Jia Rulong may not be a trustworthy person, but I have to admit that this is definitely a person who can speak well, and An Li absolutely believes that such a person will definitely not be too bad in the future, at least he is very convincing when explaining the prospects of online shopping.

It can be seen that he has indeed made a lot of preparations in this regard.

Even An Li, listening to Jia Rulong's words, the expression on his face relaxed for a moment...

Because An Li is very clear that Jia Rulong's concept is true.

Nowadays, most of the domestic shopping models are still concentrated offline shopping, but in fact, whether it is Jingdong or Taobao, they have begun to make efforts in this regard, and a large number of online shopping users join in every year, and with the development of the express industry, online shopping has gradually become the mainstream.

In three or four years at most, online shopping will completely overtake offline shopping.

It can be seen from this that Jia Rulong is really not lacking in this aspect of vision.

"Therefore, brother, I dare to say, I plan to shop online, the future is 100% money, for Brother An, you are a person, brother I also value you young, and is my neighbor, brother I instinctively like to pull my own neighbor." Jia Rulong smiled, and between words, the sense of estrangement and distance between the two for the first time had completely disappeared.

When people who don't know see it, they will think that the two are good friends and brothers who have been getting along for many years.

"Brother Jia's statement is very convincing."

An Li nodded and threw out a question: "But there is one biggest problem, you and I both know the potential of online shopping, in fact, other companies must also know, and the old market is dominated by Taobao and JD.com, how do you plan to lead the mall to defeat new competitors and compete for the share of old rivals?"

"Also, online shopping will be mainstream in the future, but when do you expect to start making profits in the short term?"

An Li asked two questions in a row.

"Haha, I just said that Brother An is a person with the ability and vision, at least this reaction speed is definitely faster than many people I have seen." Jia Rulong smiled and praised, but then shook his head and smiled: "In fact, in my opinion, these two problems are not problems." "

Oh?" An Li narrowed her eyes.

"First of all, in terms of profitability, the promise I can give in this regard is to return the capital within three months and generate profits." Jia Rulong said confidently.

"So soon?"

"In fact, this is because I am more modest, in fact, it seems to me that we only need a month to be profitable." Jia Rulong laughed.

An Li frowned.

I am afraid that Comrade Pony, who is now preparing to pat the net, does not dare to say this.

JD.com can be profitable because they have accumulated for a long time before, and now they basically have a fixed customer group and target objects. To put it bluntly, they did not start from nothing.

And a new online shopping platform, from scratch, wants to complete the profit in three months, that is a fool's dream.

As for a month....

That's really dreaming.

"How?" Jia Rulong smiled and said, "Brother An, you don't believe it?

"I want to believe it too." An Que shook his head.

"Hehe, I know you won't believe that Brother An can buy a villa in Deep Water Bay, which means that you must be different from ordinary people, and there is definitely no problem in terms of thinking mode and overall view, but in my opinion, for the current new world and new society, Brother An's thinking mode is still a little too old."

"Oh? Is it? An Li narrowed his eyes, and the corners of his mouth already brought a little smile.

"Of course, Brother An, you just asked me two questions, and now that I have answered your question of profitability, I should answer your second question next." Jia Rulong said with a smile:

"How to seize market share, how to defeat new opponents, and how to compete with old opponents."

"First of all, we need to know, what are online shoppers after?"

"Convenient, convenient, better quality, more complete categories..."

"Of course, these advantages are there, but in fact, there is one of the most important reasons why people are really optimistic about online shopping, that is, the price!"

"The reason why online will become mainstream is because the cost is suppressed lower."

"For example, we need to buy a bottle of facial cleanser, we need to go to the store to buy it, and this bottle of facial cleanser, processed by the manufacturer, sold to the agent, and then the agent is put on the shelf to the mall, after the sales of the shopping guide, you successfully bought this bottle of facial cleanser."

"In this link, the manufacturer makes money, the agent makes money, the supermarket makes money, the promotion guide makes money, but you, the customer who buys facial cleanser, does not make money."

"And what about online shopping?"

"The manufacturer delivers the goods directly, the manufacturer can adjust the price up, not too high, adjust to the level of the agent is enough, at that time the manufacturer made more money than before, and you, the customer, can also save a lot of money that is not needed."

"So, you need to know, who are the people who shop online?"

"Oh? Brother Jia, who do you think is it? An Li narrowed her eyes and smiled.

"Cheap people!"

Jia Rulong said directly: "To put it bluntly, everyone goes to buy online, because what is sold online is cheaper than what is sold in the store, which can save them more money, you go and see for yourself, whether it is Jingdong or Taobao, or Amazon, luxury sales are always the lowest, because the high consumption of online shopping is not high." Hearing

this, An Li smiled dumbly, but did not say anything, but quietly looked at Jia Rulong.

He wanted to see how Jia Rulong would convince himself next.

"Since they are people who like to be greedy and cheap, then these people, for us, want to compete for it, it is a simple thing." Jia Rulong smiled and continued:

"You go to the store to buy a facial cleanser, it costs 180, and you buy a facial cleanser on Taobao, it only costs 130, but you buy a facial cleanser from me, the price is also one hundred eighteen, but after you pay this 180, you can not only get this facial cleanser, but also get the reward of two hundred yuan from our website."

"Not only did you get a facial cleanser, but you also earned twenty yuan."

"Do you think the users will come?"

"Cashback on shopping?" An Li raised his eyebrows, the expression on his face gradually became serious, and he looked at Jia Rulong in front of him seriously, and faintly guessed the identity of this person in his heart.

And Jia Rulong obviously did not notice An Li's expression, nodded and smiled at this time:

"Think about it, you shop on a website, not only can you buy good things, but also can make money for you, even you don't have to do anything, you only need to sit at home to catch money, and you can also buy a lot of things for consumption, do you think in this case, will you become a loyal fan of this website."

"Will you develop your parents, brothers, relatives and friends all to buy?"

"And members, for us is no longer a problem, even we can easily crush all our peers!"


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