"Boss, you must have something to pay attention to, right?" Brandon was the first to speak, and I don't know why, from the beginning, he actually had a very high favorability of An Li, and now looking at An Li's confident smile, he couldn't help but look forward to it.

"There are always more solutions than problems."

An Li smiled, everyone's interest has been mobilized, An Li did not sell it, at this time smiled: "Equipment is indeed a very difficult thing, after all, many people will have a feeling of not knowing where to start when facing equipment choices, especially novices, or completely unfamiliar hero characters."

"But have you ever wondered if we set up different types of recommended equipment for different types of heroes?"

"For example, mage, he clicks into the game store interface, the first thing he sees is a set of more moderate and reasonable mage equipment set by us, or tanks, and there are different equipment, and even we can set different hero equipment, such as wilderness, auxiliary and so on."

"In this way, can it save him the problem of entangled equipment in the early stage?"

"Genius idea!" Brandon's eyes lit up and he shouted instantly.

This is indeed a genius idea!

Others have also brightened their eyes, the problem of dressing, is indeed a problem for many newcomers at a loss, Dota equipment problems have a variety of analysis and strategies on the Internet, but to be honest, no one will be willing to spend time to find any strategy online when trying to contact a game for the first time.

An Quercus's method is simple and crude, but it is very effective.

Everyone was annoyed for a while, why they hadn't thought of this method before.

But when everyone's eyes lit up, the sheep knife couldn't help but remind: "What we have to do, after all, is a competitive game, not a simple cultivation game, our lower limit is too low, even people who have not been in contact can play, but the upper limit of the game is a problem."

Upon hearing this, everyone calmed down.


A game that doesn't let you enter a knife 999, everyone is willing to pay.

Maybe it was cool at the beginning, but later, to put it bluntly, the excitement of people's pursuit or victory and the pleasure after all kinds of tumultuous operations.

The main reason why DOTA has such high stickiness is actually because the game is difficult, the upper limit is extremely high, and the operability requirements are very high. When completing an operation that is difficult for others to complete, the feeling of excitement is definitely unmatched by many games.

But if the game is too simple, over time, this pleasure will disappear and the user viscosity will be insufficient.

In this regard, An Li is still confident:

"Competitive games, there is never a low difficulty, first of all, we have a perfect equipment system, there is a perfect balance system, although there are recommended equipment, but each hero has different ways to play, and the choice of each piece of equipment is crucial."

"Equipping is the difficulty."

"Secondly, the various skills of the hero, the various values of the hero, are some crucial things, we do not get the hero who will inevitably win, all heroes need players to slowly familiarize, slowly explore their various skills, which is also difficult."

"Heroic proficiency, this is also a difficult point."

"Then, in addition to heroes, we can also add talent columns and rune slots, limit the number of rune columns to unlock with levels, and then unlock different runes, choose different talents, and add a small amount of data, but the data is crucial in the early stage."

"How to choose rune talent is also a big difficulty."

Speaking of this, An Li looked at the sheep knife: "Finally, a great man in Xia Guo said a word, fighting with people, the fun is endless, a battle that requires five people to form a team, not only individual operation, but also team cooperation." "

Equipment, heroes, rune talent selection, and personal skills will always be promoted to the top."

"But tactics will always be the most fascinating thing about this type of game."

"Do you think the ceiling of such a game is not high enough?"

Oh, yes.

With so much data to consider, so many questions to study, is the ceiling really low for such a game?

The expression of the sheep knife has already changed.

If there was a little doubt before, now it is definitely surprising how much the five bodies are thrown to the ground.

Lowering the threshold means that more new players can be accepted into their game, and the ceiling can hardly be seen, but it can keep players addicted to such a game, spending a lot of time and getting a lot of fun.

Attracted new players, and stabilized old players.

Such a decision is simply divine!


A sound of whiteboard pen rubbing appeared, and I saw that An Li had directly crossed the word difficulty.

Obviously, this problem is no longer a problem.

"Knock knock!"

An Li knocked on the whiteboard, which was originally a move used by the teacher to remind the students to pay attention during class, but now it appeared in An Li's hand, but his action was obviously a little redundant, because the four people present were extremely monographed and serious when they looked at An Li now.

Dozing and distraction in class, everyone has experienced this.

But now, in the face of their own boss, in the face of the admirable words of the meal just now, no one will be distracted at all, they can't wait to remember every word An Li said in their hearts, engraved in their bones, so that they will never forget.

"We move on to the next question, type."

"This question, I don't have too much to say, I just want you to know that the future of gamers will only be more than now, and the number of gamers who do not even break 100 million today may break 1 billion, 2 billion, 300 million or even more in the future."

"Friends, we stand on the cusp of the times, today's DOTA may be in full swing, but the future will definitely not be our opponent, our opponent, is the sea of stars."

"MOBA games, there must be people who don't like it, but I want you to know."

"In any online game, the greatest pleasure is to play against people, and MOBA games have a natural advantage over other games. He examines and teaches, including personal ability, game understanding, teamwork, and tactical exercises, such games, the charm is endless, and the happiness obtained is also incomparable to other games.

"Think about it, other games, you need to spend a lot of game time, spend a lot of effort to play equipment, make gods, practice skills. But on this game, we don't need these meaningless things, just log into the game, start the battle cap, and in twenty to an hour, end a campaign and have a good time.

"This kind of frequency is something that no other game can do."

"What we're going to do is not the bells and whistles, what we're going to do is something that makes people think of video games, and the first thing that comes to mind is our games!"

This is a bit empty, in other words, a few people will definitely question, after all, DOTA has not dared to be so awesome, do you dare?

But after what he said before, everyone believed it immensely.

What the owner said, it's true!

League of Legends, invincible in the world!

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