"88 points!"

"Lying groove, everyone else has reached eighty points!"

"What's going on here, is the machine broken, why won't An Que move when it rises to 90 points?"

"What's going on?"


abnormality of the data made the audience present can't help but wonder.

After all, An Li's score increased very quickly before, but who would have thought that when he reached 90, he suddenly stopped, and what was even more frightening was that other people's scores were rising rapidly at this time, especially Zhang Shishui, who scored a high score at the beginning, actually caught up with An Li quickly.

But after a moment of effort, he actually chased ninety points!

At this moment, everyone said that they couldn't understand, even with the blessing of fans, but would this blessing be too terrible?

Zhang Shishui's previous score was only 51 points, a full nine points.

Could it be that by voting online, he directly received 39 points?

One point difference is a perfect score?

Just as this thought arose, the increase that had been stopped rose again in an instant.

"91 points!"

"Broke 91 points, Zhang Shishui got a full score for online voting!"

"How is this possible?"

"Why doesn't An Que's score increase, where are those who like to live the rest of their lives, what's going on?"

"Something is wrong, I just asked all my friends to vote for An Que, why doesn't it grow at all?"


people noticed that something was wrong, and at this time, in the director's room, the chief director also frowned:

"What's going on?" What exactly is going on? The

director really panicked, and this situation was completely beyond his expectations, because An Li's score did not increase, and it was not that he was operating in the dark. It is true that such a show is very moisture, and sometimes there will be a fixed champion, but in fact, no one is a fool this year, whether it is a black box operation, many people can see at a glance.

In fact, the director also thought at the beginning that he definitely couldn't let An Li take the first place, after all, it was a slap in the face of other contestants and the program group.

But when watching the audience and all the judges give An Li full marks, the director understood that if he really operated something in the dark, I was afraid that the signboard would be smashed in minutes. Compared with losing face and smashing signboards, the director is obviously not willing to really smash his signboard.

If you lose face, you can still PR, but if the stone hammer is operated in the dark, then the situation is different.

That's going to be poked in the spine.

Therefore, when he saw that An Li's score stopped at 90 and would not move, the director immediately ordered a thorough investigation, and when he saw that Zhang Shishui's score had surpassed An Li, the director was even more frightened, if this is true, then he is afraid that he will be completely cool.

A moment later, a message came from the backstage technical department:

"There is no problem with the system, in fact, the users who received it after that were given zero points, as for the text messages with full scores, we did not receive a single one."

What's going on?

Hearing this, not only the chief director, but also everyone else was dumbfounded.

They didn't expect that such a thing would happen in the end, after all, An Li had almost occupied the right time and place, but there would be someone who gave An Li zero points.

"Did you say... This kid was by someone?

"I'm afraid some competitor doesn't want him to get a perfect score, it seems that this An Que not only doesn't like us, but other people don't like him either."

"In this way, we can all breathe a sigh of relief."

"Haha, this An Li is estimated to be stupid, although he sings well, but to be honest, this kid is really not liked, before we were on the stage, now it can be regarded as a bitter fruit."


Seeing the problem clearly, several directors were immediately not angry and rejoicing.

Someone is engaged in Quercus, they are happy to see such a picture, as long as it is not done by them, then they have nothing to worry about, as long as the data is displayed generously, they can block the mouths of everyone.

At this time, when looking at the scene of scolding, several directors did not panic at all.

This is human nature.

They originally hoped that An Que would lose, and if the scores of An Que in the first two levels were not too outrageous, in fact, they would definitely use some means. And now, it is obvious that someone is secretly targeting An Que, and they are naturally happy to do so, even if they are picked up, they can completely throw this data out, throw out all the pots, and continue to pretend to be the Virgin White Lotus.

As for why they did nothing....

Get rid of it, we are also victims, okay?

This is the typical victim psychology, I am weak and I am reasonable, I defeat I am reasonable!

But at this time, they will never think that their victim psychology at this time will bring them much loss.

On site, the network scoring statistics time ends.

The final result was that Zhang Shishui, who scored the highest score, successfully won the championship of this competition and won the title of the most beloved male singer. As for An Que, he took second place by one vote and received a silver-plated trophy awarded by the program group.

This result is a good result for any novice.

After all, since the Happy Male Voice participated, since the audition, Happy Male Voice has been eliminated by thousands of players, and being able to stand out from it, even if it is only to win the silver medal, is still proud enough.

But that's just for ordinary people.

The one who won the silver medal this time was An Li, the An Li who sang the rest of his life that was popular all over the country, the An Li who made all the audience and judges cry, and the An Li who was called a musical genius!

Such an achievement is not fair to him!

At the first time of the announcement of the results, the audience immediately launched a large-scale boycott and dissatisfaction, they expressed their inner unwillingness by shouting slogans and booing, such a picture even the host He Ling could not cope with, and finally could only hastily award the trophy.

When the crowd was angry, An Li's expression was always calm.

He was only surprised when his score stayed at 90, but then he recovered as usual, and he didn't seem to be affected by this result at all, winning the silver-plated trophy awarded by He Ling, and even An Li had the heart to thank him.

A match that was supposed to be in the spotlight ended with such an own goal at the last minute.

The program group hastily announced the end without even starting the final chorus, letting the audience leave, the program ended, and the program group invited the contestants and the judges and teachers to dinner, but An Li didn't care at all, just chatted with He Ling a few words and left each other's phone numbers before leaving quickly.

I didn't even go back to my previous hotel, and I booked a ticket back to Kyoto on the spot.

Leave on the day!

And this scene, after being known later, made countless people feel sorry for An Que, and a large group of entertainment reporters who had already prepared the material were eager to kill chickens and slaughter sheep to celebrate.

Because, this time, the topic will definitely explode.

And it is....

Big bang!

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