
An Li's words made the bodyguard suddenly stunned, and then rejoiced: "Mr. An, do you have a better way?" Or do you know people from other forces in Haojiang?

"My first time in Haojiang." An Que shook his head.

"That... So do you have any good strategies? "The bodyguards are still full of expectations.


An Li continued to shake his head after thinking for a moment: "It's actually not a strategy, let's hard steel on other people's territory, that is, eggs hit stones, looking for death, but your agreement is to gamble, it's not impossible, let's just follow their rules." "


Come according to their rules?

At this moment, the bodyguard couldn't calm down, and couldn't help swallowing:

"Mr. An means to say... Bet with them?

"How else?" An Li asked rhetorically.

"It's not..." the bodyguard quickly shook his head: "This is Haojiang, and the He family who gambled with us, even if it is a lowest-level gambling master, it is not comparable to ordinary people, and gambling with such people is not just a matter of luck."

"Then do you have a better way?"

Faced with the bodyguard's hesitation, An Li was just a question that immediately made the bodyguard shut his mouth.

What good can he do?

If there was really a good way, he wouldn't have rushed out to investigate the route, let alone think about rushing out of the casino with Zhao Er.

But...... Do you really want to gamble?

"Mr. An Li, you may not know, the gambling game has begun, both sides each hold 10 million chips, whoever loses first will lose, when I came out, the young lady had already lost more than five million, this is still because she is very cautious, but in fact, it is only a matter of time before she loses."

The bodyguard sighed, and he felt the need to remind An Li.

Gambling in front of the He family, that is, Banmen got an axe.

"Then what are we waiting for, if we lose before we arrive, then today the immortals will come and there is no way to return the book." When An Li heard this, he didn't have any worries, but urged and quickened his pace.

The bodyguard was helpless for a while, but he could only keep up quickly.

An Li is right.

On people's territory, even if they rush out of the casino, but if they want to leave Haojiang, it will definitely be more difficult than ascending to the sky, and it is actually not wise to rush this road.

Step out of the elevator and follow the passage all the way forward, flanked by VIP rooms one after another.

To enter this place, you must have more than one million chips.

In fact, a million chips are here, it may only take five minutes to lose everything, and sometimes there will even be some tens of millions of bigwigs. In his previous life, An Li once came, saw a successful person come upstairs, and then spent half an hour to lose 100 million, and finally committed suicide by taking medicine angrily.

Pass through the passage and reach the deepest part of the passage.

"It's inside."

An Li nodded slightly, and took the lead in pushing the door into it, this is also a VIP room, extremely luxuriously decorated, there is a gambling table in the middle, a man and a woman are sitting opposite each other looking at the cards, next to a man in a white suit, and beside him is the gold wire glasses that An Li saw before.

In front of them was a man in his thirties, and the whole person looked very calm.

Compared with the calmness of the middle-aged man, Miss Yang Er, who was sitting opposite him, had sweat on her forehead at this time, and she was looking at the cards intently, not noticing An Li who had come in.

From the chips in front of her, it can be seen that she estimates that there are only two million at most.

"This one, I'm stud!"

At this moment, the calm man had taken the lead in speaking, and the whole face was written with clouds light and breeze, but on the other hand, Zhao Er's face instantly changed when he heard the word stud.

The two played stud, and now the cards are dealt and there are four bright cards and one dark card on each table.

Miss Yang Er's four cards are A of spades, 7 square pieces, 3 grass flowers, and 10 grass flowers.

The middle-aged man's four cards are A of Spades, 6 Spades, 3 Squares, and 9 Squares.

If you just look at the cards, the middle-aged man's cards are better, but if you want to say good, in fact, just like that, the cards of the two are not good cards, and if they die, they are just a pair, and they may even enter the stage of comparing size.

When the word stud came out, Zhao Er's face suddenly showed hatred.

But even if he hates it, all Zhao Er can do at this time is to glare at the man in front of him fiercely, and then raise his hand and intend to fold.

After all, she couldn't afford to lose.

The last two million chips allowed Zhao Er to fight steadily step by step, and unless he had a hundred percent grasp of defeating the other party, Zhao Er would definitely not dare to follow.

If she loses, it's not just a gamble for her.

But at the moment when Zhao Er was about to fold, a familiar and somewhat unfamiliar voice came:

"Hey, stud!"

Hearing this voice, Zhao Er looked up, and when he saw the face that he thought about day and night appeared, Zhao Er even thought for a moment that he had gone to heaven and fulfilled his long-cherished wish, and the whole person was stunned on the spot.

And when Zhao Er was in a daze, the middle-aged man who was gambling with Zhao Er on the other side couldn't help but frown:

"Who are you?"

"An oak!" Zhao Er finally reacted, and the panic and anxiety in his eyes were instantly replaced by excitement.

Facing this burning gaze, An Li shook his head and smiled, walked slowly to Zhao Er's side, and said in a low voice: "This time is not the time for small talk."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Er suddenly became excited.

Yes, at this time, there is no room for distractions.

This gamble is not only about 10 million chips, but also about the fate of her and Capital Airlines, if she loses, her life will be ruined, and Capital Airlines will be completely lost.

The pressure was pressed over like a mountain in an instant.

And when these pressures pressed on Zhao Er's shoulders, he saw that An Li had already asked:

"Are you willing to believe me?"

"Yes!" The ghost made the god bad, Zhao Er couldn't help but nodded, and even after nodding, she didn't know what she said.

But seeing An Li smiled, he nodded slightly: "Then listen to me and follow him, stud!" "

Miss, don't rush..." The

bodyguards on the side have long been scared of the revenant, this time is not a time of trust or distrust, if stud, the chips in front of Zhao Er will all be pressed out, if they lose, it is absolutely unacceptable to them. In his opinion, what to do at this time is to fight steadily, as long as you are cautious and careful enough, you will have a chance to turn over....

But unfortunately, without waiting for the bodyguard to finish speaking, Zhao Er over there had already pushed out the chips in front of him:


Seeing this, An Li smiled.

And the middle-aged man sitting opposite Zhao Er, his face was instantly gloomy at this time...

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