In fact, there were many people who thought the same as this classmate, and Wei Chen's already completely dimmed gaze regained its radiance.

Still that sentence.

Disassembly and assembly of drones, is not disassembly and assembly of ordinary toys, the various parts and accessories in it are unique, itself to remove it requires a certain amount of technology and effort, and after dismantling it also wants to be completely installed.

It is good to say that An Li has touched drones, but An Li himself said that he does not have his own drones and has not assembled his own drones.

Even, this drone was definitely his first encounter.

But in this case, it is still possible to complete the disassembly and assembly so quickly, then there is only one possibility.

An Oak has enough understanding of the principle and structure of the drone!

If this hand is surprising, then An Li's words really made everyone present completely stunned:

"First of all, let's talk about your first question."

"In order to pursue stability and handling, you deliberately enlarged the volume of this drone, increasing the weight, and in order to ensure the battery capacity, many of them are batteries, so it seems to really work, because the larger the volume, the more fan blades, the more direction you can fine-tune the control."

"But in fact, the battery seems to have increased, but the capacity has not increased, and the battery life has not changed much."

"Although the control can be more detailed, the operation will become more complicated, so that the test will no longer be the problem of the drone, but the proficiency of your operator."

"If the above two problems can be ignored, then the last problem is the most fatal."

"Once there is a strong wind, or even a strong wind, your drone will not be under your control at all, if nothing else, this drone does not say what completed hovering, you can make him fly a straight line is very difficult."

These words made everyone slightly surprised.

An Li's vision cannot be described as old-fashioned and spicy, and it cannot be described as not unique.

And that classmate, at this time, was also full of surprise, this is indeed the biggest problem he encountered at present, in order to increase stability, the volume was enlarged and the weight was increased, and this brought more problems.

He did intend to take this drone to the competition, but if there was a strong wind on the day of the competition, he would not hesitate to abstain from the competition.

Bet on the direction of the wind that day!

Unexpectedly, these problems were easily seen through by An Li.

"After the first question, let's talk about the second question." An Li didn't seem to notice the surprise of everyone around him at all, and after making everyone look confused at this time, he continued to speak again:

"I took apart your drone and saw it, your flight control system is a very conventional flight control system, after adding the circuit board, so that your circuit board can do more things, which leads to more complicated operation, and the difficulty of getting started will be higher."

"Also, because the circuit is complex, the loss is greater."

"To put it bluntly, you are thankless."

Speaking of this, An Li paused slightly, shook his head slightly and regretted: "It is said that Qinghua is the dream college of domestic science students, and it is said that all the talents gathered here are talents, but now it seems that it is just that." Your circuit layout and wiring reminds me of the TV remote control from twenty years ago.

"Backward, old, without a little new thought."

"You think about increasing stability, you think about increasing maneuverability, but you completely forget that instead of tossing so much, it is better to re-build a circuit board and re-install a flight control system directly."

"So, drones like you, not garbage, and what?"


An Li's words were like a giant hammer, striking hard in the heart of that classmate, and even more fiercely hitting the hearts of everyone around.

Is it still a rookie to be able to start from aerodynamics to circuitry?

This person really understands!

"You... You..." was reprimanded by An Li worthless, so that the classmate's face could not hang for a while, although he knew the truth that An Li said, but at this time he still felt ashamed and indignant, pointing at An Li at this time, with fierceness in his eyes:

"What qualifications do people like you who can only open their mouths to force but can't do anything have to say about me?"

"Updating the flight control system is easy to say, but do you know how complicated it is?"

"You yourself have not made a drone, what qualifications do you have to point fingers at the drone I have worked so hard to make, when you point to others, please look at yourself, do you have that qualification!"

He was embarrassed and angry, and everyone present could see it.

But at this time, no one refuted his words.

What he said did make sense.

Admittedly, An Li pointed out the problem of this drone, and analyzed it thoroughly and seriously, but An Li, the pointing person, seemed to be somewhat unqualified.

People are garbage again, so they got a drone out.

What about you?

Wei Chen also frowned, he felt that it was almost time to round the field by himself, at this time a little sorting out the wording, Wei Chen hurriedly opened the circle: "Haha, An Li classmate estimated that there were no conditions and resources before, but it can be seen that An Li's theoretical knowledge is very solid, it is better to do this, let's first write a club application for An Li, and then let's see, how about the drone built by An Li himself, okay?" "

It's kind of a ladder for both sides.

The classmate also knew that although he questioned An Li was not qualified, in fact, he still lost after all, and nodded along Wei Chen's ladder at this time: "What Wei Chen said..." "

It won't take a while, I can make a drone now." An Li quietly spoke, interrupting the classmate's words.

What the?

Hearing this, everyone was stunned, and even Wei Chen's face froze: "Classmate An Li, what did you just say?"

"I said, don't wait until the future, I can make a drone right now." An Li repeated, with a confident smile on his face: "I forgot to tell you that the reason why I don't have my own drone is because I don't have time, and now that I have time, it's better to make one now!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Right now...... Make a drone out on the spot?

This guy, just kidding, right?

A drone, is not as simple as building blocks, from design, to production, to debugging, this time can be long or short, the shortest is less than one or two months, the longer even takes a year or two.

But An Que, but wants to make a drone out now?

Can't help it, everyone has a thought in their hearts:

"This guy is not here to be funny, he is here to dream!"

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