It turns out that when you control the pace of the negotiation and become the leader of the negotiation, you basically win half of the negotiation.

And when you master the pace of negotiation, and you still have external advantages, this negotiation is basically inseparable.

In the end, An Li successfully won the shares in Savelin's hands.

Of course, not all of Saverin's shares, but like Sean, took 3%, the price has changed, after all, the value of Facebook has been rapidly shrinking, although the inside information such as the worm has not yet been completely released, but the major investors have definitely received the news.

So, even with a triple premium, the value shrank to 7 billion.

In a few days, there was a range of 3 billion in the middle.

Logically, it was originally planned to take 1% of the shares for 10 billion, but now, after spending 17 billion, it has obtained 6% of Facebook's shares. Moreover, these shares are the original shares obtained from people like Saverin and Sean, and even if they are injected with additional funds in later generations, these shares will not be easily diluted.

Super satisfactory completion of the task.

3% is already a surprise, 6% is something that they didn't even dare to think about before.

But Zhou Kaixuan was a little unhappy.

Bidding farewell to Saverin, the two came out of the café, although Zhou Kaixuan did not say anything, the whole person's interest was not too high, and there was even a bit of solemnity in his eyes.

Saverin received the news, and she naturally heard it.

The worm is widespread throughout all of Facebook's employee computer systems, and even servers that store large amounts of user data around the world may have been stolen by the worm. Under such circumstances, although they have exceeded their tasks, to be honest, these news are definitely not a good thing for them.

After all, investing in Facebook, to put it bluntly, is to make money, because it sees the company's future appreciation space and sees the opportunity to make money.

But if the company does not survive in the future, then these shareholders who hold shares will also lose their money.

At this time, winning too many shares actually makes people unhappy.

Of course, Zhou Kaixuan will not blame An Li, after all, An Li's ability is in her eyes, and he is indeed trying to fulfill the promise he made to himself in China. More importantly, she found that An Li was able to have so many assets at a young age, and it really didn't rely on luck.

At least, it won't be just luck.

The strength of this young man simply refreshed Zhou Kaixuan's understanding of young people in his heart.

If it was about persuading Sean's share negotiation, Zhou Kaixuan also suspected that An Li might just be a coincidence, but now that she had gone through a negotiation with Saverin throughout the process, she finally understood how strong this young man's ability really was.

At least, at the negotiating table, they are completely inferior to each other.

Whether it is a mode of thinking, or speech and behavior, or even a small movement, a small expression, it seems to be a science worth pondering in retrospect. Some people have a talent for business, some people have great luck, but these are acquired, and at the negotiating table, this needs to be honed and done after countless actual battles.

An Que, on the other hand, seems to have skipped these processes.

With heavy thoughts, Zhou Kaixuan really couldn't relax, while marveling at the strength of An Que's ability, and worrying about the worrying prospects after investment.

"Sister Zhou, let's rest and rest in the past few days, it is estimated that at most two days, there should be news from Zuckerberg's side, and then we will have one last negotiation, and this trip to the United States will be considered complete." Compared to Zhou Kaixuan's thoughts, An Li was extremely relaxed.

It's just that his words made Zhou Kaixuan couldn't help but smile bitterly:

"An Li, aren't you afraid?"

"Afraid of what?"

"Investment, now the situation of Facebook is probably not optimistic, I originally thought that Chris's matter was just a small problem, but now it seems that this is just a fuse, and it is even possible to blow up Facebook directly." Zhou Kaixuan smiled bitterly, thinking of seeing An Li's actions in the office before, he suddenly moved and couldn't help asking:

"An Li, I saw you before that you were easily able to hack into the other party's monitoring system, and then you are sure that Chris will be very busy, you honestly tell your sister, the one who got the worm, is it you?"

In fact, when he asked this question, Zhou Kaixuan already had the answer himself.

An Li may have some ability to hack into the other party's monitoring system, but it is basically impossible to say that An Li has the ability to directly get the entire Facebook to this extent.

It's not that she looks down on An Li, it's really that everyone's energy is limited.

She investigated An Li, a top student, who won the first national college entrance examination champion. An Que is also a master game planner, and now it is popular in dungeons and warriors in the north and south of the river, among which An Que is said to participate. In addition to this, An Li is also a smart investor, and these negotiation skills and abilities make her feel terrified.

Such a person, you have to say that he can hack technology, Zhou Kaixuan believes, but you have to say that his hacking technology has the ability to make Facebook completely messed up into a pot of porridge....

Is it possible?

The answer, of course, is no.

Or that sentence, people's energy is limited, and any thing requires a lot of energy to be reborn in it, no matter how powerful An Li is, he is not so perverted, right?

An Li naturally knew Zhou Kaixuan's worries, and said softly with a smile at this time:

"Sister Zhou, rest assured, this matter will definitely be solved, in fact, if we have a little more funds, the shares we can win may be more than that."

"After all, this is an opportunity."

An Li did not answer Zhou Kaixuan's question head-on, but his words were full of strong confidence and confidence.

These words made Zhou Kaixuan's heart move, and he couldn't hide his surprise as he looked at An Li:

"Could it be... Did you really do it?

"It does have something to do with me." An Li did not directly expose his identity, but said it in a relatively tactful way: "After all, we have the shares of this company, naturally there is no need to see the end of this company with our own eyes, we are businessmen, there is no need to live with money, right?"

At this moment, Zhou Kaixuan was completely surprised.

Is this really related to An Que?

Is this kid so strong?

I still wanted to ask again, but in the end, Zhou Kaixuan still forced herself to endure, she knew very well that some things could be asked, and some things were not necessary to ask.

As an Oak's partner, all she needed to know was a word.

Everything is under control!

Thinking of this, Zhou Kaixuan nodded suddenly: "With your words, sister is relieved, as for the funds, I will think of a way, since this is a good opportunity to make shares, then we can't just waste it in vain!"

"Then it's up to sister!" An Li also smiled, with a bright smile.

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