Rub the heat?

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

At the beginning, one of the three giants came to the door, everyone was angry, where to think so much, the only thing they felt was that the other party was provoking, as if they wished they were not angry, and now Hou Ze's words suddenly reminded everyone.

"Made, it's too shameful, pirating our games, and now I want to touch the porcelain heat!" Huangshan scolded angrily for the first time, many of his means are in publicity and operation, but compared to the means, there is really some gap with these three giants.

At least, he couldn't do this kind of rubbing heat.

"The boss once said that there are not so many grudges and grudges in the adult world, especially the companies that aim to make money, as long as there is money to earn, then there is no problem, these three giants are not disgusted with us, and there is no need to deliberately fight with us, and now doing so, it is really possible that they deliberately want to rub our heat."

Li Xueling frowned: "What they want is to make us angry, it is best to make this matter bigger, so that the greater our reaction, the more they have increased their popularity." "

Mr. Li is right."

Hou Ze nodded, he was the first to follow An Li, his temperament is relatively more calm, even if it is the Huangshan of the later generations, at least now it is still a powder keg, the current situation of Mule Game, Hou Ze in addition to the technical level, in the coordination and company decision-making is actually second only to An Li.

At this time, An Li could not be contacted, Hou Ze could only preside over the overall situation, at this time after thinking for a moment and nodding: "Our dungeons and warriors are very hot, and the income is also very high, but to be honest, as far as the current situation is concerned, it is not enough to let the three game giants be opponents, they are doing this now, in order to provoke us, make us lose our cool heads, and then fall into their rhythm."

"This... If their game is really modeled on us, aren't they afraid of being sued by us? Li Zhexiu exclaimed.

These words made everyone silent for a while.

"To be honest, they may not really be afraid."

In the end, it was Hou Ze who broke the silence, he had previously dealt with the gray industry of private serving, and his research on this aspect was more detailed than others, and he shook his head slightly at this time:

"The current law is not perfect, just like the current legendary private server, even if Shengda takes them all to court, but in the end it is only judged as literary infringement, and the definition of game plagiarism has always been very vague."

"Judging from their publicity now, they copied our game mechanics and game settings, but the most critical backstory of the game and some things set in the game will definitely be avoided by them, and even if they go to court in the end, our biggest possibility is to end in defeat."

"After all, in addition to the worldview, it is actually the construction of the game."

"We all know that if we want to achieve the same result, even if the calculation method is changed, there is not much problem, and now they must have found their own calculation method, completely avoiding some of our settings, in this case, we can't grasp their handle."

"Moreover, game mechanics cannot be patented."

"It can't be that because you are out of CS, other companies can't get CF, even if the game mechanics are exactly the same, but the kernel algorithm programming of their two games is different, no matter which country's court is placed, the final result will not change."

"What's more, even if we win by chance, with the speed of legal prosecution, maybe this lawsuit may last for years, and by then, it will be useless for us."

"This... Why is this the case?

Li Zhexiu exclaimed, his face full of disbelief.

Everyone was silent for a while, because they all understood that what Hou Ze said was true, and since people dared to copy their game, they would definitely be fully prepared.

"So what do we do now?"

Huang Shan frowned and asked, "Do you just endure it like this, watch them stir up the heat, and then don't say a word, not even a fart?"

"yes, if we just sit back and watch their game pull our players away, we should do something, both in-game and publicity, we should actually do something to save it." Li Xueling also spoke at this time.

"You're right, we really need to do something."

Hou Ze nodded, but his next sentence made everyone look confused: "Mr. Li, you now let the gathering era receive the publicity of the game, but the cost is higher, this is a good opportunity to generate income, the money sent to the door, we don't have to refuse." "


Hearing this, everyone present was at a loss.

What is this situation?

At this time, it is clear that the other party wants the heat, since you know that starting a scolding war with the other party is to increase the heat of the other party, why do you want to publicize the other party?

"Monkey, you're not crazy, are you?"

"Brother Hou Ze, what kind of routine are you, shouldn't we boycott this game, why do we give them propaganda?"

Huangshan and Li Zhexiu immediately inquired.

Although Li Xueling did not speak, the inquiry in his eyes was very obvious, and it was obvious that he did not understand the significance of Hou Ze's arrangement.

But saw Hou Ze shook his head slightly:

"The game can not be successful by simply imitating."

"What we have to do is to accept the existence of the other party generously, the existence of one of the three giants of the game, whether it is strength or capital, is stronger than us, and the ability to imitate the game is definitely very strong, but because they start higher than us, they will also make mistakes that we will not make."

"What's wrong?" Huang Shan couldn't help but ask.

"Hurry for quick success!"

Hou Ze bit his lip: "The boss once told me that slow work makes meticulous work, and he also said that our technology is not bad in the current entire game field, you guys said, we took down the dungeon and warriors, it still took so long to build success, and the three giants of this game, but it only took less than a month, what will their game look like?"

Li Zhexiu couldn't help but say: "However, I see that their publicity is very beautiful, both the style of painting and the skills are much cooler than ours, if they are of such quality, I am afraid that our game has no chance of winning."

"In a month, let you produce everything from the copyright worldview to the picture and subsequent settings, do you have that ability?" Hou Ze did not answer this question, but asked.

This question made Li Zhexiu frown suddenly.

He can't.

Even if he pulls all the elites of the entire company, it is impossible.

Then there is only one possibility, there may be a difference between the publicity and the actual game material, and there may even be a big difference.

"Then we won't help them spread the word, will we?"

Li Xueling couldn't help but ask.

"To help them publicize is naturally to light a fire for them, but in the same way, it is also to put them on the fire and roast them." Hou Ze smiled, his eyes narrowed slightly:

"What we want is for them to seize this opportunity to speed up the progress of the game."

"What we want is to make them faster!"


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