High schools and universities are opposite sides of the water.

If high school is to lay a good foundation and pave the way, then the knowledge point of the university is to build a tall building on your foundation.

There is also a huge difference in knowledge.

For example, some complex exam questions, in high school you will feel extremely difficult and cumbersome, but if you look at it with university knowledge, it is a completely different feeling.

High school learning, mainly some basic, complex knowledge points, for you to set up a solid foundation, any problem, you can use high school knowledge points combined with calculation, but this process will become extremely cumbersome, and even some questions you may write full of test papers to calculate.

But what you learn in college is to teach you how to calculate more easily, quickly and efficiently.

This is the hope that An Que sees.

A math paper for the bottom test, the first few questions that are not difficult for everyone, An Li only knows half of it, and how many points he can get when he makes it is really just casual. But the last big problem that is difficult for many high school students is extremely simple in An Li's opinion.

Because, this involves advanced mathematics!

And advanced mathematics, for An Que, that is really knowledge deeply imprinted in the soul!

Pick up the phone and dial it out.

The phone was quickly connected, and a bold voice came from the other side:

"Haha, Boss An, I was about to call you, I didn't expect you to call first, your driver's license has now been processed, I will send it to you now, you are in Beichen High School, right, I will call you at the gate of your school later!"

This call, An Li is to Coach Wang of the driving school.

However, his goal is not to urge his driver's license.

"Brother Wang, thank you, but there is one thing I want to trouble you."

"What a thank you!" Coach Wang on the opposite side smiled heartily: "What can help Boss An, Boss An, you can say, Lao Wang, if I can do it, there is no difference!"

An Li nodded: "When the driver's license is delivered later, can you trouble Brother Wang to get me a few books?" "

Books?" Coach Wang was obviously stunned.

"Well, I can use the college books now, I'll send you the book list later, how about you help me buy a few books and bring them with you?" An Li said his purpose, saw that there was no reaction from the other side, and added: "Of course, I will also compensate for the trouble."

"No, no, no, what compensation is not compensated, just buy a few books, I will bring it to you later, but don't say anything about compensation." Coach Wang hurriedly replied and said with a bitter smile:

"I just didn't expect that Boss An, you called me specifically to let me buy you college books, some hair, don't worry, I'll bring it to you later!"


up the phone, An Li breathed a sigh of relief.

This matter is settled, but what the final result will be until the teacher comes to tutor.

However, at least, An Li can be regarded as having a bottom in his heart this time.

Just as I was about to put the phone down, the phone suddenly vibrated wildly and looked up.

Good guys, full thirty-six missed text messages.

Looking at the phone, it was all from Xie Lin.

At this time, An Li reacted, when Ding Nan came to tutor before, Xie Lin seemed to have called himself a lot, and now that he thought about it, An Li suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

Wouldn't it... I didn't buy my own stock, right?

Thinking of this, An Li quickly returned the phone.


"Jingle bells... Jingle bells..." In

the office of the boss of Xiaxin Securities, Xie Lin looked solemnly at several stocks on the computer screen in front of him, his brows furrowed tightly, the first time the phone rang, Xie Lin quickly swept towards the caller ID, hurriedly answered the phone, and said with a bitter smile:

"Mr. An, you finally answered the phone."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xie, I was studying my homework just now, after all, it's about to take the college entrance examination, are you in such a hurry to call me for something?" An Li's apologetic voice came from the other end of the conversation.


Xie Lin suddenly felt like crying.

Made, is this not looking at money at all or what's the matter, 10 million, this is 10 million, is tutoring more important than 10 million?

Calm, calm, what is the emperor in no hurry?

Forcing himself to calm down, Xie Lin spoke: "Mr. An, I noticed a few of your stocks, these stocks you bought may be..."

An Li on the other side hurriedly asked, looking quite anxious.

I wish you hadn't bought it!

Xie Lin's face was full of distress, and he looked at the purchased ones displayed on An Li's account with a bitter smile, and shook his head and sighed: "They have all been bought, and within three minutes of opening, all the stocks you set will be bought at your predetermined price."

But listening to the opposite An Li sighed with relief: "It's good to buy, it's good to buy!" "


"Mr. An, are you looking at the stock information now?" Xie Lin couldn't help but ask.

An Li replied: "Looking at it, I just clicked on it, sure enough, I bought them all, it seems that today's market situation is good, a red, and several of my stocks are also a red, haha!" "

It's true that a red color is, but do you really notice your stock?

Xie Lin was full of black lines, he felt that his previous evaluation of An Li was a little too unobjective, after all, he was just a high school student, although he felt very mature, but after all, he was just a hairy boy who had just become an adult, and he might not even understand stocks at all.

Sorting out the wording, Xie Lin said: "Mr. An, the stock market is indeed very good now, and I estimate that the market should continue to rise for a period of time after that, but before that, I don't know Mr. An, have you noticed how many stocks you bought?"

"I bought it myself?"

"Yes, you bought it yourself!"

Xie Lin nodded, An Li finally noticed his problem, Xie Lin was also a little relieved, took the tea and took a sip.

An Li on the other end of the phone seemed a little stunned, and after a pause, he said: "I bought five stocks, and four of them are rising!" Hearing

this, Xie Lin almost spewed out a mouthful of water.

So, is this an arithmetic problem?

Is it good to buy five stocks and have four go up?

Calm down...... Calm down......!

Xie Lin desperately tried to recover, and took a deep breath: "Mr. An, judging from your stock selection, you are indeed a very far-sighted person, however, your funds on ST Jintai may be a little too large, and this stock has continued to decline since the opening of this morning, so in order to control risks, my personal recommendation is to sell some stocks..."

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