"I said, your so-called national art is garbage, such garbage and what kind of club to set up, is completely occupying and wasting the resources in the school, if I say, you better disband as soon as possible."

"That's right, you Xia Guo people used to fight what Xia Guo Kung Fu, but in fact, you don't have any fart Kung Fu, all of them are impostors of three-legged cats."

"Haha, I heard that you had a master of national arts before who was knocked out in three seconds?"

"The so-called Xia Guo Guo Shu is all a deceptive thing, otherwise why does the whole world not recognize the three-second Xia Guo Kung Fu until now, but all of them promote taekwondo and Muay Thai?"

"Guoshu is garbage, and Guoshu Society should not exist!"

"Occupy the school's public resources, waste time, and ask me to say that this national art club is better to dissolve directly and give the venue and resources to taekwondo, which is better."

"..." A

series of scolding and insulting words continued to sound at the door of the venue, embarrassingly, not only foreign students who said this, but even some Chinese people had already spoken at this time, and for a while, the students in the venue wearing Chinese costumes turned red and their ears turned red.

And Yu Lan is also among them at this time.

"Xia Guoguo's art is vast and profound, how can you barbarians understand."

"That is, not to mention that our Guoshu Society emphasizes on strengthening the body, originally our venue is very remote, why do we want us to settle, what are we hindering you?"

"Bullying people is not such a bully!"

"..." Many

people in the Guoshu Society refuted at this time, but it could be seen from everyone's faces that they were a little weak-hearted. Look at the few students who fell to the ground and were beaten with blue noses and swollen faces, obviously this is the reason for their weakness, look at this group of international students a tall and big look, you don't need to think about it, this is obviously their masterpiece.

"Wilson, what the hell are you going to do?"

At this time, Yu Lan couldn't help but scold, staring at the international student who took the lead, obviously she knew this student, but at this time, her eyes were full of disgust.

"Oh, beautiful Miss Yu, I think my attitude is clear enough." The man named Wilson was obviously the leading eldest brother of this group, but when he faced Yu Lan's questioning at this time, he pretended to be innocent: "Our taekwondo gym needs a place to pile up training equipment, don't you Xia Guo people pay attention to people, and it's actually not bad to give it to us directly." This

shameless remark immediately made everyone in the Guoshu Society very popular.

What is even more shameful is that at this time, there were quite a few sublime licking dogs who also spoke:

"Yes, we Xia Guo people are kind to people, anyway, if you leave me, I will generously let this venue out."

"Yes, people are international friends, we should be generous."

"If I want to say, this kind of fooling ghosts like national art should have been abolished a long time ago, and it is a thing to pretend to be a ghost and fool people all day long, and it is really going to fight, and it is not yet knocked out in minutes."

"As a Chinese person, I feel ashamed!"


only thing that is gratifying is that there are not many people who say this.

But this is not a few people, but it makes several people in the Guoshu Society sad, they should be compatriots, but at this time the deepest doubts about them are their own compatriots, at this time, in the Guoshu Society, a young man with a bruise on his face snorted angrily:

"Our Guoshu easily does not make a move, those real Guoshu masters will not be born easily, otherwise how can you allow this group of you to shout here?"

But this word, it's good not to say, as soon as he said it, he suddenly poked the hornet's nest, and more and more laughter appeared:

"Don't say that what national art is easy not to shoot, in fact, it is all some shelf goods, will people still stand so that you can't fight?"

"At first glance, I am a fool who has watched too many martial arts novels and martial arts TV."

"Fart's national art, it's better to go to boxing and taekwondo, this is the true two eight classics."

"What shit national art, all bells and whistles, can only be acted in vain on TV, a meal of operation is as fierce as a tiger, a look at the record of zero bar five, it is a national art."

"If I want to say, the National Art Society should be disbanded early!"


The sneer made everyone in the Guoshu Society look ugly. And several international students who originally provoked trouble, but at this time, they looked like they were watching a monkey show.

Seeing this scene, An Li raised his eyebrows slightly, and couldn't help but shake his head for a while.

Originally, Yu Lan was here, he still planned to help, but looking at this situation, he didn't have much intention of helping, Guoshu to be honest, it has been criticized for several years, in addition to the doubts of the outside world, what is more important is that many people in the Guoshu community do not fight themselves.

At this time, he was unable to fight back after being said in two words, which can also be seen that this national art club is really not good.

But just as An Li was about to turn around and leave, Yu Lan had already spoken:

"We Xia people have always paid attention to the value of peace, to serve people with virtue, and we have always given reason to foreign guests, but it does not mean that we are dogs kneeling on the ground and wagging their tails and begging for pity, it is impossible to generously give up our venue to you, if you want, then come and fight!"

Hearing this, An Li stopped, turned his head and looked at Yu Lan in surprise.

And these words also instantly ignited the hearts of everyone in the Guoshu Society, and at this time they all shouted:

"Yes, if you have the ability, come and fight!"

"If you want our venue, then step on us, we can lose, the national art cannot lose!"

"You shameless foreign devils, everything comes with your mouth open, and you really think that we Xia people are afraid that you will not succeed, and you will step on us if you have the ability!"

"Brothers, swear to defend the National Art Society to the death!"

"Swear to the death to defend the National Art Society!"


an instant, everyone in the Guoshu Society, who had already had a low fighting spirit, came to their spirits at this time.

It's a breath.

A mighty righteousness, they can lose, but the national art cannot lose.

From the members of the Guoshu Club lying down, it can be seen that their strength is obviously not the opponent of this group of international students, but at this moment, they are still willing to stand up and still willing to defend the Guoshu.

Such a momentum made several international students frown.

Wilson, who took the lead, couldn't help but look pale, but after a moment, Wilson laughed disdainfully: "Since you want to humiliate yourself, then I'm not polite, but we don't have as many people as you, just hit in like this, you are more bullies and fewer people." This

is obviously squeezing everyone in the National Art Society, after all, the momentum of the National Art Society now, if he breaks in, although he is not afraid of a dozen and one by one, but who knows if it will be blown out of by everyone immediately.

Therefore, he thought of a more rational way:

"Since you all said so, then let's gamble, we each send one person out, you win, we turn around and leave, you lose, the Guoshu Club is dissolved on the spot, how about the venue for us to use to put garbage?"

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