"Boss, you're awesome!"

"It's just amazing, your fatigue value setting, not only did not disgust the player, on the contrary, the player's stickiness was higher, and after seven o'clock in the morning ushered in a wave of upper limit, many of which were players who created characters last night to brush up the fatigue value."

"Our game has now completely become a hit, word of mouth has ushered in a big explosion, all aspects of the game sector media, are all the way, and the relevant posts on the side of the multi-play community have added more than 30,000 overnight!"

"We, completely fired!"

An Li, who was eating food in the open-air restaurant with the sea breeze, listened to Hou Ze's happy voice on the phone, and couldn't help but smile, but compared to Hou Ze's happy appearance, An Li was relatively much more bland than this, as if such a thing was not unexpected to him.

In fact, it really didn't surprise An Li.

The game Dungeons and Warriors, as Penguin's most awesome and profitable game besides League of Legends, has its own reason. The fatigue value setting is even more curved overtaking, which directly establishes the king status of dungeons and warriors in one fell swoop, and opens up a new routine to limit players' game time and enhance the life of the game.

In fact, in the previous life, there was an extremely heated discussion about whether dungeons and warriors needed to increase fatigue value.

And in the end, it turns out that fatigue values are really useful.

In this era, all game companies have looked at the PC game market, especially large-scale online games, which has made countless technology companies red. Although domestic online games lag behind the world, they catch up with or even catch up with the world at a very fast speed.

Such an environment means that more and more games appear, and more and more companies develop online game projects. What is brought about by the huge market must also be strong competition.

Everyone believes that game time equals game consumption.

Because the more time a person spends in a game, the greater the chance that he will be able to spend and the higher the profit he will create for the game company.

At least for now, a lot of games have this idea.

Therefore, all games, when developed and created, will set up special activities for some all-night players, a variety of activities and endless daily life, and even some need to brush boring monsters in front of the computer for several hours for a skill.

In this case, the dungeon and the warrior find a different way to add a fatigue value system.

At first glance, it may seem like forcing players to spend less time playing.

But in fact, because of the limitation of fatigue value, the gap between players cannot be opened too large, and players want to upgrade as soon as possible, so they can only seize every opportunity to enter the copy, improve their skills, and strive to clear the level. At the same time, the existence of fatigue values also gives players a subtle psychological hint to the game.

Today's fatigue value must be brushed today, otherwise it will be a loss!

This brings, at first glance, may reduce the time of the game, but in fact, it increases the stickiness of player users, if you want to keep up with the first echelon, you need to go online on time every day, which is obviously a routine, but it has been praised by many players.

These things, An Li saw clearly in his previous life, and naturally there would be nothing to be surprised in this life.

"Tell me, how many people are online at the same time this time?"

Hearing his boss ask this question, Hou Ze over there became more and more excited, his tail was about to rise to the sky, at this time he laughed and said:

"Boss, you would never have imagined that we broke the record, just last night at twelve o'clock, the number of our simultaneous online players reached one million!"

"Moreover, based on the number of new players during the day today, maybe it will continue to break through tonight!"

"Our data is truly unprecedented!"

At this moment, even An Li couldn't help but be surprised: "A million?

"Yes, none of us expected that although the number of online players reaching one million at the same time was actually mentally prepared from the beginning, but such a fast speed to be honest I never expected, not only me, but everyone in the company did not expect it to be so fast." Hou Ze sighed with emotion.

An Li was also surprised.

He was genuinely surprised.

The number of player registrations is just a data that is not very useful, and there are only two data that are really useful for a game.

One is the active players in the period, which represents the number of players currently playing the game.

The other is the number of people who are online at the same time.

If the number of active players during the period is easy, it is extremely difficult to really increase the number of online players at the same time, but Dungeons and Warriors were only reached on the first night of the game's release.

You know, as far as the games on the market are concerned, reaching one million online at the same time is not small.

The three most popular games before, Fantasy Westward Journey, World of Warcraft and Journey, have reached millions of players online at the same time, and the scenery is unlimited for a while.

But in terms of time, it has been precipitated for a period of time.

Dream Westward Journey, which took 20 months; World of Warcraft, which took 36 months; The journey took 13 months.

But Dungeons & Warriors....

It only took four hours!

In fact, in the previous life, the dungeon and the warrior also reached the super high data of 1 million players online at the same time, but that was reached by the first version update 6 months after the release of the game.

Being able to be so fast, in addition to the playability of dungeons and warriors, is also a plus in the promotion of penguins. But even so, it took six months.

But here in Anque, it's only four hours.

This data, even the hottest LOL or chicken eating in later generations, can not be surpassed.

What surprised An Li was this data, and behind this data, An Li saw more of the strength he had at this moment.

Penguin held the Dungeons and Warriors, a result that took six months to achieve.

But he only took four hours, which means that the strong appeal that can be generated after the strong combination of entertainment games and the era of gathering has even completely surpassed Penguin to some extent, surpassing the future domestic No. 1 game overlord.

This is what An Que values the most!

"You have done a beautiful job, and I am very relieved to be able to hand over the management of the company to you."

An Li praised, but without waiting for Hou Ze to be proud, An Li knocked again:

"But at this time, it's not the time to slack, our data is beautiful, but you still have to understand the truth of the gun shooting the first bird, now the heat of the dungeon and the warrior is here, no one dares to be sure that there will be some little jumps out to block the way, or use some dirty means."

"I understand boss!" Hou Ze immediately put away his thoughts and replied seriously.

An Li smiled:

"However, no matter how happy the night jumps, it is still a small night."

"The first game empire of the future, from now on, will be synonymous with us!"


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