"Hello, my name is An Que!"

An Li had a kind smile on his face and said very politely, but the four young men sitting in the corner were all scared and blue. After all, this Xia Guo kid just now directly punched a strong man to dislocate his hand, which inexplicably found a few of himself, I am afraid that he will bully and bully himself.

"You... Hello!

Among the four, a leading young man was the first to answer, this was a man with a shaved head, his appearance was unremarkable, but it seemed that he should be the head of these people, and this costume dared to greet An Li.

Several other people also looked at An Li with jealousy on their faces.

An Li didn't seem to feel the jealousy of these people, sitting next to a few people with a self-cooked look, raised his beer and took a sip, before saying:

"I heard that you started a game company?"

These words immediately made everyone stunned, and they couldn't help but look at each other, but the jealousy was relieved a lot, and the bald head who took the lead was also stunned, looking at An Li for unknown reasons, not understanding why this Xia Guoist like a monster knew a few of himself.

Can't help it, everyone seems to think of something, Qi Qi turned his head to look at the fattest of the four, of course, the fat referred to here is only compared to several other people, but it can be seen that this is also a person who often lacks exercise.

The expressions of several people, An Li kept looking at his eyes, did not explain at this time, and also turned to look at the fat man: "Steve Guinsoo sheep knife, the second updater of the DotA map, I used to play DOTA, and even once indulged for a while."

As soon as these words came out, the fat man who was originally nervous suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that this young man just recognized his identity, maybe he was still his own admirer.

But just when he was about to straighten his waist, he saw An Li suddenly shake his head and smiled: "But to be honest, when you were in charge of DOTA, it was really not an ordinary rot, the first generation of DOTA was eye-catching, but after you were in charge, DOTA never had any big development, in fact, until you left, DOTA developed rapidly."

These words made the smile that was about to bloom on the fat man's face solidify in an instant.

The so-called exposing people does not expose short, and hitting people does not hit their faces.

An Li's words, it is clear that he is going to take out the old man of DOTA and whip the corpse, which makes the fat man can't help but be embarrassed, and he wants to be angry and angry, but thinking of An Li's perverted combat power before, the fat man can only break his teeth and swallow into his stomach.

No way, the opponent is too strong, and the argument will only be slapped in the face.

The expressions of the other people were also subtle, but they were all a little hostile to An Que.

Seeing the expressions of these people, An Li couldn't help but nod.

If their partners are ridiculed, and they can remain indifferent or even watch the play on the side, the team is not destined to go far in the future.

Of course, An Li did not come here to shoot brainlessly, and smiled at this time:

"However, in fact, I can understand you."


The fat man was stunned, a little unsure of An Li's thoughts, but saw that An Li had continued: "In the early days of DOTA, to be honest, it was completely supported by everyone's interest and enthusiasm for MOBA games, but after a long time, everyone had no money to eat, and talked about love, without any benefits, people's enthusiasm will be consumed little by little."

As soon as these words came out, the fat man looked at An Li in surprise, and several other people next to him also looked at him with deep feelings.

People who make games, many people have actually experienced unimaginable pain and sadness for ordinary people, the early DOTA is actually just a War3 map, at that time to put it bluntly, it was completely relying on personal interest to make this thing, and there was no profit at all.

Such things, once or twice, a month or two months are fine, but year or two, everyone will gradually be consumed without will.

Sheep knife actually did not leave DOTA, but was expelled when Dota began to make a profit, and the reason for expulsion is because Sheep Knife did not focus on the development of DOTA in the DOTA responsible stage, and did not bring too much eye-catching design to the game, and this matter even became a black spot of the sheep knife in later generations.

But in fact, if you calm down and think about it, you will find out.

At that time, Dota itself had no means of profit, everyone was hungry to get this, and in the case of the last meal and the next meal, but also to develop DOTA wholeheartedly?

What about dreams?

But in fact, this simple truth, in the future generations are still willing to cover their eyes.

Now An Li said this, but the sheep knife was not lightly moved. After all, with the beginning of this year, DOTA began to achieve profitability, and once held the first throne of MOBA games, when various events emerged, the sheep knife, who was kicked out, was in a very embarrassing situation.

Many people on the Internet took him out from time to time to whip the corpse.

In this regard, the sheep knife really had bitter words in his heart, and he wanted to refute but had nothing to refute it, so he could only break his teeth and swallow it into his stomach.

"I heard you're working on a new MOBA game?"

From the changes in the expressions of several people, An Li could see that this pot was already hot, and it was time to serve next.

"That's right, we're going to build a new MOBA game now." As the leader's bald head nodded for the first time, although An Li only said a few words, but had already won his favor, at this time did not hide it, picked up the beer and An Li took a sip:

"As far as the current market is concerned, DOTA has actually gone its own way, proving that the prospects of this type of game are actually not small, but technology is improving, games are improving, although DOTA has stepped onto the throne, it will one day be eliminated."

"What we have to do is eliminate the Terminator of DOTA!" The fat sheep knife clenched his fists.

It can be seen that the sheep knife is absolutely full of hatred for DOTA, after all, he was also one of the contributors to DOTA back then, but he was kicked out in a blink of an eye, and he was taken out to whip the corpse every three or five times, and anyone who changed it will be unhappy in their hearts.

Then alcohol, he actually said what he really thought in his heart.

An Li smiled: "I believe!" The

simple two words made these young people with uncertain prospects seem to have found motivation, and one by one, their blood surged up, and when they looked at An Li, they became more and more friendly.

Everyone is young, and when the freezing point of silence is broken, there is not much problem getting along.

The five people got together, drank wine and ate meat, while talking about some things related to the game field, from how to play games, what games are fun, some hidden routes of 3A games, and finally talked about building games, game networks and a series of other issues.

In this regard, An Li really beat these people, which made these people admire in their hearts.

After all, the game played by An Que may not be as many as the few people present, but we are also people who have built private servers, and we are also the existence of the explosive game Dungeons and Warriors, and some knowledge points of online games, whether it is sheep knife or other three, are actually just touching stones to cross the river.

Not to mention, An Que still comes from the future!

At this bonfire party, An Li successfully won the favor of several people, and even before leaving, the bald head was extremely serious about inviting An Li to visit their company the next day.

For this matter, An Li naturally will not refuse.

Watching the four people stagger away, the corners of An Li's mouth turned up slightly:

"Who would have thought that in the future, with a League of Legends to become a fist company in a super game company, it will soon become a dish on my plate now..."

That's what Quercus is all about.

Riot Corporation.

League of Legends!

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