their own house."

"The gathering era is awesome, YY voice is awesome!"

Some people may question that this premium is too exaggerated, but I have to admit that such a piece of news that should only be in the financial circles spread throughout the Internet at a very fast speed, and even this time Gao Zhen's statement made overseas investors focus on the era of joy.

This company, there is only one word.


At the time of these occurrences, the Happy Gathering Times also issued an official note when it was fermenting for more than 12 hours, and said that it was in urgent consultations, and by the way, a message that caught the eyes of many people was released.

Dungeons & Warriors will be officially released next Friday!

This news spread throughout the network at a very fast speed. The game Dungeons and Warriors has been hot since the beginning of the closed beta, and you can see relevant publicity and news from time to time, including many closed beta players sharing the game, which has whetted everyone's appetite.

The news of the official release, coupled with the news of the sky-high acquisition fee, immediately made many people look forward to it, and even played more in the dungeons and warrior areas of the community, and won the record for the highest number of Internet forums in one fell swoop.

Corresponding to the publicity of the Gathering Era, Mule Games also opened up warm-up activities before the official release.

Some in-game Easter eggs, the game production process, and the original art of the game that made everyone look forward to have been released, and they have always maintained their popularity.

At the same time, Mule Games dropped a lot of money and began advertising bombardment in all directions.

The game is not out, but it has become popular all over the Internet!

Three days after Gao Zhen Capital issued the statement, Huanju Times finally officially responded to Gao Zhen's acquisition statement.

And this response also brought the era of joy to the highest peak.

"After urgent consultations with the company's senior management and friendly discussions with Gaozhen Capital, we officially responded to the article published by Gaozhen Capital on the company's official website to acquire Huanju Times."

"First of all, Huanju Times thanks Gaozhen Capital for its recognition, and even more thanks to Gaozhen Capital for its importance to the Internet technology industry, which proves the correctness of our path and goal, and we will continue to move forward on this road."


"I'm sorry, after detailed discussions, we decided to refuse the acquisition of Gaozhen Capital."

"Thanks to everyone's attention and focus on the gathering era over this period, we will continue to work hard to give users a better experience and bring people a more convenient life."

At this point, this statement is over.

This is also this statement, which makes everyone feel scorched and tender, even the most professional investors, even their own industry insiders, when looking at this statement at this time, they have a feeling of being completely caught off guard.

In the era of joy, it refused to be acquired!

Refusing to be acquired is the right of all companies, but in fact, unless the price is not negotiated, it is basically impossible to refuse to buy, after all, the acquisition of the company, means that the company's boss can cash out as soon as possible to obtain huge profits.

And what is Gao Zhen's acquisition this time?

Two billion, full two billion, the acquisition of an estimated price of 500 million is 500 million in the era of joy, the premium is more than 75%!

Under such circumstances, Gao Zhen may be stupid and has a lot of money, but what is the situation in the era of joy?

They actually refused!

Such a huge amount of money means that several people who hold equity in the Huanju era will become rich in an instant, but in this case, the Huanju era still refused!

Don't dare to imagine!

The boss of the happy gathering era should not be stupid, right?

The whole network, boiling!

At this time, in the various posts that talked about this matter, and even included the multi-play community, some special remarks quietly appeared:

"The latest news, Huanju Times refused to be acquired, not because the boss was stupid, but because they were afraid that Gaozhen Capital would ruin their hard work after acquiring Huanju Era, and they did not want to be acquired, because they hoped to continue to do the products of Huanju Era, do better, and do more refined!"

"There is a picture and the truth, and An Li, the behind-the-scenes boss of the happy gathering era, personally went to the company and held a 15-hour meeting!"

"An Li made a promise in the company to refuse this investment, and the future development of the happy era will be infinite!"


series of messages continue to appear from various channels.

At first, it was only one or two people who said this, but in half a day, the whole network was basically discussing this matter. And just when some people still doubt the authenticity of this statement, a secretly filmed video has been put on the Internet.

In the video, it is a video of the emergency high-level meeting in the era of gathering, and An Li is at the core of the video, and only says one sentence:

"The era of gathering is gathered by our love."

"I hope that this love of ours can continue, and I hope that the era of joy can continue to maintain benign development, pass on this love, and let our products stick to their hearts."

"Hold, our bottom line!"


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