"Are you looking for me?"

Zhao Er's words made An Li a little surprised.

In the face of the question, Zhao Er's flush, which had already subsided, resurfaced.

She had indeed been looking for An Que.

Since birth, Zhao Er has always held the golden key, because of the chaebol behind her, everyone around her is afraid of her and fears her, which makes Zhao Er's personality since childhood is not good, arrogant and excessive, as for men and the like, Zhao Er can't even look at it.

But all this quietly changed when he met An Que.

At the first sight, Zhao Er just felt that An Li was just a good-looking Xia Guo, but what An Li showed afterwards made Zhao Er engrave An Li's shadow deeply in his mind.

Unfortunately, when she found this, An Quercus disappeared.

In fact, Zhao Er has been looking for An Que more than once, but because he does not know much about An Que's information, Zhao Er has always thought that An Que's name is Mu Le, so he even went to Korea Capital University many times in order to find the exchange student named Mu Le.

But it's a pity that Mu Le's person can't even be found by the education department of Xia Guo, let alone her?

Rao is that she rummaged through Goryeo, but still did not find this man who haunted her.

After that, Zhao Er even planned to go to Xia Guo to find the man, but unfortunately, in the end, it almost didn't happen, a huge change happened, so that many things in the family changed, and she had to strangle all those thoughts in her heart in the cradle and try to face the current dilemma.

But who would have thought.

At this moment, she actually met this man.

Thinking of what he was experiencing now, the brilliance in Zhao Er's eyes was a little eclipsed. When you are most embarrassed, you meet your favorite and most exciting man, which any girl is unwilling to accept, but at this time it happened.

"Do you live here too?"

A thousand words, Zhao Er finally said such a sentence.

"Well, it seems to be quite a coincidence." An Li nodded and smiled, he saw the problem of Zhao Er's mood, but he didn't think much about it, now he actually wished that Zhao Er didn't pay attention to himself, seeing that Zhao Er didn't seem to know what to say, An Li continued: "Then if there is nothing to do, I will leave first, I have something to do tomorrow."


Zhao Er wanted to stop talking, but finally showed a smile: "Goodbye brother!"

"Well, goodbye!"

An Li scratched his head, turned around and left quickly, not seeing anything special.

Zhao Er this person he only heard of in his previous life, and mainly saw some negative news, in the news, Zhao Er is a lazy, selfish, stupid and very wasted heavenly girl, nothing else.

Even to say something hurtful, in his opinion, Zhao Er is just a passerby.

As long as Zhao Er doesn't pursue the news that he is Mu Le, and doesn't shake out the things he did before, it won't matter.

But after An Li left, Zhao Er was still stunned.

The gaze watched An Li disappear from sight, but he couldn't help but accumulate tears in his eyes, the two bodyguards on the side stood silent, the two had some sympathy for the girl in front of them, but their identities, in this case, were not qualified to speak, and could only remind in a low voice:

"Miss, He Gongzi is still waiting for you."

He Gongzi's three words, like a thorn, made the tenderness on Zhao Er's face completely disappear, replaced by a face full of indifference, I saw her nodding slightly:

"Let's go!"


Early the next morning, An Li got up early, had a hearty breakfast at the hotel, and took a taxi directly to Yongan Futures' branch in Xiangjiang.

Although Xiangjiang has always been overtaken by China, even now Xiangjiang has begun to show a backward trend in both economically and in all aspects. But I have to admit that Xiangjiang is obviously much more free than the mainland.

Here, it is still the window of the world of the East, and this is still the world financial center.

The most obvious point of freedom is that here you can open a futures account separately, and then freely trade various futures in the world, whether it is the Hang Seng Index, German Index, rice gold, rice crude oil, heavy metals and so on.

These things that cannot be operated on the mainland are legal here.

The magic capital has actually achieved catching up with Xiangjiang to a large extent, but even in the magic capital, it is still impossible to achieve the degree of freedom of Xiangjiang.

Of course, while the high degree of freedom has been accompanied by countless violations of the law.

Especially with the hot futures market, many companies are willing to list an international futures in Xiangjiang, and then deceive mainland people to go to Xiangjiang to speculate in futures, and eventually the deceived people are empty. The two-rule strategy proposed by that great man is unprecedented, and it is a feat, and the advantages are naturally numerous, but it will also bring a certain degree of sequelae.

One of the most direct is that because of the different governance models of the two places, there are many gaps and loopholes for lawbreakers.

Liars, a lot!

Whether it is auctions, antiques, or futures stock markets, there are countless scammers here, the most famous of which is the first two years of the millennium, where ten people and nine frauds hang the name of a Xiangjiang to defraud countless companies and rich people in the mainland, which is the source of all evil.

Although the past two years have been much better, the futures market is still chaotic, and no futures company without certain qualifications dares to guarantee whether they will turn around and run away with your money.

At that point, the alarm is of little use.

Officially, because he knew this, An Li very cautiously found Cheng Peng, and through Cheng Peng, he determined Yongan Futures. Yongan Futures has been the leading leader of the domestic Zheng'er Eight Classics, and it is much better in terms of credibility and all aspects.

The hotel's special car is parked in front of Yongan Futures, which is the effect of the 30,000-meter knife.

During the stay, whether it is a car or some life matters, you can find a hotel to help solve it, and An Li no longer has to take a taxi to endure the crazy detour of taxi drivers and more or less contempt for mainlanders.

The people of Heungjiang are extremely enthusiastic about the financial market.

Since the seventies and eighties of the last century, the people of Xiangjiang have almost been everyone speculating in stocks, and there has been no change until now, compared with the securities companies that are relatively deserted in the mainland, but in Xiangjiang it is completely different, almost can be described as a sea of people, like a vegetable market.

Originally, An Li thought that futures might have fewer people.

But when he went to the futures trading area, An Li found that he thought more, although there were indeed fewer people, but he was still full of people and lively.

In fact, it is also An Que who is not well considered.

On the Xiangjiang Exchange, the hottest is actually gold, which everyone in the world is enthusiastic about, and even led to the global gold price being priced according to the situation of the local futures market in Xiangjiang.

However, An Li did not plan to speculate in gold, although he could make a profit, but for An Li, the most cost-effective at this time was crude oil, which was the thing to get rich overnight. As for gold, it has been stable in recent years, but it can't earn more, and it's not interesting to play.

After making a circle, An Li saw a window for international futures trading.

Fortunately, there are still fewer people here.

An Li leaned over and said directly to the salesman inside:

"Hello, my name is An Li, and I have made an appointment with your manager Qiu..."

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