In the following days, the data of dungeons and warriors increased rapidly at a rapid rate, both in the number of registered players and the number of simultaneous online players, breaking one record after another, and for a while, the limelight was unique.

Corresponding to the huge player base, the data in the financial report is also very good.

On the first day of the server, the huge player base has exceeded 10 million in terms of recharge consumption.

Of course, this is different from when An Que made the legend of Haiyan before, it does not mean that Ang Que can make so much money with so much money, after all, it is now a well-known company, a well-known entrepreneur, An Que used to make those small actions naturally impossible to use in this regard, the first of which is taxation.

The payment of taxes by game companies is even more complicated, such as VAT, urban construction tax, education surcharge, income tax, real estate tax, stamp duty... and so on a series of taxes, in total, even if you find the most professional financial legal tax avoidance, An Li needs to pay at least 30%.

And this, or after the operation of legal tax avoidance.

Fortunately, employee salaries, publicity expenses and various expenses can offset taxes, but even so, the most you can get is only four or five percent.

It seems that this game brings An Que as much as the Haiyan Legend.

But that's not the case.

Otherwise, there would not be so many people laundering black money, no matter how much money is earned by private services, after all, it is only black money, and no one knows when it will be a nest and cannot develop for a long time. But Dungeons is different from Warriors, this is an official game that will never go out of business as long as the game can continue to operate.

What's more, don't look at just making 10 million a day.

That's just the money earned on the first day of the game, which is still because An Li forced that the game could not cheat Krypton too seriously at the beginning, after all, the game has just started, if you cheat Krypton too much, it is bound to cause players to be disgusted.

Step by step, Dungeons & Warriors will definitely become the most profitable project.

After all, in Huangshan, several ways to deceive Krypton have been introduced, which is completely guaranteed to allow players to use money to protect Alan's continent...

This is far-fetched, but in fact, the sales exceeded 10 million on the first day, which has surpassed the dungeons and warriors in history.

You know, in later generations, Dungeons and Warriors are the second most profitable games in the world, and the dungeons of Penguin agents alone feed back to Penguins at least 500 million per quarter. And the developers of dungeons and warriors earn even more unimaginable!

And now, whether the game is developed or operated, it is all in the hands of An Que himself.

This means that the wealth that dungeons and warriors can bring to An Li in the future will be unimaginable, after all, as a developer and agent, as long as he does not die, the wealth he can earn in the future will be unimaginable.

To put it bluntly, even if An Li does nothing, relying only on dungeons and warriors, he will definitely have no worries about food and clothing in the future, and his wealth will surpass many people.

But now....

"Even if you make 100 million a quarter, you only make 4 billion a year, which seems like a lot, but to be honest, it's not too much." An Li scratched his chin and muttered.

If others hear this, I don't know how they will feel.

Four billion a year, even some large companies may not be able to have such a high profit, but in An Li's opinion, it is just a small amount of money that is not worth mentioning.

But in fact, An Li was telling the truth.

Because, at this time, the international futures market is almost the time for An Que to leave the market.


Xia Guo, Xiangjiang, Yongan Futures Company in Xiangjiang Branch.

Qiu Zhiwei stood in front of the company and waited patiently, and many people passing by cast envious eyes on this mainland boy at the same time, because they heard that Qiu Zhiwei received a big customer, a super super big customer, and even surpassed the entire history of Yongan Futures big customer.

They didn't know about the friction between the company's top management and An Li before, and the only thing they knew was that a very rich mainland boy had invested in international futures and made a lot of money.

Futures companies look at strength.

Every broker needs to encourage their clients to invest in futures and make a lot of profits for the company, and the most important performance among brokers is the commission aspect. The larger the amount, the more he earns, and An Li, who was received by Qiu Zhiwei, invested three hundred million meters of knife, and this money alone is enough for Qiu Zhiwei to be promoted and raised.

What is even more terrifying is that I heard that Qiu Zhiwei's big customer, by coincidence, happened to invest in crude oil futures, which had the highest degree of soaring since this time.

What does that mean?

Meaning, lie down and make money!

In the past few days, rumors have continued to appear in the company, most of which are about Qiu Zhiwei, because it is said that the headquarters has planned to promote Qiu Zhiwei to the head of the entire branch, which is a good story of flying on a branch and becoming a phoenix, which naturally attracts the envy of countless people.

For these rumors, Qiu Zhiwei has also heard them, and he is naturally full of joy and expectation.

But he knew better who brought it all to him.

Oak aper!

In fact, since this time, in addition to the high-level of Yongan paying attention to the futures purchased by An Oak, Qiu Zhiwei has also been checking the futures purchased by An Li every day.

And the more he observed, the more Qiu Zhiwei understood.

An oak, how terrifying it really is.

At the earliest, when Cheng Peng of Donglu Futures introduced An Li to himself, to be honest, Qiu Zhiwei did not take An Li too seriously at that time, just regarded An Li as an ordinary customer, even if Cheng Peng said that An Li was a stock god, but for Qiu Zhiwei, it still did not cause him surprise.

After all, the title of stock god or something, one appears every year.

And those stock gods in previous years, who still hold a lot of money now, basically rarely appear, after all, people's luck will only be good for a while, not for a lifetime.

In Cheng Peng's place, he is a god, but in his own place, it is really not necessary.

What's more, even if it is a stock god, you must be willing to invest, even investment seems to be a small family, what kind of stock god?

But soon, the ideas were put away.

Three hundred million meter knife, Rao is now thinking that Cheng Peng still feels terrifying, and what is even more terrifying is that after investing in three hundred million meter knife, this young man from the continent who Cheng Peng called the stock god also burst out with unimaginable terrifying strength.

Crude oil, it actually rose!

From the first 15 buys, fell to 10.5, and then all the way up, to now the price has reached a level of gasping, crude oil is rising every day, and Anque's wealth is doubling every day, and now, the funds in his account have reached an unimaginable horrific number.

Such a person is God!

Whether it's luck or whatever, to be able to make so much money, that's God!

And this morning, Qiu Zhiwei received a call from An Li, he will come to the company, so pinching the time, Qiu Zhiwei is not busy going home from work, but patiently waiting.

Waiting, his God comes!

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