What is Angel doing?

This is the doubt in everyone's mind at this moment, even if it is a powerful character, at this time looking at An Li's circuit board still feels dizzy, maybe at the beginning you can see a one, two, three, four, but after a long time, everyone suddenly found out.

They don't understand it at all.

It's not that they are not professional enough, but because An Li's movements are too fast, the circuit board seems to become a part of his body, and he didn't even stop to plan and conceive, all in one go, and didn't stop the movement in his hand at all.

Such a fast speed, in such a short time to analyze the entire change of circuit board, to be honest, no one present really reached this level.

Just the time on this board alone, An Que spent more than half an hour.

But none of the people present showed impatience.

Because everyone is speculating about what the role of Anque's welding joints one after another is, and what kind of impact will it have on this drone.

And under this long wait, when the time passed for an hour, An Li finally stopped moving:


Hearing this, everyone was in good spirits, but when they saw the circuit board that was completely unable to see their original appearance, everyone was dizzy. Even now, they still haven't understood the purpose and idea of An Li's circuit transformation.

It's a hard time.

After getting the circuit board, An Li began to place parts on it one by one, but at this time he seemed very relaxed, and while quickly assembling, he said:

"Flight control system, full name flight control system, this is the brain of the aircraft." The flight, hovering, attitude change, etc. of the multicopter are transmitted back to the flight controller by a variety of sensors, and then the flight controller issues instructions through calculation and judgment, and the actuator completes the action and flight attitude adjustment.

"The flight control can actually be understood as the CPU system of the drone, mainly sending various instructions and processing the data transmitted back by various components." Similar to the human brain, it sends instructions to various parts of the body, receives the information transmitted by each component, and sends new instructions after calculation. For example, the brain directs the hand to get a glass of water, and after the hand touches the wall of the cup, it retracts because the water is too hot, and transmits this information back to the brain, which resends new instructions based on the actual situation.

"Therefore, to test the success of a drone, the most important test is not those cool shapes, nor powerful hardware configurations, but the flight control system."

"With a good flight control system, even a pile of garbage can soar for nine days."

"The flight controller is the brain, and there are a variety of different functional areas inside the brain, similar to human logical thinking, IQ EQ, memory storage and other functions, flight controllers naturally also have related divisions, including detection modules, control modules, execution modules, power supply modules and so on."

"These areas look different, but in fact, as long as the connection is in place, it can transform a drone."

"At present, drones with hovering capabilities are basically equipped with GPS positioning systems, mainly used to determine the X-axis and Y axis positions of the UAV, and as for the Z axis of the height, it is necessary to match things such as Shanghai plane measurement instruments, which will produce a huge database with the movement of the UAV, so it is not meaningful to simply increase the shape of the UAV, but should optimize the flight control system of the UAV."

An Li said this to the student before.

When the student heard this, his face turned slightly red, and the meaning in An Li's words was obvious, that is, he was too entangled in appearance, but ignored the most core things.

Although he wanted to refute it, he couldn't refute it.

Because what An Li said is the truth.

An Li didn't seem to see the change in his expression, at this time the movement of his hand kept stopping, and he glanced up at Wei Chen again, and continued to speak:

"The reason why hovering technology is difficult, the problem is obviously not only in the position coordinates, but also in the timely control and reaction ability of the drone, after all, a drone flight, whether it is a sudden obstacle or a bad weather environment, the human brain may react, but the drone sometimes cannot act at the first time."

"What is related here is not only the flight control system of the drone, in fact, the biggest problem here is the connection between the flight control system and the various operation execution systems."

"Everyone is thinking about how to increase the connection between the two so that the execution system can react more quickly and quickly."

"But in my opinion, it may be useful, but it doesn't really have much effect."

"On the contrary, there is a simpler solution."

"What method?" Wei Chen couldn't help but interrupt An Li's words and asked, his whole face was already filled with curiosity. In fact, not only Wei Chen, but also the others around him also looked at An Li with a curious look at this time.

Hover technology, this is one of the most difficult hurdles for drones.

When everyone was puzzled, An Li had already installed the four rotors separately, and pointed to the several lines connecting the rotors, but did not answer everyone's questions, but asked instead:

"Do you see what?"

Everyone couldn't help but look, but they were still at a loss.

An Li's flight control motherboard is too messy, if it is not held up close to observe, I really don't know what is wrong with it.

When it was Wei Chen, after thinking for a while, he suddenly said in surprise:

"The four wings of power transmission have all taken separate lines!"

As soon as these words came out, it was like a head-on blow, and everyone immediately saw the mystery clearly. In the past, the drone, in terms of rotor control, basically has a group for separate power transmission, such as the Z axis of rising and falling has a separate transmission, and the plane movement of the XY axis is a separate power transmission, which can increase the control of the drone.

But An Li this time, not only so differentiated, his distinction is even accurate to each rotor has gone a separate electricity, that is, only through the flight control system, you can control the speed and switch of the individual rotor models!

And this....

"Amazing, amazing, using the individual power delivery of each rotor, you can choose the control mode at critical moments to achieve the best condition!" Wei Chen exclaimed, his face already full of admiration.

Everyone present was not fools, and they also understood what Wei Chen meant.

It seems that it is just a separate distinction between power delivery, but in fact it can once again increase the control ability and reaction speed of the drone. Think about it, at a critical moment, the drone needs to its head or complete a flip, at this time only need to open a plane rotor in the opposite direction, and other rotors can react quickly as usual.

It's simple, but it can be done....

An oak, it's the only one!

This man is a great god!

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