At nine o'clock that night, in front of the desk in the presidential suite in the Xiangjiang Oriental Hotel, An Li's eyes were staring at the computer in front of him.

International futures are different from domestic futures.

Through Wing On's international futures program, you can purchase exchanges in more than ten different countries and regions around the world. However, the opening time of exchanges in different countries and regions will be different, after all, the morning market is selected to open in local time, and there is naturally a time difference on the Xiangjiang side.

For example, the neon market opening time is from eight to ten in the morning, and then from eleven to two thirty, an hour and a half earlier than in China. Most European countries open at night and close in the early morning.

An Li's target this time, the New York Stock Exchange of the United States.

The start time is from 9:30 p.m. to 3:30 a.m., and the time will vary, with a difference of one hour between daylight and winter time.

Therefore, if you want to buy futures on the NYSE, you can only enter the purchase during the time period when you open an account on the NYSE.

Yongan's program is very well written, especially in the international futures section also focuses on analysis, the classification is mainly classified by country and characteristic products. In fact, the characteristics of various countries are different, similar to the Xiangjiang Exchange, which is mainly the hottest for gold, while the neon side is mainly based on energy and precious metals.

There are many varieties of international futures trading, among which crude oil futures on the New York Stock Exchange are also a hot spot.

This is actually their advantage, the domestic futures market was only opened in China at the end of the last century, and people in the United States began to play these things more than a hundred years ago, especially in crude oil futures, which is the world's leader. Both the maturity of trading rules and the transparency of supervision are very well developed.

As a result, the New York Stock Exchange is also called by many professionals as the fairest market in the world.

The crude oil futures trend of the New York Stock Exchange is in line with international standards, there is no room for market makers to operate, and some people even joke that even if the world war comes again, no one has a way to influence the crude oil futures of the New York Stock Exchange, which shows the safety in this regard.

An Li this time, all 300 million meters of knives were taken out, and there was only one purpose.

Make a big profit.

Whether it is the previous stock market, or the red adzuki beans of domestic futures later, An Li has found a rule, as long as it is the field where he has made a profit, there will eventually be uncontrollable changes, that is to say, for An Li, if you want to make money in the futures market, there is only one chance.

There is only one opportunity, and An Que naturally has to seize it.

The New York Stock Exchange has not officially opened, but now it is actually possible to see the price of crude oil at yesterday's close, and even directly to the direction of crude oil in the past three years.

In fact, from a professional point of view, the price of crude oil has been rising, even if there are occasional fluctuations, basically in the long run, it can be seen that the futures of crude oil are still stable. However, the particularity of the futures market makes it almost impossible to hold futures for a long time, and any bit of volatility may be lost.

In the past week, crude oil has ushered in a large fluctuation.

The global financial crisis has appeared long ago, and it has not completely erupted at the beginning, and only people with a more sensitive sense of smell will be aware of it, and more people are still in the dark. The lack of optimism of professionals on the market has led to an unprecedented downturn in the entire futures market in recent times.

Among them, crude oil is the most obvious, in the past week, crude oil has basically shown an avalanche, falling rapidly, and it seems that it will continue to fall for a long time.

This is the opportunity that An Que sees in her eyes.

If it does not fall, he has no chance.

In fact, there is never a shortage of patient players in the entire market, but any patient player will become impatient and lose confidence in the face of a slow decline for a month, especially in the past week.

If you lose confidence in the market, you will become extra cautious and frightened.

The price of crude oil closed yesterday at 17-meter knife per barrel.

This price has basically fallen below the highest in history in the past three years, yesterday's wave, because crude oil jumped not a hundred or eighty, such a price brought more and more serious escape, because everyone believes that the price of crude oil can fall again.

"Who would have thought that the biggest winner in the world economic crisis would be crude oil?"

An Li muttered.

In fact, this year is not the best time to buy crude oil, the best time is next year.

Because the financial crisis storm swept the world, the first of which is the full-based country of the United States federal government, in order to alleviate the financial storm, the US Federal Reserve Bank began a crazy operation, they cut interest rates four times, the first time as high as 75 basis points, and then successively cut interest rates by more than 150 basis points.

Every time the interest rate is cut, the price of crude oil brings a skyrocket.

At its peak, the price of crude oil even soared all the way to the height of 147 meters per barrel, which is the highest high in history, and since then the price of crude oil has not touched such a high height. It stands to reason that if Quercus wants to make a lot of money, the best way is to wait until next year to buy crude oil.

However, An Que did not do that.

First of all, the amount is too high, the risk is too large, the international crude oil caused by the interest rate cut by the Federal Reserve is uncontrollable, the sharp rise and fall are even more, the market has become chaotic, An oak's 300 million meter knife down, will immediately cause a rebound, then it will become completely uncontrollable.

Secondly, next year's financial storm is a good opportunity for him to make a big move, at that time he has many ways to make money, there is no need to hang in the crude oil market, and now reserve funds are the most reasonable.

Therefore, choosing and choosing, An Li chose the current time period.

The financial storm has appeared, the price of crude oil has been all the way down, just a good opportunity to dig the bottom, once the bottom is successful, whether it is the market confidence brought by its own 300 million meter knife, or the response that all parties will make, it will become the fuel of Quercus.

Money, being able to make money.

This sentence is not a joke, even if it exists in the bank, An Li has no worries about food and clothing in this life, not to mention that these money are taken in the futures market, it is definitely not a small amount, and the market changes that can be brought about by no one can predict.

As long as the operation is good, even every next year, An Li is sure that he can make a big profit.

However, how much can be earned, An Que cannot guarantee.

Seeing that the time was getting closer and closer to the opening time, An Li finally put his hands on the keyboard and typed.

What he hangs is an escrow transaction.

15 meter knife a barrel, crude oil!

As long as the price reaches this level after the market opens, Anquercus will directly hold crude oil.

However, this time, An Li did not copy all the 300 million meter knives, but threw out 50 million meter knives.

Leverage multiplier, 10%!

This is the maximum limit given to An Que by Yongan Securities, after all, crude oil is too risky, and the amount of Que is too large, if it is 20% leverage, if it is 20% leverage, if Ang Que is eventually lost, if Que can not repay the jump, then the final bond will be attributed to Yongan Futures.

Even a fool would not do such a thing.

These 50 million meter knives, after ten times the leverage, that is a full 500 million meter knives!

Seeing that the time was approaching, An Li licked her lips:

"Next, it's time to witness a miracle!"


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