Lao Li's pressing was actually not in line with the rules.

Patent registration, as long as it passes the review and certification of feasibility, there will basically be no problems, the only problem is whether the patent has copyright problems, but to be honest, as long as there is no direct plagiarism, it will basically not be a problem.

However, Lao Li's words made everyone fall silent.

They are intellectual property offices, and everything is a big thing, especially the situation of Anque registering more than a hundred patents a day, it is a big thing among big things, if something really goes wrong, then the entire intellectual property office will become a joke.

Even that Director Hu couldn't help but frown at this time.

He also wanted to see how An Que would answer.

"As far as I know, although you were admitted to the national college entrance examination and are studying in Qinghua, but you are studying basic science in mathematics and science, if you can come up with something mathematical proof and other things today to register a patent, I think it is nothing, but what you came up with is clearly something in terms of network information, which makes people have to be suspicious."

Seeing that everyone around him was silent, Lao Li suddenly came to the bottom of his mind, looked at An Li, and forced to ask:

"You say you are a genius, I believe it, but you say that because you are a genius, you have made so many patents in your unprofessional aspects, then I really don't believe it."

"So, unless you can prove that you took these out, I have the right to question these."

"Now, in the face of doubt, what do you have to say?"

"There are no words." To everyone's expectations, in the face of Lao Li's pressing, An Li just shook his head slightly.

"Oh?" Lao Li's eyes lit up:

"So, you admit that there is a problem with these patents?"


An Li shook his head again, and there was some ridicule in his eyes: "On the contrary, I don't think there is anything wrong with my patent, you question it out of thin air, I think it's very problematic, I took out these documents, and now I still need to prove that these documents were made by myself, don't you think this is a big problem?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

Oh, yes!

They just followed Lao Li's thinking, and they did feel that this matter should be taken seriously, but the problem is taken seriously, not to ask people how the patent holder came from.

Director Hu also nodded slightly, agreeing with An Li's statement.

It's like you wrote an article, and others questioned whether the article was written by you, such an absurd thing itself is a joke, is it possible to open a video to record it before writing an article and then retain it as evidence?

But since Lao Li dared to jump out, naturally it was impossible to lose like this, and at this time he directly had a sneer on his face: "I know that you will have a hard mouth, tell you, I have discovered the doorway in you!"

"If you honestly confess, this matter will be settled, if you resist death and do not confess, then in addition to denying your patent registration, we will also notify your school, and even go through legal procedures!"

"Lao Li!" The director on the side was nervous, and hurriedly spoke.

"Director, don't worry, I know what I'm doing, I'm just avoiding our IP office from becoming a joke in the eyes of others." Lao Li waved his hand, interrupted the director's words, looked at An Li, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, with a high-spirited confidence:

"To tell you the truth, as far as your patent document No. 32, this document I felt a little familiar when I read it before, just now I compared it and found that this document of yours is exactly the same as a patent document I have received before!"

These words are no less than a nuclear bomb exploding in the crowd!


"Lao Li means that this kid copied someone else's patent?"

"Oh my God, it's really fake, how is this possible, didn't we review it just now, how could there be such a problem?"

"Is this true?"


audience was in an uproar, and everyone was surprised.

Even that Director Hu frowned at this time, and the director was even more ugly, but he did not force An Li, but asked Lao Li: "Lao Li, do you know what you are talking about, this kind of joke can't be made, are you sure what you said is true?"

"Of course Director, if I'm not sure, do I dare to say something like that?"

Old Li nodded heavily, looked at the gate and beckoned: "Professor Gao, Professor Gao is here!"

Following Lao Li's gaze, everyone was at a loss, only to see at the door, at this time came an old man with thick eyes and gray hair, just looking at the other party's posture, that is, professionals engaged in research in some fields, seeing this person at this time, everyone became more and more confused.

But after seeing that Professor Gao enter the door, his face was angry, and he swept the audience violently, and finally looked at An Li, and suddenly pointed out: "It's you, it's you, the thief, who stole my research results, if Xiao Li hadn't called me to inform me, I wouldn't even know that my patent was stolen by you!" "


Instantly, everyone looked at An Li, and An Li, who was under everyone's gaze, couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly at this time.

But without waiting for him to say something, Lao Li on the side had already spoken first:

"Professor Gao is a professional engaged in the field of network communications, and he has often come back to register some patents in recent years, and every time I am in the reception, just half a month ago, Professor Gao took out a document to register with me, because it is about 4G network development, I paid special attention to it, originally to complete the registration at that time, but the temporary Professor Gao felt that it could be improved and improved, and then gave up the registration and went back."

It seems that in order to cooperate with Lao Li's words, that Professor Gao took out the dead file bag he was holding in his arms, and took out a pile of documents from it, and someone took it and looked at it, and sure enough, it was exactly the same as one of the patents registered by An Li before, word for word!

And the date of payment on the last page is indeed half a month ago!

In an instant, everyone gasped, and when they looked at An Li, they were even more unkind, and Professor Gao also spoke in time at this time:

"This document in terms of description and some technology, I think there is still the possibility of improvement, so I took it back temporarily, originally thinking of improving and improving it and then taking it together, just a few days ago my computer was heavily infected, the documents inside were gone, only this paper version of the information remained, originally thought that there was nothing, As a result, who knew that Lao Li called me just now and said that he saw that my information was taken by others to register..." Speaking

of this, the gray-haired old man couldn't help but leave tears, and looked at An Li with cloudy eyes, with anger, and even more regret:

"I know you, this year's national college entrance examination champion, I originally thought you were a talent, but now it seems that you are indeed a talent!"

"It's just that he is a talent who is not used in the right path!"

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