
These two words are as heavy as a thousand words!

Guoshu is mainly the traditional martial art of the Xia Kingdom, and the word grandmaster has existed since ancient times, and even now, there is still such a title in the Guoshu world. But in fact, throughout history, figures worthy of the word grandmaster still rarely appear.

At least, for now, no one can afford to be a grandmaster.

But now, from Ye Zi's mouth, the two words Grandmaster were called, and such a title made Yu Lan feel a burst of surprise, and his pretty face was full of shock.

Others said the word grandmaster, maybe Yu Lan still won't do anything.

But it was the leaves who said this!

This is a character who came out of the ancient martial arts family, and in Yu Lan's memory, Ye Zi was the strongest person she had ever seen in her life. This is a girl who has extremely strong confidence in the national art, at least Yu Lan has never seen Ye Zi praise a person so much.

"Cheng Hu, you're going to lose!"

Just when Yu Lan was shocked in her heart, Ye Zi on the side had already spoken.

Yu Lan hurriedly looked up, but saw that the two people on the field were fighting back and forth, at least in Yu Lan's opinion, she couldn't see that Cheng Hu had anything to lose for the time being.

"An Li has been testing Cheng Hu, it seems that he should want to see all of Cheng Hu's housekeeping skills." Ye Zi on the side spoke, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly:

"And now, Cheng Hu is already exhausted of Qian donkey skills."

As if to confirm Ye Zi's words, just when the words fell, the two who were still fighting with each other suddenly separated and looked at each other, Cheng Hu's forehead was already full of sweat, and on the other hand, An Li was still as light as a cloud:

"Since you have no other tricks, then this boring battle, it's better to end it."

"Hmph, the kid is quite crazy!" Cheng Hu sneered: "I just don't know, when your teeth are knocked out by me, you can still be so crazy!"

After saying that, Cheng Hu jumped up and smashed straight towards An Li's face.

This punch, it can be seen that Cheng Hu used all his strength!

After listening to Ye Zi's words before, Yu Lan looked at this battle very carefully, and at this time, his eyes widened for the first time, and he really noticed that just like just now, An Li's whole person quietly took a step forward, and the wrist of his right hand turned suddenly, and then raised it and hit Cheng Hu's fist straight.

It was still hit when the strength of the punch had not been completely accumulated.

But it seemed that An Li once again slammed Cheng Hu's punch.

However, it was different from the previous punch.

An Li did not stop after receiving this punch, but stepped on it again, unexpectedly approaching Cheng Hu, and the fist smashed down again.


The speed of this punch was extremely fast, and Cheng Hu only had time to raise his arm in the rung.

But he could only block this punch.

Because next, the overwhelming fists fell like raindrops, punching after punch hitting the same position of Cheng Hu's arm, but just in an instant, Cheng Hu's arm actually softened directly, but An Li's fist still did not stop, and it was directly hammered according to Cheng Hu's face.

"Poof... Burst...... Poof..." The

scene that happened to Wilson was shown again in Cheng Hu at this time.

Although the people are different, the final result is obviously still the same, no one can stick to such a dense fist, especially when these fists all fall on one point, even more so, even if Cheng Hu is called a black hand tiger, even if he has innate divine power that others do not have, but at this time, in the face of An Li's fist, these did not help him by half a point.

Ten seconds!

It was only ten seconds, but the number of fists An Li threw was uncountable.

And when the ten seconds came, An Li stopped the movement of his hand, put his hands behind his back, and took a step back, the whole person still looked light and breezy, and he couldn't see that there had been such a fierce battle just now.

And Cheng Hu, at this time, was still standing in place, a pair of eyes like a copper bell.

"Is it over?"

"What is the situation now, did An Li fight a lot of punches just now?"

"This Cheng Hu is awesome, with so many fists, he can still stand in place!"

The crowd stared at the situation on the field with wide eyes, and everyone dared not take a breath, as if they were afraid that the sound of their breathing would break the outcome of the game.

"You taekwondo club, who else is not convinced, let's go together now."

Facing the death-like silence around him, An Li ignored it, his gaze swept over everyone in the taekwondo club, and said coldly: "If you don't dare to go up, go back and pack up your things now, from today onwards, this venue of yours is the territory of the Guoshu Society." These

words are boundless and domineering.

But at this time, everyone in the taekwondo community did not dare to refute anything, if it was before, they would definitely let An Li understand that no one can pretend to be forced in the taekwondo club, but now, after experiencing the battle with Cheng Hu, An Li's words made everyone in the taekwondo community lift their hearts.

Many people looked at Cheng Hu at this time, and they expected Cheng Hu to stand up and speak for them at this time.


Cheng Hu never spoke, and the whole person seemed to be frozen, standing in place without the slightest reaction.

Just when everyone didn't know why, Cheng Hu over there finally moved!

His body, slowly leaned forward, his knees smashed heavily on the ground, the whole person knelt on the ground, his hands subconsciously wanted to support the ground, but it seemed that the previous battle had drained all the strength of his body, at this time it was completely unable to hold on, and the whole person fell straight down.

On the spot, passed out!

At this moment, everyone in the taekwondo community finally panicked, and even powerful figures like Cheng Hu actually lost in front of An Li...

"You still have thirty seconds!"

As if he hadn't seen Cheng Hu fall over there, An Li looked at the watch on his wrist, and his face was flat.

The taekwondo club panicked and discussed in low voices, but no one dared to stand in front of An Li, and at this time, the door of the taekwondo club was pushed open, and a somewhat crappy Chinese came:

"Wing Chun? A set of expired things, now take it out, and still want to challenge our great taekwondo? Hearing

this, everyone in the taekwondo club immediately looked happy.

However, everyone in the Guoshu Society changed their faces one after another, even Regiment Leader Ye and Yu Lan, at this time, they all retracted their thoughts, and their faces became slightly solemn.

He, here it comes!

The head of the taekwondo club, the leader of the taekwondo club who has won countless awards, and even won countless glory in Korea, is here!

But compared with everyone's nervousness and solemnity, An Li was extremely calm, and even looked at the gate of the taekwondo club at this time, frowning slightly:

"Another beaten."

"If you want to be beaten, hurry up, don't waste time grinding?"

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