"An Li, rest assured, these patents can be fully approved in a month at most. However, there is one thing I don't know whether to say or not. In

front of the Intellectual Property Office, Director Hu bid farewell to An Li.

Things went smoothly, Lao Li was removed on the spot, and because as a staff member, he abused his power and neglected his duties, and he still needed to face the next legal sanctions. As for the imposter Professor Gao, it is said that he was a little stunned because he could not pass the long-term patent application, so he immediately agreed to the empty glove patent after receiving a call from Lao Li.

The end result is that the so-called Gao professor cannot escape legal punishment.

After dealing with everything, Director Hu also personally sent it to him, giving An Li enough face, but when he arrived at the door, Director Hu spoke after brewing for a long time.

"Director Hu, please say." Director Hu handled it beautifully, and An Li naturally couldn't be angry with him, so he actually asked suspiciously.

"Your patents, basically the core patents of the 4G civil version, at least in our country, your technologies are leading, many people can not even have, it can be said that the emergence of these patents, will directly promote the accelerated development of domestic 4G networks." Director Hu pondered for a moment, and then continued:

"I know that when you register patents, you must hope to make money by relying on these patents, and my suggestion is that I hope that you can give priority to selling them to China."

As if feeling that his request was a bit excessive, Director Hu added again:

"Future battles will focus on economic warfare and information warfare, to put it in plain language, as long as the Internet speed is fast enough, there will be more things that can be done, and these things that can obviously drive the domestic economic development, I hope you can give priority to the domestic economy." Of course, this is just my personal advice, I can't force you anything, I just hope that you can consider domestic when considering the partner of cooperation. These

words are the main purpose of Director Hu's personal visit.

More than 100 patents a day is indeed surprising enough, but it is not necessary to say that Director Hu personally came to contact him. But Director Hu came, and stood on the same line with An Li from beginning to end, and the things in this are actually worth pondering.

Nothing more, these patents applied for by An Li are too powerful.

There are many patents in this world, as long as they comply with the rules and the clause system, they can actually apply for patents, but there is also a difference between patents and patents.

Patents such as 4G networks are absolutely in demand in China at present.

Not to mention, An Li registered more than just ordinary 4G network patents, according to Director Hu's understanding and analysis, An Li registered more than 100 patents, including more than 80 patents, all of which are the core patents of 4G networks!

What is a core patent?

For example, the patent on the 4G network plate is a teacup, and a teacup requires about three core technologies, which can be arranged as: containers for liquids, cup holders, and cup handles.

The first item is the most core, don't say anything about water leakage.

And if the teacup wants to be placed in one place, it needs a cup holder, and to hold it in the hand, you need a cup handle. The latter two are also the core, but if you are not afraid of trouble, in fact, these last two are not necessary. For example, using a chemical flask to make a teacup, the round bottom can find a shelf to put it, and you can hold it around the neck without it, but this is too troublesome after all.

Teacups generally have lids, but many times the lid is smashed, and the common people still use it. Some teacups will also draw a picture plated with gold or something, increase the aesthetics of the teacup, and make the teacup more beautiful overall, but these are not important for the function of drinking tea.

The core of the patent is actually three similar to teacups.

The container for tea, if it leaks when it is filled with water, it is called a basket instead of a teacup, which is naturally the core. In the future, although they are fine without them, things will become more troublesome and complicated, so these two items are also counted as core patents, but they are ranked in the outer layer of the core.

As for the painting, lid and so on, it is something added to make this teacup more perfect, these are also patents, but they are no longer necessary.

And what about the patent registered by An Que this time?

More than 80 of them are core patents, and 30 of them are the most core indispensable patented technologies, don't underestimate these patents do not seem to be too much, but you know, these patents, any large company as long as one or two, that is enough to prove the strength, but also a steady profit.

And Quercus?

Eighty core patents, of which the most core patents account for thirty!

These patents, all are non-fungible patents, that is, if you want to develop 4G networks, these patents registered by Anque can not be avoided in any way, even if the international vote is impossible to circumvent these patents of Anque, the world wants to popularize 4G network patents on a large scale, it is necessary to use the technology in Anque's patents, and these technologies will eventually be cashed out to Anque.

But before the global popularization of 4G, these patents have the right to be sold first, and whoever sells them first can develop faster than others.

This is a simple mathematical relationship, An Que's technology has been patented, and if others want to use it, they need An Que's consent and pay An Que's service fee. But now, civilian 4G is not perfect, and large-scale popularization is obviously impossible, but these patents of Anque just fill the gap in the market.

This means that Oak's technology is ahead of everyone.

And if, An Li sells these technologies to China first, the country begins to establish base stations, popularize 4G networks, various technology companies follow the 4G popularization to eat meat, some domestic mobile phone manufacturers take the lead in developing 4G mobile phones, it means that on the road of 4G China will far exceed other countries.

While others are still building base stations and enduring the slow speed of 3G networks, China has already had a national 4G network, various technology companies have also popularized the use of 4G, and various mobile phone manufacturers have also opened the market for 4G.

Being one step ahead of others is sometimes an important indicator of whether you can become an economic hegemon.

It was precisely for these reasons that Director Hu personally came to An Li and made such a request after consideration.

Because Director Hu can see that these technologies of An Li will take the lead in promoting the development of domestic economy and science and technology!

After saying this, Director Hu looked at An Li nervously, waiting for An Li's answer. As the patentee, An Li has the right to decide who his patent is sold to first, and he has no right to interfere with An Li.

Even when he finished saying this, Director Hu was a little worried in his heart.

He was afraid that because of his own request, it would cause An Li to backlash.

But apparently, he overthought it.

I saw An Li smile and replied gently:

"Director Hu, don't worry."

"I'm from Xia Country!"

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