"You... What did you say? Zhao Er was stunned, and some did not react.

"I mean, if your problem is just money, then I might be able to help you." An Li smiled, seeing that Zhao Er was still confused, An Li couldn't help but continue: "Say, how much money do you need, I can be an investor in your Koryo Air." "


"You... Are you going to invest in us?

Zhao Er's face was stunned, and then he smiled bitterly: "Thank you, but... The amount of investment we need is not small..."

Zhao Er did not say this thoroughly.

In fact, the meaning is obvious, although she likes An Que, although she admires An Que, but in fact, she does not think that An Que can really help herself, the amount of investment required by airlines has never been small, especially now that the situation of Korea Airlines is not good, and the funds required are even more huge.

In her opinion, An Li should be impossible to get.

"I think you probably don't know my identity very well."

An Li smiled: "My real name is An Li."

"I already know." Zhao Er smiled bitterly, she never knew An Li's real name, and even thought that An Li's name was Mu Le, but when he was in Haojiang before, He Sigongzi opened his mouth and closed his mouth to say Mr. An Li, and fools knew that this was An Li's name.

"It seems that you still don't know enough about it."

An Li shook his head and smiled, and finally did not explain again, but asked directly: "Tell me, how much investment do you need, even if I don't have it, maybe I can help you think of a way."

These words made Zhao Er see hope.

If An Li wants to invest, and Zhao Er thinks that An Li does not have so much money, then An Li said that finding a way is indeed a great incentive for Zhao Er.

After all, in her heart, An Li is omnipotent.

It's as if no problem can stump him, as evidenced by the scene that happened in the casino before.

"Korea Airlines currently has many problems, and the funds needed are not small, and because we want to resist my uncle's family, the funds needed must be even more sufficient, conservatively estimated, we still need at least one billion more... Rice knife. Hesitating, Zhao Er spoke.

After speaking, Zhao Er looked at An Li with a nervous face.

In fact, the 100 million meter knife was already the price she quoted before she continued to compress her expectations, but she was still afraid that she would make An Li embarrassed after she finished speaking.

That's no small amount.

But what made her relieved was that An Li just raised his eyebrows after hearing the ten billion meter knife, and seemed to be completely unembarrassed, only to see him ponder for a moment:

"In this way, I will invest in you 1.5 billion meter knife, if you need it in the future, I can also add it, if you occupy shares, you can just look at it, how about it?"


Zhao Er looked dazed and didn't react for a long time.

An Li looked amused, and couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong, isn't it enough?"

"No... No, no, no! Zhao Er hurriedly shook his head, swallowed his saliva and looked at An Li with surprise: "You... You just said, you want to invest?

"Well, 1.5 billion meter knife." An Li nodded.

At this moment, Zhao Er was sure.

He didn't hear it wrong, and An Li didn't say it wrong.

But after it was determined, Zhao Er was even more confused, in front of this man always seemed to be able to surprise people, 1.5 billion meter knife, actually answered so easily, Zhao Er can see that when An Li said 1.5 billion meter knife, it was like buying vegetables in the vegetable market, casually, and did not take so much money seriously at all.

Unable to help it, Zhao Er looked at An Li again.

This man, who had left a deep impression in her mind, had always seemed like a mystery.

Can he really get that much money?

"After all, 1.5 billion meters of knife is not a small amount, I will not be able to take it for a while, but I can give you a hundred million meter knife in the early stage, and the money under me will take about ten days to arrive, what do you think?" An Li pondered for a moment and continued.

At this moment, Zhao Er understood.

An Li is really not a joke, he is really able to come up with so much money!

"What's the problem?" An Li asked.

"No, no problem!" Zhao Er quickly shook his head, what kind of joke, 1.5 billion meter knife, can definitely allow her to solve the current problem, and it is more than enough, although An Li said that there is only one hundred million meter knife in the early stage, and the rest will take ten days, but this time, compared to such a large amount of money, can be said to be very fast.

Confirming that there is no problem, An Li nodded: "It's good if there is no problem, when you buy a mainland ticket and go to Quzhou, I will explain clearly to my people, and the procedures can be handled over there." "

Thank you, thank you, Quercus!"

At this point, although Zhao Er was still full of doubts, he also knew that An Li was not joking. She really needs money urgently now, so naturally she won't say more nonsense.

"I don't really know much about airlines, but I know that Korea Air is very famous now and in the future, and has always been the best airline in Koryo, and if I have the opportunity to pick up shares in this airline, it will be considered a profit for me."

An Li smiled: "In this way, in fact, there is no need to thank me for anything, just an investment opportunity appears in front of me, and I just make a sum by the way."

"For you, it's just an investment, but for me, it's a lifesaver." Zhao Er shook his head, looked at An Li with a serious face, and even couldn't help standing up

and bowing deeply to An Li: "Thank you, thank you An Li!"


When I first met Zhao Er, it seemed that this was just a tsundere woman who grew up with a golden key and was completely brainless. But the changes in the family have made this girl change a lot, the most obvious of which is her style of doing things, which has become fierce.

After arriving at Xiangjiang and An Li to confirm some details, he immediately purchased a ticket to Quzhou, and flew directly to Quzhou that night.

The matter of Korea Airlines is urgent, even if she wants to have more contact with An Li, but she has to put away those careful thoughts.

The priority is to solve the big things at home.

This is the top priority for Zhao Er.

But for An Li, this is just a trivial matter, Korea Airlines invested 1.5 billion, it is indeed a lot of money, even now for An Li is still a lot of money, but An Li is very clear that after ten days, under the rich returns in the international futures market.

That's 1.5 billion, just small money.

What's more, the return that Koryo Airlines can give in the future is definitely not small.

After sending Zhao Er away, An Li also began to pay attention to another big thing.

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