The whole network black oak seems to have become the norm in the entertainment industry.

People always have a kind of resistance to the kind of rich and powerful people, so when someone guesses that An Li is looking for a relationship or parachuting through the back door to participate, people always choose to believe it for the first time, after all, An Li has money and ability, and if he wants to participate, he will definitely be able to participate.

Coupled with a series of entertainment media and various specious reports, all this is even more proved.

But in fact, there is one biggest loophole in all this.

An oak, figure what?

For this problem, whether it is the audience in front of the TV or the audience at the scene, the discussion was launched in an instant, and even in the public opinion position on the Internet, it set off a wave of shock

: "He wants to be famous, after all, no one does not want to have a good reputation, and participating in this show must be for a good reputation!"

"Fart, doesn't An Que have a great reputation?"

"The national college entrance examination champion with full scores, got a dungeon and warriors, and also made a happy gathering era, and even a takeaway platform was also made by An Que, and now in the circle of entrepreneurship, An Que is the most awesome person."

"It's the same in investment circles, do people get their fame by selling songs and laughter?"

"To say that it sounds good is called an artist, and to say that it is difficult is actually a drama, is the title of people's college entrance examination full score not fragrant, is the name of the youngest entrepreneur not fragrant, is the identity of the best investor not fragrant, why don't you go to the entertainment industry with these?"

"Perhaps... He wants money?

"After all, when an artist has a lot of money, a random announcement fee is tens of millions, casually singing a song, acting in a movie, participating in a variety show, that's all money."


"Are you afraid that you don't know what the gathering era and how awesome the dungeons and warriors are now, have you seen how much money these two can bring to An Que, don't say anything else, just say that he made the champion chicken steak, now Tanzhou also has opened one, every day the business is full, people will lack money?"

"Say that An Li is for money, go to tutor the previous news, but people who rejected Gao Zhen's 2 billion acquisition contract, 2 billion can be directly refused, he may not earn so much as an artist in his life!"

"I think everyone has forgotten one thing, An Li has never admitted that he is the creator of "The Rest of Life", and it was only after he was picked up by someone that there was a later matter."

"If he were to be famous, he would have said that it was enough that he sang that song."


Before, on the Internet, especially in the entertainment sector, as long as there was An Li's name, it must be a scolding.

But now, the wind seems to have changed in an instant.

An Li's two soul tortures, so that everyone can't help but start to rationalize, originally there are actually rational people, but without exception, once these rational people appear, they will be scolded by trolls to autism in minutes, but this time, rational people have spoken, forming a force that cannot be ignored.

You guys said that An Li found a relationship to go through the back door to participate in such a game, what is the picture?

Nothing is pictured, why does he still participate?

There is no solution to this problem.

No one can answer it, after all, there is a problem in the topic itself, and once this question gets attention and netizens use their brains, the answer has actually been solved.

Looking at the audience below the stage, the corners of An Li's mouth turned up slightly:

"The Internet gives you the opportunity to freedom of speech, so that you can speak freely online, but it does not mean that this place will become a place for you to add fuel and vinegar to your mischief, and it will not mean that the Internet will become a weapon for some people with ulterior motives."

"Actually, I came to accept the invitation, and I also thought about it."

"If I don't come, then I may not even have the opportunity to explain to myself, so I came, I am not for the so-called fame, nor for the so-called money, to be honest, this so-called fame and wealth, in my opinion, is insignificant."

"Since I'm here, then I want to remind everyone."

"Your heads are not just for water!"

After speaking, An Li smiled slightly, and handed the microphone back to He Ling, who had already been dumbfounded. He Ling was really stunned at this time, never expected that An Li not only did not sell people, did not cry miserably, but directly scolded everyone.

His last sentence, does it mean that everyone's heads are in the water?

It must be, right?

And what made He Ling even more confused was that when An Li scolded him like this, everyone present did not scold people, but closed their mouths honestly, as if facing this own teacher, and did not dare to put one.

Unable to help it, He Ling looked at An Li.

Is this kid really only eighteen years old?

Fortunately, although An Li scolded everyone, he did not directly drop the microphone and leave, but honestly returned to his position.

In the face of this death-like silence, He Ling's ability as the gold medal host was best demonstrated at this time, and the topic was diverted at the first time, and the official announced the start of the competition after a few polite words.

At this time, it's useless not to do so.

If he continues to talk about An Li, it is estimated that he will be put on small shoes by the leader of the stage tomorrow, and what he can do is to bring everyone's attention back to the game.

Next, the competition officially begins.

The first contestant appeared with a confused look and a stunned face, and although he was trying to adjust his mentality, it was clear that this thing could not be adjusted in a moment, and in the end, he made many mistakes when singing, and almost couldn't sing.

Fortunately, the judges were not particularly tricky, and he scored a passing score of 41.

This score is only the score of the judges and the audience, as for the network and SMS scores, it will be calculated in the next hour.

Next came the second and third place appearances.

With the lessons of the first place, the next few people performed relatively better, after all, in this circle, what you have to do is to set one set on stage and one set offstage, and throw all negative emotions in the trash before going on stage, which is a compulsory course for artists.

There were five contestants in total, with An Oak at the end.

Although there are only five people, one person and one song do not seem to be long, but in fact, the introduction before singing, the score after singing, and the second sale of the contestants after singing are the highlights of this competition, and time is slowly passing.

When the show was recorded for more than an hour, it was finally An Li's turn to appear.

So far, the highest score is 51 points, the lowest score is 41 points, basically all above the passing line, the on-site voting is basically the result on the spot, eliminating the possibility of black box operation, although not the final result, but in fact, this result also has a certain basis.

There are still forty points to go, and the results will be obtained through online ballots.

Every point that comes before counts.

Wang Han, the host on the side, even spoke in advance: "Congratulations to Zhang Shishui, who got a high score of 51 points!" Hearing

this, everyone else laughed bitterly.

Online voting has a certain calculation method, although the results have not yet been obtained, but in fact, as long as the gap is not too large and there is no black box operation, basically the initial selection results are doomed to the final result, after all, netizens will also listen to the opinions of the expert judges.

51 points, the only one above fifty points.

This championship, he is basically stable.

As for the fact that there is also an Quercus in the back?

No one thinks that An Li can produce any good results, although his previous words have completely whitewashed him, but in terms of professionalism, he is definitely not as good as others.

You know, although one or two of the judges present have moisture, the other judges are well-known figures, and the points are also very objective and rational.

They will not give any high scores because of An Que's words.

Everything, speak by strength.

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