When the mobile king always shouted 15 billion, this nondescript bidding meeting was completely over.

After all, the price has just climbed to 10.8 billion, and people directly shout out the sky-high price of 15 billion, and anyone who changes will have the idea of retreat in that moment.

Admittedly, 15 billion is not a sky-high price for 4G projects.

In fact, if Quercus chooses to sell patents or exclusively license, this price will continue to rise. But now, knowing that other companies can also obtain patents, it is a bit perverted to directly shout such a high price.

Whose money is not blown by the wind.

The development of 4G projects, the three companies themselves have financial control, hundreds of billions is certain, but it does not mean that hundreds of billions will be smashed here, after all, there are a series of things such as base station construction, equipment procurement, personnel expenses and so on.

Broken and crumpled, in fact, the money that can be evenly distributed is not much.

What's more, when you know that you can also win the core patented technology of 4G with only 500 million, and directly come up with a sky-high price of 15 billion, then you really can only say one sentence.


Inhumanity in the trenches!

"What to do, do we still want to continue to biddle?"

"This price, we no longer have an advantage, do we want to continue bidding?"

The personnel of Unicom and Telecom began to discuss, but in fact, everyone knew in their hearts that this had almost exceeded their psychological expectations.

Finally, the Unicom boss was the first to stand up and said with a bitter smile:

"It seems that Lao Wang is bound to get this 4G project, as the saying goes, a gentleman does not win people's favor, since you are bound to win, then we will forget about Unicom, just let Lao Wang always give us a sample, take a good look, what the thoroughly completed 4G network looks like."

Apparently, he gave up on competition.

Lao Wang always arched his hand at the big man of Unicom, which can be regarded as an admission.

Everyone else looked at Telecom, and now that Unicom has withdrawn, it depends on what the telecom side says, if they continue, then the result is not easy to say.

Obviously, the telecom side is also hesitant.

Several people were burying their heads in discussing something, and each had a tangled look on their faces.

In fact, this price has exceeded their expectations, and the main reason why they are still struggling is that it seems that the winner who is about to win now will be mobile.

Although mobile was carved out of telecommunications, it used to be a family.

But in fact, because it is a family, so the competition is actually more intense, if this time it is Unicom, they may also push the boat directly to give up, but now what is won is mobile, which is a little intriguing.

Everyone knows that mobile separated from telecommunications and quickly dominated the wireless market, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is half of the wireless market, and telecommunications is slightly incompetent in the eyes of outsiders.

At this time, whether to fight or not to fight is a big question.

"I think we can compete for it, this is an opportunity, half a year, both technically and experienced, will surpass the other two, step by step, this time is really a big opportunity, can well expand our wireless network market."

"Actually, my suggestion is indisputable, after all, although we have now laid out wireless, but it has not been officially started, the merger project has not officially started, and now we are busy grabbing it, it is a waste of time, it is better to wait until half a year later, our layout is completed, and then open this project, and you can save a sum of money."

This is where the disagreement mainly comes from.

To fight or not to argue, there is a suitable and appropriate reason.

Finally, the telecom boss still made a decision, stood up like the Unicom boss, and congratulated with a smile: "Mr. Wang's persistence can also be seen by everyone, our telecom mobile is originally a family, can't beat your own family, this time's authorization, let it be to you!" "

They still chose to give up.

The old king who moved over there always thanked him one after another, saying beautiful words, and there was no accident with An Li here, in fact, the situation in the previous life was similar to this, although the time was advanced, but some things still did not change.

However, as a patent holder, An Li still reminded:

"In that case, then congratulations to China Mobile for winning my first license, the next bidding meeting will be held in half a year, and I will inform you when the time comes."

So far, with a high price of 15 billion, China Mobile has successfully won the first 4G patent authorization in China.

Some rejoice, others worry.

However, no one said anything more at this point, and as for the next bidding meeting in half a year, which An Li said, Telecom and Unicom found something a little unusual.

Looking at it this way, this kid seems to plan to come to the bidding meeting again in half a year?

It is a pity that although everyone heard this, they did not take it seriously, and what they are thinking more about now is how to arrange the situation in advance in this half a year.

Just because they are empowered to move doesn't mean they can't do something to prepare.

It's just that they probably won't think that at the next bidding meeting, these two will shout out sky-high prices beyond this time.


Cheap, all let mobile take advantage.

But these are all afterwords, although the two on the scene lost, but they were not busy leaving, but watched An Li and Mobile sign a contract on the spot under the gaze of everyone, and for a while all the spotlights converged, and An Li and Dawang always shook hands.

Contract, formally signed.

For a time, the sound of blessings sounded one after another:

"Congratulations to China Mobile for signing a 4G contract first, and will become the first company to have a 4G network license, I hope you give us a version!"

"Congratulations, congratulations, in the development of 4G network, we can be regarded as walking on the first ladder!"

"Mr. An Li is really a hero out of a teenager, he won the core technology of 4G at such a young age, and his future achievements are limitless!"


congratulations are all fake, who has the leisure to congratulate their competitors."

But the concern for An Que is real.

This time, everyone can see that this eighteen-year-old young man has great energy, although this cooperation is not with them, but such a person is still worth befriending.

And the reporters who had been waiting for a long time also poured up at this time.

But they remembered that An Li promised them time for the interview before, and seeing that the meeting had been completed, they immediately came up and waited eagerly.

An Li did not release these reporters' pigeons, and generously accepted the reporter's interview.

After all, it is not a journalist in the entertainment field, and the angle of the problem is mainly in some scientific research and prospects, and these problems even have a set of standard templates for An Li, and it is naturally convenient to deal with them.

The agreed five-minute interview time was perfectly used by journalists from all sides.

With An Oak's perfect answer, the interview ended.

However, everyone knows.

Although it is only a short period of five minutes, from today onwards, the name of An Li will completely rise and leap into everyone's field of vision.

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