"Mr. An, the goods you purchased will be packed and sent, when the time comes, you pay attention to check the express, this is your bank card, I wish you a happy life, look forward to your visit again."

Taking the card, An Li left the cosmetics store of the world's top brand.

Blood shopping, it's over.

Today, An Li spent more than 10 million Xia Guoyuan in Xiangjiang, and the things he bought were innumerable, making An Li sigh that the money was really durable.

Ten million, the futures market may run out of money in a minute.

But to consume, even if all the purchases are luxury goods, but still can not spend too much money, is only the high price of watches and jewelry, other clothing bags cosmetics and the like, in fact, the price is just like that, not very expensive.

Of course, this is for Quercus.

For ordinary people, it is not necessarily possible to earn this ten million in a lifetime.

In fact, sometimes, An Li is very incomprehensible to those who save money to buy luxury goods. People are willing to endure hardships and save money to buy luxury goods, to carry out high consumption that is completely inconsistent with their income, but they are not willing to invest these to invest in learning, invest in improving themselves, and even even use it to buy something to eat and drink, which is also a good thing.

But these people tightened their belts and saved half a year to buy a brand-name bag that may have changed seasons.

What's even more ridiculous is that some people even take out loans for a bag or something, and even some girls strip their clothes to take pictures.

These are things that An Que can't understand in any way.

In his opinion, the rich and capable, even if they carry a plastic bag, even if they smoke a pack of cigarettes worth only ten dollars, people still feel stylish. And those who have no money and no ability, even if they are wearing a famous brand, carrying Gucci bags, and using the world's most expensive makeup bottles, but still cannot hide the essence.

Instead of dressing yourself up with tricks, you should work hard to improve yourself.

"Mr. An, where are we going next?"

Walking out of the mall, the housekeeper immediately inquired, obviously preparing to arrange An Li's itinerary to arrange a car for him. An Li scratched his head, to be honest, he really didn't know where to go now, went back to the hotel to sleep, he felt a little too bored.

"Mr. An should be the first time to come to Xiangjiang, in fact, you can go to several famous attractions." The housekeeper obviously saw that An Li was worried, and at this time she introduced intimately: "There are many fun places in Xiangjiang, and some local snacks are also very interesting, if Mr. An is okay today, I can take you around Xiangjiang." "

Oh... Okay, just take a stroll around. An Li nodded and agreed.

Next, An Que's journey to the fragrant river begins again.

Here I have to praise the service of the Oriental Hotel again, the shuttle service, the housekeeper as the tour guide, obviously she is not the first time for such a work, for some of the history of Xiangjiang, some characteristic attractions, everything can be said a lot.

But for An Que, to be honest....

It's a bit boring.

The biggest pleasure of traveling around the world is to experience a different life and experience a different customs and culture with the people you like, but to be honest, this place of Xiangjiang is really not fun, and the various attractions are not attractive to travelers like An Li.

As for the so-called Xiangjiang cuisine....

To be reasonable, there are many Xiangjiang specialty foods in Shencheng, whether it is the hygienic environment or service attitude, and even some tastes far exceed Xiangjiang.

The so-called local snacks are no more than that.

The only thing that made An Li interested was just watching the local film shooting.

"There are many stars in Xiangjiang, it is impossible to describe it as brilliant, and shooting movies can be seen everywhere on the streets of Xiangjiang, and sometimes you can even meet some big stars and big directors."

Listening to the words of the housekeeper, An Li nodded slightly, this is the truth.

"The HeungKong film industry has really influenced a generation."

An Que agreed.

At the end of the last century, Xiangjiang's films could almost be used as synonymous with Asia, and even now, Xiangjiang's position in the film industry has not lagged far behind. Although domestic films surpassed Xiangjiang films in later generations, in fact, Xiangjiang's status in this regard was still not too weakened.

"If Mr. An is interested, you can go to the movie for a cameo." As if seeing An Li's interest, the housekeeper suggested.

This made An Li stunned.

Is this all right?

The housekeeper said with a smile: "Of course you can, in fact, many passers-by in Xiangjiang's movies are local residents of Xiangjiang, Xiangjiang shoots movies quickly, can be completed in one or two months, and even some are filmed in a week, some of these big scenes of movies, the dragon sets required, many of them are local residents of Xiangjiang, in this regard, many crews are welcome, and sometimes give a box lunch." "

This is different from China.

Just when An Li was full of interest, the mobile phone in his arms suddenly rang, An Li glanced at it, the call was from the domestic Soviet Province, hesitated or answered:

"Hey, hello?"

"Hello, is it Mr. An Li, our side is Yongan Futures."

Yongan Futures?

An Li looked at the phone, it seems that this call should be from the headquarters of Yongan Futures, and when An Li was thinking about this, the other side of the phone had already continued:

"Mr. An Li, we have noticed that all your 300 million meter knife has purchased crude oil futures, and the loss so far has reached 590 million, I don't know what Mr. An Li thinks about this?"


What can be the opinion?

An Li didn't know why: "You say it bluntly, what are you doing with this call?"

"Hehe, it's like this, according to the contract, once Mr. An Li loses 600 million, the futures held in your account will be sold directly, and Mr. An Li, in addition to your own 300 million, you will also have more than 300 million meters of debt."

The person on the other side seemed to be calmly analyzing

An Li: "I believe that by now, Mr. An Li should already know that the price collapse of crude oil is caused by the large amount of crude oil sold by the Rakshasa Kingdom, that is to say, when the New York Stock Exchange opens today, the price of crude oil will go all the way down, and even directly fall below ten yuan."

"Well, then what?" An Li couldn't help but smile on his face, and he had faintly guessed the other party's purpose in his heart.

And then what?

The other side was obviously stunned, it seemed that he didn't expect An Li to ask such a question, and he didn't expect An Li to be so calm, and the originally prepared wording was a little unknown at this moment.

After being stunned for ten seconds, the other party said:

"I also sympathize with this, but at present we have introduced a new policy..." "

Are you sure that crude oil futures will fall again today?" An Li interrupted the other party's words and asked rhetorically, but obviously did not give the other party a chance to speak back, An Li had already continued:

"Actually, in my opinion..."

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