"Why is that?"

In the luxury villa area of Xiangjiang Deep Water Bay, in a villa, a beautiful girl was looking at the crude oil futures on the computer in front of her at this time, and asked with a puzzled face.

Sitting in front of the girl was an old man with white hair wearing glasses.

This old man was looking at the newspaper at this time, and he didn't even look at the computer screen in front of him, and the whole person exuded a convincing momentum from the inside out.

Don't get angry.

This is the momentum cultivated by being in a high position for many years, but when he looked at the girl, the majesty in the old man's eyes instantly smiled like ice and snow, and a smile was already on his face, and he said softly:

"Because, the United States will taste its own bitter fruit, and the crazy consumption brought about by the interest rate cut will eventually need to be borne by the United States itself, although the United States shamelessly kidnapped the world, but the final bitter fruit they are still half a point."

"A large number of interest rate cuts will not only stimulate consumption, but also drive people into madness and..."

"Question?" The girl wondered.

"That's right, it's questioning." The old man smiled gently and patiently explained:

"Questioning is inevitable, the economy of the United States has been the benchmark of the world for many years, and this inevitably brings trust in the US government, plus the previous few times, whether it is the oil war or something else, the United States has brought confidence to the capitalists."

"But this time, everything has changed, and such crazy interest rate cuts seem to have brought benefits to the capitalists, but in fact they have also bought disaster for the capitalists."

"What this brings is inevitably a question to the US government and market."

"When people question the market, all illusions and castles in the air will inevitably be beaten back to their original shape, and it is clear that now the castle in the air of crude oil futures has collapsed, and there will be tens of thousands of people fleeing next, but in fact, this wave is estimated to kill many people."

"Wall Street, it's going to be a complete mess."

Listening to the old man's words, the girl seems to understand whether she understands or not, she is still young, and she is still in high school, and she can honestly understand not much about these big things.

The old man's granddaughter of the way of nature is not too comprehensible, and he smiled at

this time: "Sid, this is something in terms of the big picture, you are still young, but you also need to cultivate your own sense of the big picture, just like this time the crude oil futures." Indeed, no one would have thought that the United States Congress was so crazy and would react so quickly, and chose to rescue the market in this way in the first place. But while bailing out the market, what you should think about should not only be that international futures are going to rise, but what you should think about what will happen after the skyrocketing.

"There are good and bad things in chasing short-term interests, after all, if you hesitate, you may miss a lot of opportunities."

"But in the same way, while chasing the immediate interests, you should also think clearly about the impact behind the interests, at least you need to know that you have a solution to any problem that arises."

"Grandpa, I see!"

The girl nodded and took down her grandfather's words deeply.

At this moment, a sound appeared outside the door, and the girl hurriedly stood up and said respectfully: "Uncle."

"Oh, Sid, too." This was a middle-aged man, with a round face and a pair of round black-framed glasses, always with a kind smile on his face, and at this time walked in and said respectfully to the old man:


"What's wrong, aren't you supposed to be at the securities company, what's wrong?" The old man asked flatly.

"The matter did not come out, according to your father's orders, we sold all the futures we held as soon as the New York Stock Exchange opened today, which can be regarded as a small profit." The round-faced middle-aged man smiled, but then spoke: "But I heard that our Xiangjiang has a god." "

Oh?" The old man raised his eyebrows, his face was still flat.

The eyes of the girl next to the old man were full of surprise, at her age, her favorite was those strange things, especially growing up in such a family, and she was even more curious about the so-called stock gods and the like.

The round-faced middle-aged man obviously knew his father's temper, and shook his head at this time:

"This stock god, not an ordinary person, he entered the market with a 300 million meter knife, all of which pressed crude oil futures, and now he has torn 9.7 billion back from the international futures market in one fell swoop!"


The old man had not yet spoken, but the girl couldn't help but gasp: "300 million meters under the knife Bo 9.7 billion, what kind of person is this, so powerful?"

"What people?"

The old man couldn't help but ask, his eyes full of doubts.

The girl's focus is on the rumored story of the person who fought 9.7 billion with 300 million, but the old man pays more attention to more than that, he pays more attention to who that person is. After all, the 300 million meter knife was taken out to buy crude oil futures, and to be honest, even he did not dare to take such a big risk.

The risk is too great.

Those who do this are either gamblers or fearless.

But no matter what kind of person, who can take out a 300 million meter knife, he is definitely not an ordinary person, he needs to know whether this person is friend or foe.

"I also got the news not long ago, the specific identity is not clear, but what is certain is that it seems that the other party is a young man from the mainland, he entered the international futures market from Yongan Futures, I have asked people to investigate in detail, I believe it will come back soon."

Speaking of this, the round-faced middle-aged man paused for a moment and hesitated: "But I heard that this young man is only eighteen years old!" "



A young man from the mainland, eighteen years old, took out 300 million meters of knives to enter the international futures market, and then earned 9.7 billion meters of knives and became the god of Xiangjiang stocks!

The combination of these words, even the old man, could not help but be shocked.

Three hundred million meter knife is not too much for him, in fact, if his granddaughter turns eighteen, he is also willing to give his granddaughter a large amount of money to let her break in. Even the descendants of many Western big capitals have been cultivated in this way, but this person is not a person from Western countries, but a mainlander?

"Find out as soon as possible, I need to know the identity of this person, and see if he is the Yang family, or the Zhang family, or the Xu family?" Can't help it, the old man burst out three inland big families one after another.

These three are the top three to win the richest man in Hurun Xia this year.

But the round-faced middle-aged man frowned for a while, and shook his head slightly: "It seems that it is not, I heard that this person's surname is An, and the news from Yongan Futures is that this person is directly responsible for the current person in charge of the Xiangjiang branch, Qiu Zhiwei, and they once heard Qiu Zhiwei call this person Mr. An." "

Last name Ann?" The old man frowned, and after thinking for a moment, he shook his head.

He was also born on the mainland, and then rose in Xiangjiang, and he often pays attention to the development of the mainland, especially several companies, he knows a lot.

But the surname Ann ...

It doesn't seem to be.

And when the old man's eyes were full of doubts, the girl on the side was also surprised at this time, and her beautiful eyes were full of brilliance.

Unable to help it, the girl clenched her fists.

In two years, she will also be eighteen....

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