The Rakshasa Kingdom sold oil at this critical moment, whether for political reasons or some special reasons, but what is certain is that their move affected countless futures users around the world in an instant.

If the original economic and financial crisis was only a problem of Western countries, then the Rakshasa State directly escalated the problem to the global level.

The price of crude oil, overnight, fell directly from the highest 20-meter knife to 10.2-meter knife, such a decline is unimaginable to anyone, and can even be said to be the largest crude oil price fluctuation since the new century.

Crude oil futures themselves are the trump card futures of the New York Stock Exchange, and even the crude oil futures price of the New York Stock Exchange, which directly affects the world crude oil price.

The capitalists in the United States basically hold crude oil futures to a greater or lesser extent, and even include some high-level government officials in the United States, as well as some powerful consortiums, these capitalists who have a heavy position in the United States, the impact of this wave is absolutely unimaginable.

The hand of the Rakshasa Kingdom caught everyone off guard, and countless American people complained one after another.

At this time, in front of the New York Stock Exchange, countless futures users have been waiting here early, all their faces are full of despair and misery, yesterday they experienced rising to heaven and then falling into hell, this is definitely the most terrible disaster, some people have jumped off the building yesterday, and today, there are many people ready to jump off the building.

This is not a joke.

The scary thing about futures is that you can earn several times more than your principal, but you can also lose several times your principal.

All the money was lost, and by the way, there was still a debt.

In the case of inability to pay the debt, jumping forward is obviously the best option.

Live or die, that's a simple number.

The door of the New York Stock Exchange opened, countless American people poured into it, at this time has not officially started, but many people have begun to choose a relatively good position to wait, staring at the large LED screen in the hall of the New York Stock Exchange, which will be the place where their life and death will be decided.

But strangely, although it was already crowded after the market opened, the hall of the New York Stock Exchange at this time was surprisingly silent, which was death-like silence.

No one spoke, no one made small talk.

People seem to be like the walking dead at this moment, as if nothing outside attracts any interest to them.

The staff had already taken their places, and at this time, the shareholders looking outside looked indifferent.

Working in such a place, they are accustomed to seeing countless bankrupt investors, and today is still just a normal day for them. If there is anything abnormal, it should be that the security guards in the hall responsible for ensuring the safety of the staff have increased.

No way, no one knows if someone will do something crazy after losing everything.

In the eighties of the last century, there was a large-scale injury incident on the New York Stock Exchange, that is, a futures copyist invested all the family property to speculate in futures, but did not expect that the futures turned sharply all the way to the bottom, the futures copyist was overwhelmed, immediately took out a pistol from his arms, shot indiscriminately at the whole field, and then committed suicide on the spot.

Because of the shooting, more and more people followed suit, and eventually even launched a large-scale shootout in the New York Stock Exchange.

On that occasion, seventeen people were killed and thirty-nine injured.

Since then, bulletproof glass has been added to all working windows of the New York Stock Exchange, and security has begun to be added outside, and even metal sensing is applied to people entering the venue, prohibiting any weapons from entering.

Of course, the topic is far away.

At this time, everyone's eyes were staring at the big screen above, with a dead aura on their faces, except for the occasional brilliance in their eyes, letting people know that these people were still alive and had their own thoughts. At this time, they are like people who have fallen into the water looking at the only straw.

Finally, in the midst of all the attention, the opening time has finally arrived.

The first is a series of futures such as precious metals, gold, crops, etc., but these are ignored, and there is not even any fluctuation, and while everyone is waiting, the situation of crude oil futures has finally appeared.

Crude oil futures, opening price -

11.5 meters knife per barrel!

This price, relatively better than yesterday's closing price, in fact, this is the same as stocks, referring to the last closing price, and will be based on the practitioner's estimate of the product after a detailed and complete calculation of the price.

Obviously, after yesterday's big fall, there should be many people who choose to get on the car in the end, after all, someone loses, there will always be people who want to dig the bottom, this data is obviously based on yesterday's slight increase in the number and frequency of futures purchases.

But this increase, to be honest....

Nothing proves.

There have been countless times in history, and at this time, the general environment of crude oil is such that no one will believe that the price of crude oil will recover today.

Although people share such dreams, reason is clearer.

Today's crude oil will fall again!

Sure enough, it seems that in order to confirm everyone's conjecture, less than ten minutes after the market opened, new changes appeared, and the price of crude oil showed a downward momentum of the curve, from 10.5 to 10.4 meters at the beginning, such fluctuations are actually very normal in crude oil futures.

In fact, sometimes, the price of crude oil futures may only fluctuate one or two pieces a month.

Everyone in the audience was still dead silent, staring at the big screen.

In half an hour, the price of crude oil dropped to 10.2 meters.

Equalizing yesterday's closing price, by this time, many people present have begun to breathe rapidly, basically chasing this time, which means that the price of crude oil futures is basically helpless, and may even fall sharply again.

Falling below ten seems to be only a matter of time.

But just as everyone was thinking about this, someone suddenly shouted:


"Futures are up!"


In an instant, everyone looked up, and sure enough, they saw that the crude oil futures that were going to continue to fall, just at the moment of decline, actually began to warm up again, and even in the blink of an eye, it rose directly to 11 meters knife!

This is...... What's the situation?

Everyone does not know why, but in fact they do not need to understand anything, they just need to know that today's crude oil has suddenly grown against the trend!

Shareholders who had even planned the last thing they wanted to do in their lives were revitalized in their eyes.

And the price of crude oil futures is also under everyone's attention.

Slowly pick up!

Went up!

Really went up!


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