
In an instant, the bodyguard on the side only felt a cold breath all over his body.

In his opinion, An Li is very good, and he is not like an ordinary young man. But even if it is a special person, after all, it is just a young man, and he can see that An Li's intention is to defeat the other party with a sharp energy, and the stud is constantly repeated, in fact, it is just to make the other party dare not follow.

This is indeed a good tactic, and if you encounter the timid, you may not really dare to follow.

But in fact, playing this tactic at the gaming table is actually very risky.

One is not careful, and the boat will capsize.

And now, the middle-aged man's choice to follow the card is obviously the best evidence.

This is also the case, after the middle-aged man chose to follow the card, An Li's face froze slightly, although it was hidden after a moment, but how could such an expression change be hidden from everyone in the audience?

"What's wrong? Are you surprised? The middle-aged man smiled.

An Li pursed his lips and did not speak.

"Let's deal the cards!"

The middle-aged man gestured towards the dealer, while looking at An Li and continued: "In fact, your young man is really surprising, whether it is personality or temperament, it is eye-catching, but it is a pity that young people are young people after all, sometimes it is good to have momentum, but this momentum also depends on the timing."

An Li still didn't answer, but his brows wrinkled slightly, obviously disturbed by the middle-aged man.

The game continues.

In a short time, the dealer had dealt two more cards each.

By now, all the cards have come out.

The cards of Quercus are Q of Spades, 7 of Spades, 4 of Spades, and 3 of Squares.

The cards for middle-aged men are J of Spades, 10 of Spades, 6 of Grass Flowers, and 5 of Grass Flowers.

The cards of the two sides are still not good, and it is still best to be right, but at this time, just from the clear card, An Li's card seems to have the advantage.

At this time, everyone in the audience couldn't help but hold their breath.

The chips of the two sides are equal, at this time, stud is basically a game to determine the winner, and this card is basically the last hand of this gamble.

Zhao Er's face also took on a serious face, and the whole person's brows were tightly furrowed.

This is not the time to commit idiocy.

Although she has a special trust in An Li, it does not mean that she can ignore it at this critical time, after all, what she is involved in this gamble is not only about herself, but also about the entire Capital Airlines and the whole family!

As for the bodyguards beside Zhao Er, his gaze couldn't help but start sweeping around at this time, obviously in his heart, he had once again moved the idea of attacking out.

As for Angel oak, he will win....

To be honest, although I know that I can't take other people's morale to destroy my own prestige at this time, but...

An oak can't win.

The calm temperament of that middle-aged man, compared to An Li's expression at this time, the gap between the two is not a star and a half, and this time is basically certain.

An oak, you will definitely lose!

"Do you really want to know my hole cards?" The middle-aged man smiled.

An Li raised his eyebrows and did not speak.

The middle-aged man shook his head:

"You young man is actually very interesting, you are very good at managing your expressions, how to borrow momentum, but unfortunately, you are still too young."

"I noticed that every time we deal cards, you can't wait to look at your hole cards, although you stud every time, but in fact, this behavior is an unconfident behavior, you want to know your hole cards too much, so through anxiety, you are doomed to not last long."

"Secondly, your expression management is still not in place."

"I noticed that every time your hole cards are not good, your expression will change a little, and every time your hole cards are good, your expression will be another change, maybe you can't detect it yourself, but in fact, as long as you look carefully, you can find that these are not a problem."

"My advice is, go back and look in the mirror more."

"This is a good thing, you can intuitively see what you see in the eyes of others, when can you practice to control your micro-expression changes, at that time, you can be regarded as my opponent, maybe at that time, you come to me again, I can..."

An Li frowned and interrupted the middle-aged man unceremoniously: "Do you know why middle-aged men are often called greasy? "


The middle-aged man was suffocated, I don't know why, what greasy he has not heard.

But seeing An Li said: "First of all, the appearance is not slender, and it is sloppy; Secondly, opening and closing one's mouth at every turn is nostalgia for youth; At last...... It is also your most serious performance, that is, teaching people to be people and do things at every turn, people like this..."

Jing ——!

The audience was silent, and everyone's eyes were on An Li.

This kid's mouth is really poisonous!

A moment later, the middle-aged man took the lead in reacting, and looked at An Li with an angry smile: "Good, good, a sharp-toothed brat, originally thought you were a forgeable material, but now it seems that you are a piece of decaying wood!"

After speaking, the middle-aged man didn't say anything more, and turned over his hole card on the spot.

Peach, A!

In such a deck, as long as there is no right, it is basically a stable win.

The bodyguard on the side changed his face, although he was not sure how An Li's cards were, but looking at this middle-aged man's posture, he couldn't help but beat the drums in his heart.

And at this moment, the middle-aged man snorted angrily:

"Young man, your hole card will not be right, and your hole card will not exceed eight points, which means that I won this game!"

"I said before that young people should not be too arrogant."

"Now it seems that young people are still young people after all!"

Hearing this, the bodyguard chuckled in his heart.


His gaze couldn't help but sweep around, he was trying to find an opportunity to break through, and he was calculating in his heart which direction it would be better to break through. At this time, he no longer cares whether he can escape from Haojiang, at least escape from the casino first, and talk about the rest later.

"What kind of young man is not angry?" An Li spoke lightly.


What the?

These words made everyone in the audience stunned, and even the middle-aged man who had already brought contempt couldn't help but ask at this time: "What do you say?"


I said..." An Li smiled, raised his head, the whole person's temperament changed in an instant, I saw him slowly touch his hole card with one hand, and while gently flipping it over, he said:

"I said, not angry, what kind of young man?"

The words fell, and An Li's hole card was completely revealed.

Spades, A!


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